Morrissey Central "MOZ ANGELES" (December 11, 2024)

December 11, 2024



The posters are awesome. For someone so private, they give a rare peek into his world. It’s really nice to see this side of him, and they must mean a lot for him to share them like this. Some people just can’t stop criticizing—nothing he does is ever good enough for them. Relax and take it easy.
I saw The Smiths at Fox Theatre, Deeeeeetroit Michigan, August 1986. Still the best show I have ever been to in my life. It would be blasphemy if he used a photo from '86 to advertise what it is he is doing now with his crap band.

oh wow, Morrissey must not be much older than you.
Is that why you project so much onto Morrissey and dislike seeing you him get older?
oh wow, Morrissey must not be much older than you.
Is that why you project so much onto Morrissey and dislike seeing you him get older?
10 years older--which is kind of much older. Tom Cruise is 7 years older, Robert Downey Jr is 4 years older... Anyway, you never saw Morrissey in his prime so you are what I call a second hand fan. You missed out.
10 years older--which is kind of much older. Tom Cruise is 7 years older, Robert Downey Jr is 4 years older... Anyway, you never saw Morrissey in his prime so you are what I call a second hand fan. You missed out.

Lol. What are you talking about?! I first saw him in ‘91. And in ‘92 when he and band were at their peak live powers. Everything he’s done after is just extra extra goodness on top of all that’s gone before. I was there for it all.

Lol. What are you talking about?! I first saw him in ‘91. And in ‘92 when he and band were at their peak live powers. Everything he’s done after is just extra extra goodness on top of all that’s gone before. I was there for it all.

So then, you're roughly my age. Like Cruise, Pitt, Downey, etc. You're only as old as you feel as long as you hydrate, exercise, and stay away from carbs! It also helps that I don't have 1 gray hair. Stay young, my friend!
Of course it's irrelevant to you because you've only been a fan for 3 weeks. Those of us who saw him in the 90's find it odd and insincere. Personally I think he should just use a picture of one of his idols like James Dean or Cliff Richard.
I think you are missing the point, his younger self is his idol. I think he does it, to remind people who he was. Lots of people have not recognised post-Quarry M, as the M of The Smiths/90s.
Wow, one whole year! And yes, it's relevant because you have very little idea what you're talking about.
Im not sure that is fair, it doesn't matter when you get on the ride, as long as you get on
I do take your point though, for lots of fans that have gotten on board in the last 19 years , they really have no idea what it was like and what he was about in Smiths and 90s days. He had high standards, he was a fibre but was more truthful than most. There was a power that he just hasn't had since them. Socially you get a wee peak of the M of old. its fleeting
Wow, one whole year! And yes, it's relevant because you have very little idea what you're talking about.
Oh, do sod off with that. We’ve all been newbies at one time.
So then, you're roughly my age. Like Cruise, Pitt, Downey, etc. You're only as old as you feel as long as you hydrate, exercise, and stay away from carbs! It also helps that I don't have 1 gray hair. Stay young, my friend!
Yeah but your brain is broken, so there's that :lbf: :lbf:
it's like Bowie. You get fans of certain phases. - The Smiths to Bona Drag was Phase One, Your Arse to Maldjusted, phase two, Quarry to RLOT Phase three the rest is Phase 4 .

Great analogy. Some like to reduce the admiration of an artist to "all or nothing" - you're with them or against them. That's like saying one has to deem Never Let Me Down as just as important/worthy as Aladdin Sane or Low because it was made by the same artist.
To move away from my Damon obsession....maybe Tina heard the "still available" call and they've had a happy reunion, and the old photos are his way of sharing it with us?

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