A Song Of America 2024


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I was referring to the current ethnic cleansing as one of America's sins, if that's something he likes to highlight.
America isn't complicit in, and supportive of, Russia's actions against Ukraine (we're not arming and aiding the Russians), although the case can be made that U.S.-led NATO actions provoked the invasion and U.S. aid to Ukraine is only spinning the wheels on a meat grinder. So Morrissey could condemn both if he wanted. If he only wants to focus on what America did to natives in the 19th century, that's up to him, though it seems an odd focus.
Listen. We all know Morrissey will use any major news event, the more tragic the better, to promote his shows. Why he used a song about America’s treatment of Native Americans instead? Maybe he’s slipping? Someone should inform him there’s other ‘clickbait-ey’ material out there.![]()
The post is entirely cryptic. I think the level of competence (or shall we say, boomer's hand) at Morrissey Central could explain for why two unrelated posts are binned under the same title. I was responding to the turkey's post about how Morrissey likes to remind us of America's awfulness, which is a well that never dries up. The massacre at Wounded Knee has much better current parallels than the assassination attempt on the Donald (assuming that's the reference).
The obvious one to me is the ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by a U.S.-supported-and-financed state which Morrissey once wrote a love song for. I'm not saying he's obligated to a make a comment, but I know what I think is the moral thing to do.
And let's not forget that he used someone elses design without giving credit, although fair enough @This Charming Bowie does not seem to mind and sent it to his team. It's really promotion on a budget.
Remind your friend that the whole thing was staged and to calm down.Good posting choice for today. One of my Republicans was all a-flutter this morning - "My God, what happened to this country? People shooting at God's Prophet Trump?" I replied, "Are you kidding? This entire country was built on gun violence, as any Native American, they will tell you that we worship a God named Winchester."
Then I asked her if maybe Republican candidates should stop making the stupid ads where the candidates are shooting things with machine guns. She didn't have a response to that, because she loves those ads.![]()
I still don’t believe the song Israel is a love song directed at or in support of the military or government of either country.
Whatever, Redbone sucks.And neither were you for the great French Revolution, the reinstallation of the Jim Crow South, the Bolsheviks, Hitler’s coming to power, the bloodletting of world wars, Palestine, Vietnam, COINTELPRO, Mai ‘68. And most of the events that define our modern life. But we were all wounded.
"Not good" is putting it mildly. The Grateful Dead are now my second most despised band.It's not good. I'm not surprised there aren't many native rock bands.
Morrissey has brought up America's sins many times and he continues to do so. What's strange is that he has yet to bring attention to America's complicity in, and support for, an ethnic cleansing which is currently happening and very much in the news. Apparently he plays favorites.
I hadn’t known Come And Get Your Love was a native band.
Great poster, horrible song.
Whatever, Redbone sucks.
Unlistenable disco crap.
Remind your friend that the whole thing was staged and to calm down.
Great pull, ACTON...love this movie (not the acting to be clear), as I do all this era of Apes movies...albeit, this particular one was a bit stranger than the others...If it's not love then it's the bomb that will bring us together.
View attachment 107058
Beneath The Planet of The Apes
think I spotted you in the video below
What proof do you have that anyone died? The media told you? Look, this was either staged or the most incompetent security of all time, and I despise Biden and his liberal followers.the deaths were staged too?
Yeah. About 20 years old. False advertising.I’d never seen this photo. It’s a great one!