Morrissey Central "HOLD ON, I’M CARMEN" (January 1, 2025)

Carmen Vandenberg working very hard at rehearsals for the New Year's Eve show at the Hollywood Palladium.
Photographs by Rudolpho.

Permítanme comenzar diciendo algunas cosas para que no me etiqueten automáticamente de "enemigo" (no es que me importe demasiado). Morrissey como cantante, letrista e ícono no tiene comparación cuando es bueno. Es un icono y tiene una producción lírica y un carisma que no se pueden comparar con los de nadie.
Sin embargo, él no es un músico y nunca tuvo la habilidad de elegir buenos músicos. Mirando atrás, parece que cuando la tenía, estaban en su banda por accidente o porque algunos de los miembros de la banda conocían a alguien, etc. Por mucho que todos sientan nostalgia por los Lads, en 1991 eran más que horribles en vivo. Creo que es una constelación mágica que en "Vauxhall" tuviera músicos profesionales reales respaldando sus majestuosas canciones. Pero luego, nuevamente alrededor del 2000, luego desde que se unió Jesse, luego las últimas formaciones... muchos ya comentaron cómo la banda de Marr se mea en la cabeza de Morrissey. Morrissey simplemente no tiene la habilidad, eso es todo, así que se apega a personas que firman acuerdos de confidencialidad en silencio, usan camisetas o ropa estúpidas cuando las ordena y a cambio ellos reciben un pago y además los llaman "la mejor banda que he tenido".
No doubt musically Viva Hate is brilliant... but could he have toured with those musicians? Wasn't that the problem? He needed a band he could take on the road and eventually found the Lads. While a bit rough in the beginning they did vastly improve. He has yet to improve on Alain and Boz.
Perhaps. We will never know probably, I think he was just not ready to tour at the time. However, my point was, as his producers at the time could find the best possible musicians for the job, someone with affinity (definitely not Morrissey, as we see now) could have hired pro touring musicians. I'm sure Street could have done it. It didn't happen, and yes, Lads have improved with time. But now....even smore Smiths tribute bands have better musicians than Morrissey (no, I'm not one of them).
alains lawyers sent M a letter saying alains face must appear on any future releases they were told nope,alains lawyers sent M a letter saying alain should be allowed to perform the songs he contributed to and M said fair enough,not a problem.
Alain doesn’t need Morrisseys permission to perform any song live.
When they were all hugging Each other and saying happy new year, she was the only band member Morrissey didn’t hug. Maybe she’s not into hugging. Or Morrissey lost track of who he hugged. Or they’re f***ing and he was trying to hide that. It’s so low might as well throw that theory out there.

Nice to see literally nothing has changed around here. Have a happy new year everyone!
When they were all hugging Each other and saying happy new year, she was the only band member Morrissey didn’t hug. Maybe she’s not into hugging. Or Morrissey lost track of who he hugged. Or they’re f***ing and he was trying to hide that. It’s so low might as well throw that theory out there.

Nice to see literally nothing has changed around here. Have a happy new year everyone!
She got her hug when he walked to the edge of the stage the first time.
Sure enough, Craig’s telephone didn’t ring.
I kind of expected Notre Dayum to be your tagline again after we all discovered it still exists
Once again, I really appreciate Alain's and Darrin's matter-of-fact and reserved approach to Morrissey. At the end of the day, the fans remember the two departures and Morrissey's autobiographical irritations, that Alain wanted to be more or less equal. Since Darrin has, so far, answered questions here as well as he could, but has remained stubbornly silent about the re-recordings, I have to assume that Alain's and Gustavo's compositional contributions may have been replaced after all. Some of them could have been Tobias', couldn't they? Since polite silence has almost always prevailed so far regarding the second exit and Alain wants to get his solo career off to a flying start, the deletion of his (presumably) final contributions for Morrisey would certainly not be conducive. What do you think?
Once again, I really appreciate Alain's and Darrin's matter-of-fact and reserved approach to Morrissey. At the end of the day, the fans remember the two departures and Morrissey's autobiographical irritations, that Alain wanted to be more or less equal. Since Darrin has, so far, answered questions here as well as he could, but has remained stubbornly silent about the re-recordings, I have to assume that Alain's and Gustavo's compositional contributions may have been replaced after all. Some of them could have been Tobias', couldn't they? Since polite silence has almost always prevailed so far regarding the second exit and Alain wants to get his solo career off to a flying start, the deletion of his (presumably) final contributions for Morrisey would certainly not be conducive. What do you think?

Phranc, you know, there are very few people if any for whom I would revisit a Fiona Dodwell article, but is this what you mean?

“The second one was re-recorded in France in late 2023, and given a new title. We scrapped half of the tracks and we recorded six new ones, and so it is not the album from the beginning of 2023.”
Phranc, you know, there are very few people if any for which I would revisit a Fiona Dodwell article, but is this what you mean?

“The second one was re-recorded in France in late 2023, and given a new title. We scrapped half of the tracks and we recorded six new ones, and so it is not the album from the beginning of 2023.”
Once again, I really appreciate Alain's and Darrin's matter-of-fact and reserved approach to Morrissey. At the end of the day, the fans remember the two departures and Morrissey's autobiographical irritations, that Alain wanted to be more or less equal. Since Darrin has, so far, answered questions here as well as he could, but has remained stubbornly silent about the re-recordings, I have to assume that Alain's and Gustavo's compositional contributions may have been replaced after all. Some of them could have been Tobias', couldn't they? Since polite silence has almost always prevailed so far regarding the second exit and Alain wants to get his solo career off to a flying start, the deletion of his (presumably) final contributions for Morrisey would certainly not be conducive. What do you think?
I guess we have to wait and see.

There really is no point for Alain to have any other approach as he relies heavily on Morrissey for whatever career he wants to start now.
Well, his comment there is a bit cryptic I think, there were ten songs, he dropped 5 and added 6 I guess, and Notre Dame appears to have survived. He should have done some of the new new songs during these last shows.
I guess we have to wait and see.

There really is no point for Alain to have any other approach as he relies heavily on Morrissey for whatever career he wants to start now.
As has been stated several times, the modification of WMTWD is the most important statement in FiDo's recent efforts, along with the comments on Johnny Marr. Why was the record, which according to Tobias is a "insert a superlative here please", changed so decisively? These are not minor details and are at least of interest to those who had hoped for Alain's contributions.
As has been stated several times, the modification of WMTWD is the most important statement in FiDo's recent efforts, along with the comments on Johnny Marr. Why was the record, which according to Tobias is a "insert a superlative here please", changed so decisively? These are not minor details and are at least of interest to those who had hoped for Alain's contributions.
Jesse called it a 'lightening strike'

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