Morrissey Central "YORKSHIRE, 2024" (June 14, 2024)

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photograph by andrew quinn

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I've been wondering if any solo members or guests are from Yorkshire. My father was proud of being a Yorkshireman but I'm not from there myself. The photo of Morrissey inspires me to visit the county again. especially the moors.
I've been wondering if any solo members or guests are from Yorkshire. My father was proud of being a Yorkshireman but I'm not from there myself. The photo of Morrissey inspires me to visit the county again. especially the moors.

Over the moor, take me to the moor
I've been wondering if any solo members or guests are from Yorkshire. My father was proud of being a Yorkshireman but I'm not from there myself. The photo of Morrissey inspires me to visit the county again. especially the moors.
I think we’d know by now. If there’s one thing I know about people from Yorkshire, it’s that they never miss an opportunity to tell you they’re from Yorkshire.
Like vegans! Crucial information!
Completely false. The only time a vegan talks about his or her diet is when butt hurt and unreasonably provoked meat eaters starts to interrogate and mock them. At least that’s my experience one hundred percent.
Like vegans! Crucial information!
So who is worse? The vegans or the people from Yorkshire? I've never heard about this Yorkshire thing before and what is awesome about Yorkshire? Obviously Morrissey feels it's special if he is posing there.
It was just my attempt at an in joke because I seem to remember him making the same claim about vegans a while ago. I don't now if either is true. As for Yorkshire, I'm a fan of the Bronte sisters, so that's an attraction in itself but I also love wild, wind-swept deserted places in general.
Completely false. The only time a vegan talks about his or her diet is when butt hurt and unreasonably provoked meat eaters starts to interrogate and mock them. At least that’s my experience one hundred percent.

Hmm. My experience has been different. Some vegans can be fairly vocal about it, and I think that’s understandable. It’s a usually a moral choice, and when that’s the case, a person is going to want to right the wrong by speaking up.

I would say it’s about the same ratio as pro-life people. Most of them are quiet about it unless asked, but some are very outspoken. I respect the latter more than the former, because if abortion is murder then there’s an infanticide holocaust going on and who would want to just shrug and stay silent about that. Same goes for meat. Whereas being from Yorkshire isn’t a moral issue.
Hmm. My experience has been different. Some vegans can be fairly vocal about it, and I think that’s understandable. It’s a usually a moral choice, and when that’s the case, a person is going to want to right the wrong by speaking up.

I would say it’s about the same ratio as pro-life people. Most of them are quiet about it unless asked, but some are very outspoken. I respect the latter more than the former, because if abortion is murder then there’s an infanticide holocaust going on and who would want to just shrug and stay silent about that. Same goes for meat. Whereas being from Yorkshire isn’t a moral issue.
Of course, some are vocal. My experience, however, is that most are not.

We don’t have a lot anti-abortion stuff going on in Sweden (compared to the United States), so I can’t really make that comparison myself. But I get what you’re saying. However, we do live in a society and we have to behave like reasonably sane and courteous people, so preaching about one’s beliefs too much isn’t something that’s recommended, I guess. Many meat eaters don’t seem to agree, though.
It was just my attempt at an in joke because I seem to remember him making the same claim about vegans a while ago. I don't now if either is true. As for Yorkshire, I'm a fan of the Bronte sisters, so that's an attraction in itself but I also love wild, wind-swept deserted places in general.
I thought it was funny. I've read Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is one of my favorite literary characters, love Tom Hardy's portrayal of him. Also watched a movie about the Brontes recently. They are pretty fascinating.

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