Heya… sorry. I may be stubborn at times, but twas not my intent this time

My time has been limited for replies recently, but for now I’ll just throw this out there…
Truth is, Alain doesn’t know which songs were dropped. As of our last conversation there was no mention of being informed of this possibility. Based on Carmen’s (that’s her, right?) recording posts combined with the interview stuff noting number of songs, it doesn’t take FWD’s level of sleuthdom to see it as a possibility if one counts the number of tracks AW and Gus were involved in and compare the tallies.
Personally, and again my input only… I really don’t think M would be so petty as to remove Al’s tunes simply because he and Gus stood up for themselves and refused to endure an increasing level of disrespect during their tenure in the band. If he is and has, so be it. There isn’t much to be said or done, but in the end it would be the fans… fans that have longed to hear AW resurrect what was generally considered to be M’s most appreciated (and successful) post-Smiths co-writing partnership, that will continue to feel cheated. Oh, well. M has his strongest band ever… and I’m sure the fans will be cool with it regardless of what some that have attended recent shows say. There’s plenty of room for both bands. Go see shows or buy material by whichever bands you dig. It looks like there should be plenty of both in this new year.