Los Angeles, CA - Greek Theatre (Nov. 12, 2022) post-show

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We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Our Frank / First Of The Gang To Die / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Billy Budd / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / Jim Jim Falls / Rebels Without Applause / Girlfriend In A Coma / *Show ends due to unforeseen circumstances*

Setlist courtesy of: SYL via FWD.

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There is a solution to all this Morrissi. If you insist on playing in front of loads of peeps, and making loads of money, with absolute disregard for the impact it has on da planet, but find Cali too chilly, you can always become a footballer!!

:trophy:Find yourself in Qatar:trophy:

You'll also get to piss on hooman rights -Aaaah come on, don't tell me ye wouldn't enjoy that!

(Of course Sam could still "make cheap tshirts"!)

(Edit: had a look at the Greek theater food. Don't worry Mo, I'm sure they have great steaks too in Qatar. A Mercedes-Benz star lounge bbq? All you have to do is aks!!)

(What's it like, a Mercedes-Benz bbq? Do they cook on them cars? Let the engine run a little longer, my kebab's not done and I can still breathe.
Cars! Meat! Oh it's a dweam.A dweeeeam!!!)
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At the end of the day, we all love Moz and only want what’s best for him.

The consistent problem here of him walking off / cancelling is the lack of comms from him, himself.

If he really couldn’t sing anymore, he should have said it to the audience and apologised in front of them. You immediately defuse the “oh Morrissey is at it again’ because it’s him speaking to the audience.

I believe in his autobiography he touches on this, and explains that he doesn’t want to bail or give any less than his best, and I’m sure he doesn’t.

But you need to speak to your fans, not send Jesse out
In in

seriously, when do people become patient again and await the official statement before they start whining and moaning online?! Get a f***ing life, ffs! The man clearly had throat problems. Should he continue because “you” are more important than his well being and the risk of having to cancel a tour after 2 (technically 1,5😄😉) nights?

And yeah I know some people traveled and apent I don’t know how much money but we (still) live in a free world, you don’t have to do that, it was your own choice.
Sorry for everyone affected. Are band riders still a thing? Could temperature requirements be specified in there? Singers obviously need some comfort to perform.

The undertaking of putting on concerts and traveling from city to city around the world, setting up unique stage sets, and adjusting to new, unpredictable conditions from day to day has to be gruelling. The weather's mild where I am but I had to light a little fire yesterday in the stove at my back to warm up. Tiredness, shock, and other pressures can drain bodies of heat beyond just ambient temperature, which does however seem to be the culprit in this case given what audience members are saying too. As others have pointed out, he's not a performing monkey. His voice is a professional asset to protect.

I don't know if there are very many other artists who announce ahead they'd coming to town, only to draw flocks in the thousands from far and wide, record deal or not. He was in the same situation when the documentary was filmed -

When he shows up and is well, he delivers, with the emotional sensitivity of someone who feels a lot and is not a robot.

Look at it like this. Anyone who gets their refund or another pass has been treated to an extra half a show and hopefully a fun run-up and evening out. He's in a position not to tour at all and could just bask in 'the squalor of the mind'! We will miss him when he's gone.
He did this in Boston in July before, it was not cold
He was unhappy that people were not getting out their seats, they were sitting there enjoying the show and drinks, the venue is on Boston Harbor
He got angry and walked off
That's not how I remember it. It was his voice again. Plus he came back 10 days later and did a full show.

It's very simple - if singing is the talent that makes you a living and pays the rent, wouldn't you treat your voice as something valuable that needs looking after? Better cutting one show after half an hour, than cancelling 13 shows because you have lost your voice.
Moz gets to rest, in the long run its better for us fans as the better care he takes of himself the more we get the pleasure of his concerts and albums. I feel for the fans too and I hope you get a rescheduled show and a free half a show x ❤️
It's very simple - if singing is the talent that makes you a living and pays the rent, wouldn't you treat your voice as something valuable that needs looking after? Better cutting one show after half an hour, than cancelling 13 shows because you have lost your voice.
You might have a point Gash, but I think it’s hard to ignore that Morrissey seems to be in his comfort zone when he’s dismantling his own successes (the recording contract coming just days ago): Fine, it’s his life, but it’s frustrating (and a shame) when the musical artistry increasingly becomes a sideshow and a platform for these self-defeating dramas.
It is still unclear whether he is ill or whether there was a danger that he could fall ill. If he is already ill, he will not be able to perform at 100% in the next concerts. They should have let the roadie make a few more remarks.
No excuse. Better cold Than hot in any venue .when you are performing you get warm quickly . Something is wrong with Morrissey. He looked sad and miserable in Ontario. Hopefully hev is ok.
Come on guys, are you really that surprised? He’s notorious for being such a little primadonna bitch, this isn’t exactly shocking behaviour for him. But Jesus, if you can’t handle performing a Los Angeles concert in some “chilly” weather, it’s probably time to hang it up; preforming live, that is… especially when it’s so bloody obvious, that they knew well in advance, it was gonna be a little chilly that night. The second night in? What a shambles!
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