Using a death to settle scores, or push personal politics and a racist agenda is very different to having an egotistical little boast about you and your mates' musical achievements. Marr is a vain careerist like all successful musicians, but he's not a sociopath.
In a month that has seen some of the most virulent hatred and dangerous rhetoric thrown around Morrissey's country of birth since the 1940s, he remains curiously silent on the violence and civic destruction wrought in his home city, and the attacks on the poor, vulnerable and those from minority groups...
Instead he chooses to play the Nigel Farage card, using the death of a rich, privileged white man to subtly bemoan the supposed media silencing of another rich, privileged white man... himself. No mention of Delon's influence on his own work, or discussion of his art. Just a quick White Pride jab.
'Oh, I don't hate indians but I dont like them either, they smell funny...", the person who wrote those comments to a pen pal in the 80s is the same feculent turd we see subtly egging on a kind of race war, while people in his hone town try to rebuilt businesses, food banks and properties destroyed by rioting.