What people have to understand is that these "superfans " are not picked because he thinks they are great looking, brilliant people. He hasn't got any great fecking affinity with them. He likes them because he can feel superior to them They are his "fans", he is not theirs.
These are not people he hangs with. At least 99.9% of them, anyway.
Anyone can be an "Elite" fan. All you need to do is spend $1000s following him around the world
Then he knows you are obsessed with him, just make sure you go to the front Think about the level of money and obsession it takes to travel the world seeing him
Even if you get free tickets, you have to have time off work, you have to get flights etc . To do this takes money and lots get in debt. The obsession is great. So he knows he is like a kind of god to them and he likes knowing people think of him like that
Every artist had this type of fanbase
Any normal fan who likes him even with a real connection, won't do this. They like him, like his music, and maybe think he's the best pop star there has been, but they don't think of him as a superhuman and spend all their money and time following him and he wouldn't do that to any pop star he has been fans of, either.
Its nice M gives something back to the superfans, they have earned it