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hand in glove
1 min read
Enjoy! 1. God give me strength. The most fascinating and bewitching human being alive. Yes. YEs. YES. 2. I love this song so much. So, so, much. I'm writing a letter for a record label (it isn't complete at all, but it's well measured and thought out and kind), but I'm afraid they won't...
Today I am focused on Fairies because...well, why not? First off, before anyone thinks I'm insane, do I believe? I'd like to, Well, let's go with 5% chance? Just to be adventurous. Let's even say...SURE! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!! Yes, I like that. I have studied a bit about them...
My last blog entry wasn't very uplifting, was it? I shouldn't dig back into the past. But I had a decent sleep last night and I feel much better today. It's all behind me. It will all be okay. A good fun start to the day:
Reading through all of that from years ago brought back a pretty dark time. There was so much drama in my family life then, and though it's cooled down a bit, the men in my family do still feel like they have a say so in how my life should be, or where perhaps it should have taken me. At that...
I can't believe I just found this from the old solo site after following the other link. Holy shit. This was most likely my second journal on solo from the time they started in the early 2000s. So, I've had about four journals/blogs here in the last, er...nearly 25 years. My lord. Sticking...
Hey H, I've been thinking about you a lot. I hope you're okay. I was just reading about the story where Morrissey bought JD's pocket watch, but it turned out that's not true, or the sale fell through. Anyway, here's the link to our conversation here on solo about that back in 2010. Time...
The Mayfair Witches Season 2 premiered two weeks ago, and I missed it. I don't watch much television, and I'm only watching this show and Interview with the Vampire because I'm perfectly obsessed with Anne Rice and her work, so of course I'm tuning in. I haven't been impressed with IWTV for...
As I wind down the night into what I'm trying to make a new routine... I don't think this is going to work, really, because I'm naturally a night owl. Anyway. Soothing thoughts and words and music to keep my mind from going into frightening places. That's it, you know. It's fear. But, why...
When I was young - in college - I'd buy really big colorful scarves, and each day, I'd tuck one into the left or right front pocket of my jeans. There it would hang out, long, reaching down to my knee and drift in the wind as I walked. I normally had on cuffed Levi's, a Morrissey t-shirt, and...
hand in glove
2 min read
1. I Ex Love Me 2. Life is A Pigsty - Flint. 3. Raymonde - No One Can Hold a Candle to You 4. Some Say (I Got Devil) - I'm in danger. 5. My Dearest Love A good solid 5 top picks, I think. Hope you all like them. I think I've decided to go to be bed around 8pm and get up at 3 or 4 in...
hand in glove
4 min read
For over a year Oscar Wilde's been wrapping his heavenly wings around me. I'm not sure why. It's not because of Morrissey, so please don't think I'm THAT shallow. Yes, I was aware of Oscar when Morrissey came into my life, but when I learned of how much he loved Oscar, I was intrigued and...
hand in glove
2 min read
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I was happy to stumble upon this treasure today. Earlier, I was reading an interview with Moz in an old magazine and it fell out. I guess I had used it to bookmark my place years ago. I bought this pass at a record convention in 1992 along with a Smiths MIM concert program. I was excited to...
hand in glove
2 min read
I was trying to help out a young couple today with a medication that cost $3400 a month, and their insurance wouldn't cover it. Not a penny. This medication was for their disabled child. The mother was crying, and the father was yelling, I ran test claims, I did everything I thought I could...
hand in glove
3 min read
I fell asleep before midnight. However, I woke up at 3am and I am on the internet watching videos and dreading the workday ahead of me. I felt okay when I went to bed. Everything seemed fine. But when I woke up, I don't know, I just had a bad feeling. Like something isn't...
hand in glove
2 min read
Bright yellow is one of the best colors I've ever seen on Morrissey. He should wear it often. He also looks best in warm colors - like corals. Soft warm pastels. These colors really make his blue eyes...hmm, not pop...I'd say more brilliant, serene and clearer. Azure. Emotional, like...
hand in glove
1 min read
Such a shame. Just another beautiful soul gone way too soon.
1 min read
It`s been another hard year.It has a lot to do with my Mom`s advancing Parkinson`s disease. This month has been especially tough. It started with my Mom falling in the bathroom. We had to call 911. The paramedics took her to the emergency room. They said she was okay just sore from her fall...
hand in glove
1 min read
Julie Harris said she found Jimmy crying in his room when the filming of East of Eden was done. He didn't want it to be over even though he would move on to something else. Something greater (not really). I think in his heart he knew it was all going to go so fast. Too fast. And he wasn't...
hand in glove
6 min read
I have been feeling very sick since Wednesday. Anger. Lots of it. Not just because of Morrissey - though I'd say it makes up more than half of the reason. And you can call me whatever the hell you want, by the way - superfan, sycophant...whatever, I don't care. Your opinion means nothing to...
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