Morrissey Central "WAR IS OLD, ART IS YOUNG" (August 29, 2024)

August 29, 2024


In June 2024 AEG Entertainment Group made a lucrative offer to both Morrissey and Marr to tour worldwide as 'The Smiths' throughout 2025.
Morrissey said Yes to the offer; Marr ignored the offer.

Morrissey undertakes a largely sold out tour of the USA in November.
Marr continues to tour as a special guest to New Order.

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Johnny Marr has been musically more interesting since his solo debut in 2012 than Moz has been during that same period. Better productions, gorgeous arrangements and stronger melodies. He’s no poet, though, but judging by Morrissey’s output during these years, neither is he.
not according to people on here who like and follow marr,apart from the messenger the rest of his stuff isnt up to much.
not according to people on here who like and follow marr,apart from the messenger the rest of his stuff isnt up to much.
I think I’ve missed that survey. You’re more than welcome to provide a link.

No, Call the Comet is his best solo work. Much more interesting and challenging than the previous albums.
So funny to see Steven in this situation L O L :rofl:

Nobody in the music industry wants anything to do with him anymore.
He had no time for anybody but himself climbing the ladder.
Now we see him totally exposed and begging Johnny for a second chance.

Nothing but a CrankFraud ( I’ve been educating this for years on here :tiphat:)

Benny 🇬🇧🔪
I think I’ve missed that survey. You’re more than welcome to provide a link.

No, Call the Comet is his best solo work. Much more interesting and challenging than the previous albums.
i keep that survey in my cleftal horizon where it belongs.
who is this athosique,handing out thumbs downs like confetti at a wedding,at least contribute so we know where you stand.
hi there, sorry if my reactions hurt you in any way, I'm too lazy to look up what exactly I didn't like but thumb down for me = dislike / not agreeing with someone without obligation to confront them about their opinion. I thought this was the purpose of this reaction on the forum.

I don't really want to share my opinion on the news since the thread is already bloated with 23 pages of everyone's opinions, but if you insist...

Morrissey did Johnny wrong by manipulating the last paragraph of the message with half-truths like "Marr supports New Order, but I, on the other hand, is getting ready to embark on the successful, sold out NA tour" (when in fact Morrissey's only got a handful of dates in beautiful, moderately sized venues and it is the Marr who's doing a 20+ dates tour of the US soon and has only a guest appearance at a New Order gig). This unprovoked bitchiness wasn't "witty" or "funny" to me, and I can't understand how people on here can endorse this kind of behaviour without realising that this stubbornness and desire to always be "superior" or the "ultimate victim" is what got M to where he is now (I'm not talking about you but my text might explain why I downvoted some of the messages here).
What's the latest shit show shows us about Morrissey & Marr is that, I think, they have some fundamental differences they need to overcome first before attempting any work together.
The Farage pic on Johnny's Twitter? It's the old news from 2018 and shows how disconnected Marr is from Morrissey.
Morrissey's quick response to The Smiths reunion without understanding why Marr chose to ignore that? Also shows how disconnected they are from each other: if Marr was open to the idea of a reunion 15 years ago, that doesn't he'd want to do it now.
What they need is some private, one-on-one communication to prevent further embarrassment that's been going on since Moz's open letter. (because of that I disliked some messages where people very laughing about Morrissey's remarks, calling Marr shite, this whole situation "a war", saying Morrissey is The Smiths, etc... not sure if you're one of them, but I apologise nonetheless).

I think I wrote enough, tl:dr is basically it seems clear that they both (Moz & Marr) don't understand each other at all, which is unsurprising, considering the lack of communication for the last 15 years, but I don't understand why we here need to take any stances and, of all things, claim that one of them is hypocritical for playing The Smiths music without changing lyrics first (for Marr), or without changing music (for Morrissey), it's their shared legacy and they can whatever they want with it, they don't own us anything now. Again, I'm not sure why I might've downvoted some of your messages in the first place lol, I remember usually agreeing with you (and giving thumbs ups) in the setlist threads, but maybe my tirade might help you understand where we're disagreeing.
hi there, sorry if my reactions hurt you in any way, I'm too lazy to look up what exactly I didn't like but thumb down for me = dislike / not agreeing with someone without obligation to confront them about their opinion. I thought this was the purpose of this reaction on the forum.

I don't really want to share my opinion on the news since the thread is already bloated with 23 pages of everyone's opinions, but if you insist...

Morrissey did Johnny wrong by manipulating the last paragraph of the message with half-truths like "Marr supports New Order, but I, on the other hand, is getting ready to embark on the successful, sold out NA tour" (when in fact Morrissey's only got a handful of dates in beautiful, moderately sized venues and it is the Marr who's doing a 20+ dates tour of the US soon and has only a guest appearance at a New Order gig). This unprovoked bitchiness wasn't "witty" or "funny" to me, and I can't understand how people on here can endorse this kind of behaviour without realising that this stubbornness and desire to always be "superior" or the "ultimate victim" is what got M to where he is now (I'm not talking about you but my text might explain why I downvoted some of the messages here).
What's the latest shit show shows us about Morrissey & Marr is that, I think, they have some fundamental differences they need to overcome first before attempting any work together.
The Farage pic on Johnny's Twitter? It's the old news from 2018 and shows how disconnected Marr is from Morrissey.
Morrissey's quick response to The Smiths reunion without understanding why Marr chose to ignore that? Also shows how disconnected they are from each other: if Marr was open to the idea of a reunion 15 years ago, that doesn't he'd want to do it now.
What they need is some private, one-on-one communication to prevent further embarrassment that's been going on since Moz's open letter. (because of that I disliked some messages where people very laughing about Morrissey's remarks, calling Marr shite, this whole situation "a war", saying Morrissey is The Smiths, etc... not sure if you're one of them, but I apologise nonetheless).

I think I wrote enough, tl:dr is basically it seems clear that they both (Moz & Marr) don't understand each other at all, which is unsurprising, considering the lack of communication for the last 15 years, but I don't understand why we here need to take any stances and, of all things, claim that one of them is hypocritical for playing The Smiths music without changing lyrics first (for Marr), or without changing music (for Morrissey), it's their shared legacy and they can whatever they want with it, they don't own us anything now. Again, I'm not sure why I might've downvoted some of your messages in the first place lol, I remember usually agreeing with you (and giving thumbs ups) in the setlist threads, but maybe my tirade might help you understand where we're disagreeing.
not a problem,people can vote up or down as much as they like because lets face it nearly all of us will never meet in real life,glad to see your posting.
another thread heading towards the 500 club,always thought it would.
hi there, sorry if my reactions hurt you in any way, I'm too lazy to look up what exactly I didn't like but thumb down for me = dislike / not agreeing with someone without obligation to confront them about their opinion. I thought this was the purpose of this reaction on the forum.

I don't really want to share my opinion on the news since the thread is already bloated with 23 pages of everyone's opinions, but if you insist...

Morrissey did Johnny wrong by manipulating the last paragraph of the message with half-truths like "Marr supports New Order, but I, on the other hand, is getting ready to embark on the successful, sold out NA tour" (when in fact Morrissey's only got a handful of dates in beautiful, moderately sized venues and it is the Marr who's doing a 20+ dates tour of the US soon and has only a guest appearance at a New Order gig). This unprovoked bitchiness wasn't "witty" or "funny" to me, and I can't understand how people on here can endorse this kind of behaviour without realising that this stubbornness and desire to always be "superior" or the "ultimate victim" is what got M to where he is now (I'm not talking about you but my text might explain why I downvoted some of the messages here).
What's the latest shit show shows us about Morrissey & Marr is that, I think, they have some fundamental differences they need to overcome first before attempting any work together.
The Farage pic on Johnny's Twitter? It's the old news from 2018 and shows how disconnected Marr is from Morrissey.
Morrissey's quick response to The Smiths reunion without understanding why Marr chose to ignore that? Also shows how disconnected they are from each other: if Marr was open to the idea of a reunion 15 years ago, that doesn't he'd want to do it now.
What they need is some private, one-on-one communication to prevent further embarrassment that's been going on since Moz's open letter. (because of that I disliked some messages where people very laughing about Morrissey's remarks, calling Marr shite, this whole situation "a war", saying Morrissey is The Smiths, etc... not sure if you're one of them, but I apologise nonetheless).

I think I wrote enough, tl:dr is basically it seems clear that they both (Moz & Marr) don't understand each other at all, which is unsurprising, considering the lack of communication for the last 15 years, but I don't understand why we here need to take any stances and, of all things, claim that one of them is hypocritical for playing The Smiths music without changing lyrics first (for Marr), or without changing music (for Morrissey), it's their shared legacy and they can whatever they want with it, they don't own us anything now. Again, I'm not sure why I might've downvoted some of your messages in the first place lol, I remember usually agreeing with you (and giving thumbs ups) in the setlist threads, but maybe my tirade might help you understand where we're disagreeing.
I hope you know you do not have to answer anyone who is asking why you are giving posts a thumbs down. But, you did make a very good post, very well stated.
not according to people on here who like and follow marr,apart from the messenger the rest of his stuff isnt up to much.
I am not a huge fan of Marr's solo material, but it is better than most of Morrissey's and Johnny is much, much better live.
There was complete manipulation to responding with f***ing bees to the Manchester Arena Islamic bombing. What are you on about?
I think you misread my post. I was paraphrasing what the likes of Johnny Marr think about Morrissey and Farage suggesting anything of that nature. Johnny appears to be a fully signed up member of the DEI brigade. Repeating 'diversity is our strength' over and over again until everyone believes it would appear to be Johnny's only response to either the Manchester Arena bombing or Southport. The real question is - why would Morrissey want to share a stage with a 'silly person' like Johnny Marr?
I am not a huge fan of Marr's solo material, but it is better than most of Morrissey's and Johnny is much, much better live.
better live,,,,,,think i will just leave that there so everyone can see it.
better live,,,,,,think i will just leave that there so everyone can see it.
It's far from the first time I have said that, I hope everyone sees it again. I hope you work on your issues if you think a post like this will cause any problems for me and I am not the only person here who thinks Johnny is better live than Morrissey.
A Smiths reunion tour would only work if Morrissey and Marr actually get on and like each other. There needs to be some positive chemistry on stage. Everyone will be watching to see if Noel and Liam can sustain that over a series of live shows. But it would seem clear that this is not going to happen even superficially when it comes to Morrissey and Marr. I couldn't imagine anything worse than Morrissey and Marr just turning up, not even looking at each other, going through the motions, and then leaving. It would kill the legacy of The Smiths. No fun, my babe, no fun.
It's far from the first time I have said that, I hope everyone sees it again. I hope you work on your issues if you think a post like this will cause any problems for me and I am not the only person here who thinks Johnny is better live than Morrissey.
his voice is terrible,its soulless,take away his guitar playing and he would be working on a building site.
east coast elite,sounds like an escort agency.
his voice is terrible,its soulless,take away his guitar playing and he would be working on a building site.
east coast elite,sounds like an escort agency.
I don't think you've seen Johnny live so I don't think you know what you are talking about. I went to Ivy League schools, Gordon, not that you would know what that is.
I don't think you've seen Johnny live so I don't think you know what you are talking about. I went to Ivy League schools, Gordon, not that you would know what that is.
is that next door to holly and the ivy.
why would i want to sit through marr murdering smiths songs,he should get a jail sentence for that alone.
Morrissey looks a bit distressed here :lbf:
I don't think you've seen Johnny live so I don't think you know what you are talking about. I went to Ivy League schools, Gordon, not that you would know what that is.

Wow! All that expensive education, and you still think Marr's solo material and live performance outclasses Morrissey's!

You can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink.

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