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  • David, all for freedom of speech and respect your views but can’t understand why you allow trolls like Vegan Cro to infest your site. He just jumps around threads and tells lies in an attempt to wind people up. He adds no value whatsover. Why are you comfortable with this?

    There you go Biebs has dissed 4 of my posts in the last 3 mins, however I can't respond as he/she doesn't post anything. What a f***ing joke. Think it is time to give up with your site unfortunately.
    Ok I'll leave it there. In the main I do like this site and appreciate people like Brummie and Benny as everyone has a view and they construct their views very well. The bits I don't. Like are the people who just come on too wind people up like the guy who posts after every gig that it wasn't full, hence my comment that the site could be very good with minimal moderation.
    Yes I would expect that person to be banned as it makes a mockery of the rating system. Yes I am aware he makes positive ratings as well. It's generally to the Moz haters i.e. Brummie, benny etc. out of interest how many negative rating has he made as the profile is blocked from view?
    Actually, I didn't realize the profile could be blocked in this system as an admin I can see them all. If it's blocked then that info I think is meant to be private.
    Anyway, I feel people should be encouraged to rate, it isn't really affecting anyone's ability to post or view posts unless there are posts you see are hidden due to excessive negative ratings.
    there is a difference though, Mozbots actually post as well, whereas this person never does and they probably are fully aware that it winds genuine posters up and that you won't do anything about it?
    If a user did decide to rate a lot of posts positively and not post that would be fine with you, or would you want that person banned?
    Regarding the basis of your argument 'The guy simply gives everyone negative marks just for the sake of it' - that's not actually true is it? Checking the stats, I see a lot of positive marks.
    You don't give reasoning behind your reasons David just bland responses. Ketamine and others have also mentioned Biebs but you do nothing about it. The guy simply gives everyone negative marks just for the sake of it and yet you think that's ok? I just don't get it at all, hence my theory that your happy for that sort of thing to happen.
    Think of an opposite type of situation, if a mozbot was rating a lot of posts positively would you also want that person banned? There's nothing stopping that either. We just put in a system that allows all registered users a vote. Perhaps it seems like an abuse because not that many people are voting but we aren't here to hold your hand if you don't like the votes.
    Thanks, thanks for the useless responses, as I said this could be a great site with minimal moderation but I suppose you enjoy the notoriety of being disliked by the very person the site is about?
    I gave you the reasons, then you have to throw in that personal attack, who's the one with the agenda?
    Ok so you are ok with him trolling dissing every single persons posts? Jesus, this site could be so good with minimal moderation. I find your values bizarre.
    Everyone has a 'vote' and you are free to use yours just as any other user.

    Why do you allow this Biebs character to diss everybody via the ratings when he/she never actually posts?
    There is no rule about needing to post in order to rate.
    Ok David, only thing I would add is that the people who were there do post pictures/video whereas the anons tend not to or even deny whats blatantly obvious in the pictures posted. Its a bit odd that a web site allows liars to infiltrate it. Looks like there is an agenda to me?
    David I am all for free speech but why do you allow anons to continually lie about attendences at gigs that they did not attend. Free speech is one thing but allowing outright lies is a disgrace
    If you reverse the situation, if someone was posting how full the show was would you want those posts censored also? If you don't want to see the anon comments you can put them on your ignore list.

    The user mentioned observations allegedly based on photos and Twitter posts also. I wasn't there, so I don't know if they are a lie or not. The posts are from a human and not off-topic.
    You are free to respond to the posts just as others to counter or debate their allegations. Or just ignore them if you believe they are trolling.
    Hey davidt ,

    thanks for including the IP address on anonymous posts. I just found out the same person was trying to post under multiple labels in the Morrissey "Tour" forum ( see "Bocken" and "rooster09" and more )? Is there any chance you could ban them for not keeping in the spirit of "Morrrissey-Solo" ? I think such disingenuous -ness deserves that ... ?
    I looked at the posts and I think this is what happened. Sometimes users post anonymously and there may be some time before their post is approved. In that time they may decide to create an account and post it, but mods may not see it and approve the previous post later, causing a double post. In this case I think the user went back and deleted their logged-in post since the anonymous one showed up.
    David Tseng is violating his own Member Conduct guidelines by posting Pedophile link...
    If you scroll down to the bottom of any page on the right hand side and click on Terms of Service.

    Scroll to Member Conduct. Read this and ask yourself....does the posting of the pedophile link violate these terms?
    You may pretend to be a Morrissey fan but you are not. If you were, Morrissey would not despise you like he does. You know what you have done wrong and you have paid for it. Enjoy your hate filled website.

    Saddening me that Moz and his people have singled out you solely as the one responsible for the material on the site. After reading your views on anonymous postings and the arguments over it, I'd certainly consider getting people to register to post comments, not as though it takes any effort really. I truly feel that in order to build bridges to solving this, you must make people register with a real email address and have some validation, I'm sure the ones who want to post after reading the shit you are getting will not mind this. Astounded Moz has done this as ultimately you are a fan like the rest of us and running this site should never prevent you from attending gigs. Really hoping this does not drag on too long as ultimately we want Moz and his music to continue and this site is a very important part of this even if Moz thinks otherwise.

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