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  • D
    I watched the original Night of the Living Dead the other day too! Classic horror and it still scares me. Sounds like a nice time you had...I hope you don't mind me reading the blogs! :)
    I see you're still popping across to tiddle discreetly on the newspapers then. The wa(l)ters seem calm enough, but oh! The undertow! ;D
    I have a parcel for you, Barky. It's addressed in purple crayon and I think it's ticking. I know you don't have the thumbs to get into it, but I do know an opener somewhere who might like to consider a new line of work. I'll forward it.... xxx
    I've heard that there's nothing Mr Walters can't do with eight minutes and a two-ply napkin. Nose-blowing rather than mind-blowing but the fandom takes what it can these days. Still adoring from a safe distance. K xx
    hahaha! you make me laugh! how's my ex-manager? :D
    Being older than the trees, I was going to jump on you over the "granddaddies" comment but like Robby, was stymied by technology. This would never have happened pre-Windows. MSDOS - those were the days!
    Pup, how long do you think it would take to conceive a cashmere sweater? :lbf: And guess what, no morning sickness for me.

    Thanks for your concern. :flowers:
    I have myself never been to Eurodisney, only Disneyland, where they tried to drown me in the yellow submarine! I complained, was borrowed a dry pair of denim for the day and was allowed to jump any line, which was soooo cool after all. I tried to get my money back, but in that case I'd have been thrown out of the park. They said that people try to get a day in the park for free that way all the time, but it was not ME who dumped all that water on myself!

    Look what I saw on a house wall in Cologne

    I still maintain that it's one of the most hideous things I've ever seen on a postcard. Almost as bad as glittery myspace comments! ;)
    Sorry Pup, it was too big. It was absolutely tasteless, with a puppy, flowers, cakes, ballons etc. :D
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