Morrissey Central "MOZ ANGELES" (December 11, 2024)

December 11, 2024



The posters are awesome. For someone so private, they give a rare peek into his world. It’s really nice to see this side of him, and they must mean a lot for him to share them like this. Some people just can’t stop criticizing—nothing he does is ever good enough for them. Relax and take it easy.
“ rare peak imto his world “
They were bunch of pictures taken 21 years ago when he was on the piss a lot
These aren’t a peep into his life . lol
Haha look at you all poor and stuff! Still has time to laugh. I love it.
Just remind me how easily Kamala won the election by? Because you and your big brain was just sooooo sure what the result would be :lbf: :lbf:
oh wow, Morrissey must not be much older than you.
Is that why you project so much onto Morrissey and dislike seeing you him get older?
Again, you post with no actual point. I am not sure how you are calculating age here but what fking difference does the age of the person posting make, how is it relevant. It doesn't and it's not.
Lol. What are you talking about?! I first saw him in ‘91. And in ‘92 when he and band were at their peak live powers. Everything he’s done after is just extra extra goodness on top of all that’s gone before. I was there for it all.

You are so dumb, many people consider The Smiths to be Morrissey's prime, if you were a 'real fan' you would know that. They say seeing The Smiths was nothing like seeing him solo, one would think that would be obvious.
I don't have any problems with the photos, there are a lot of great old photos of him
He has joined the dinosaur ranks of people like Dylan, he also always uses 35 year old photos on tour posters. It is a form of deception, like selling the new jaguar car with a photo of a 30 year old earlier model. I personally dislike it, it is a form of false representation. Gives the sense of a vigorous young man on stage, who will move quickly, jump, do the splits, etc...
To all of the OCD people complaining about him using old photos, should he only play recently made music too?

The shows he puts on are a reflection of his forty year music career and every element brings you back to that particular timeline in history.

Who exactly made up this rule that you could only use modern photos? He does that too as you can see in one of his most recent Vegas residencies, so just chill and go take your meds.

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