Morrissey Central “WE WERE ALL WOUNDED” (July 14, 2024)



A Song Of America 2024

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Go on a dating site and post a 20 year old picture and see what happens when you meet your date. Morrissey has been catfishing people for years now. He clearly doesn't like his current self.
That's an odd comparison. We don't go see him live because he looks a certain way.
Who wants to be old anyway?
What proof do you have that anyone died? The media told you? Look, this was either staged or the most incompetent security of all time, and I despise Biden and his liberal followers.

I hope he's become pro Trump and that he finds the assassination attempt disgusting. I'm pro Trump and if I was an American citizen I'd vote for him in a second. I fear in reality like most of you that he still has a terminal case of TDS. Get over yourselves.
Glorious photo. I can never get enough of Morrissey as James Bond. God willing, he’ll get he chance to do a theme song,
Morrissey being an absolute c*** again. I hope he does his 4 shows and leaves, never to return.
Moz has changed, I thought he would be cheering for the gunman.
If he did that, he would not be receiving a warm welcome in Vegas. He would also get another Secret Service visit and possibly banned from the US. He has threatened Trump's life once and now thinks he is clever with the title he used. He becomes more of a loser with each passing day.
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I disagree. The point he's making is one that has been raised by the American media all day - where did America develop this dark character? Morrissey is saying what a lot of people are saying today, that this has been a long-standing aspect of the American character. I'm an American myself and I agree completely. I'm reminded of Irish graphic novelist Garth Ennis who created a demon character for his Demon/Hitman series named Winchester, who was the patron demon of America's adolescence of gun violence. Manifest Destiny, go west young man.

Morrissey is also a known fan of Buffy St. Marie, so it's no surprise that he sees America as still suffering from the North American Holocaust.
The Buffy St. Marie reference discredits your entire post and Morrissey, if he is still harping on that. She is not Native American, she lied for years, she is totally nuts.
Moz has changed, I thought he would be cheering for the gunman.
It is possible to change one's mind. Morrissey was very pro-Obama at one point, then once he actually got in power he started slagging him off.

His stridently anti-Trump views have always seemed slightly odd, given how he's aligned himself with so many other figures on the right in recent years. It would be interesting to see if that view has shifted.
i assume the 1st of august isnt sold out is because its a thursday.
iv seen him many times on a mon,tues,weds or thurs,still the exact same atmosphere,maybe americans like their concerts at the weekend.
i assume the 1st of august isnt sold out is because its a thursday.
iv seen him many times on a mon,tues,weds or thurs,still the exact same atmosphere,maybe americans like their concerts at the weekend.

casual fans prefer the weekend.
And neither were you for the great French Revolution, the reinstallation of the Jim Crow South, the Bolsheviks, Hitler’s coming to power, the bloodletting of world wars, Palestine, Vietnam, COINTELPRO, Mai ‘68. And most of the events that define our modern life. But we were all wounded.

Actually....I was alive when Vietnam was going on. The helicopters leaving the US embassy in Saigon was one of my first world event memories.

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