And this fully grown adult seems not to have a problem with Morrissey having stolen his work originally, and pleased to have the subsequent chance to do some freelance work for him.I
As fecking usual, I think people are at crosswires
I agree if the fan is happy that M used his work, without giving credit or a paycheck
Then that is up to them. The posters don't mean much to M, it's marketing, but
it may mean a lot to this dude
If this guy's hobby is making pretend fan posters and LP overs using images that
he himself didn't create, as well as an artist's brand, all in order to get himself
noticed and get likes. Then, you can't really cry when one of the artists, you are
using comes back and thinks "I'll have that. Thank you very fecking much "
So many people use M to make money, including record companies, and fans with these podcasts. people selling fake John Hancocks, selling stories. doing DJ nights.
Some try and climb aboard and make a career on his back. Jake, Sam, James Maker, and Kristeen Young have all tried. It's only really worked for Jake, because he has talent and is a London lad, and knows how to hustle. Having known Jake back in the Canden days, I can say he is way sharper than M, as well. He's a bit like Johnny, loads of contacts and shit
Then we have all these people in the USA, who try and be cool and get social credit by being a M/Smiths fan.
We all know who they are, you speak to them and they know jack shite about M and his reference points, it's all about being popular on M's back
The funny thing is, that creating M-type lp overs and posters is so easy. Americans do it
not having any idea of the cultural worth of most of M's icons he uses
At least this dude is fully in the know about Coronation Street and the rest
Most yanks just think "That's cool M likes this, let's do this and get likes from his fans "
The guy did a fecking cracking job with the posters as well. So good for him. It's funny
because it show's even an amateur who does this as a hobby is still much fecking
better than Sam, who tried to be in charge of this shit. It really does show how
completely untalented Sam is. It's no coincidence that M is using a new photographer
and has a new person on board for imagery, I said this would probably happen
now his mother is dead. You can imagine him thinking
"Mother is dead, offload that fecking simp of a nephew "LOL
The thing is though mate, as an artist should you use your fanbases as free labour?
He knows full well, a lot of these people have feck all in their life beyond making fake
videos and pretend marketing, that is what it is, it's not fecking "Art".
He knows he can use them to do the work, he would usually have to pay a company for.
Is he clever, to do what he is doing or is he taking the piss?
It depends on your moral point of view and M liked to pretend his morals were above
your average human. Didn't Sam also try and put his name on someone else's photos on
M Central?
If M didn't pay or give the dude anything for the "poster art" I think that is pretty bad, but if he did or at least gave the dude a credit and free tickets to his gigs, then what is the fecking issue?