Submit Story

Do you have a news item, link, photo or anything else of general interest you think should be featured on the main page of Morrissey-solo? You can submit your item in several ways:

1. Post the item in the forums (login required). General Morrissey/Smiths items go into the General Discussion forum. Tour-related submissions go into the Tour forum, etc. Moderators may promote the item as an article to the main page.

2. Submit the item to the "Story Submissions" forum for consideration by moderators. If you prefer to submit the item anonymously or would prefer not to start a thread in the General Discussion forum, use this option.

3. Email [email protected].

Submissions may be edited prior to posting to the main page. Please give credit where credit is due as we strive to here at Morrissey-solo. There may be multiple submissions of a similar article, in which case mods will generally choose the first submitted or the most detailed.

Thank you in advance for contributing to Morrissey-solo!

image by WildeBeest
image by WildeBeest
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