Oasis reunion + Morrissey

True. It really doesn’t matter who or what opens for them. Kinda why, M doesn’t have an opening band, most don’t or never did care, they are there to see the greatness which is Morrissey, untouchable.

Though, would be foolish to believe that popularity = great music. Not that most of the audience there to see Oasis know or care about such things.

He’s had many opening acts, though, and not that long ago. And I really don’t think that he, or any other artist for that matter, is untouchable.

You’re very judgmental and condescending against huge swathes of people. Hope for your sake that it’s an (ugly) act. But yes, agree, popularity doesn’t necessarily equal quality. That’s not what I or anyone else said, though. I said that Oasis are so extremely beloved and their comeback so hugely anticipated that no support act could ever outshine them in the eyes of the million fans who will attend these shows.
It is so, so sad that the most intense and cultist Moz fans feel the need to shit all over other bands that are enjoying the type of success our Moz only dreams of (we all know Morrissey feeds on success, chart positions, tickets sold etc). What psychological machinations are at work here? What makes these people act like this? Do they think that Morrissey only wants them to enjoy his music and nothing else? So many questions.
It is so, so sad that the most intense and cultist Moz fans feel the need to shit all over other bands that are enjoying the type of success our Moz only dreams of (we all know Morrissey feeds on success, chart positions, tickets sold etc). What psychological machinations are at work here? What makes these people act like this? Do they think that Morrissey only wants them to enjoy his music and nothing else? So many questions.

Whoa, I'm no cultist Moz fan! Maybe was decades ago, but I just like the bickering and to-and-fro this site offers. It used to be the same on AledJonesSolo but it's lame now. I wasn't sh*tting on oasis, I just can't grasp the frenzy/interest around them. They,imo, are d u l l.

PS so let it be known a good support band would outshine them. Even a mediocre one would ;)
I love lots of different music, plenty of different kinds of music that M wouldn’t agree with. Guess, I’m not a good ‘cultist’, lol! So you’re definitely not talking about me, or know shit about me and why I post what I do. That’s obvious.
Yeah, you are. You never miss an opportunity to shit on any successful band even remotely similar to Morrissey. It’s like you think it makes you a bigger and better Morrissey fan.
To me, it was long ago.
It doesn’t make it any less true.
Yeah, it’s subjective, and you’re entitled to that opinion.
I think that type of adulation should be reserved for swifties.
Nope, nothing ugly about expressing what one feels about people’s taste in bad music. Just making it clear that I don’t always equate popularity with good music.
Very ugly to make such sweeping generalizations about millions of people you don’t know. But completely in line with your behavior on this forum.
I didn’t say you did. As I said above, I was simply making my position clear in general in this thread.
I’m sure many people found it riveting.
Of course, but they’re just cultist fans, and probably think Oasis are … untouchable. ;)
I’m sure there are many young fans in the audience who feel that way, but hopefully they will soon find out that that is not the case. Most I would assume, however, are just happy they’re back.
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You mean like Taylor Swift? You should know by now that I don’t care for any bands that are obviously influenced by or showing similarities to M or The Smiths. It’s never done anything for me.
It’s always been abundantly clear.
It’s complicated. First we would need to define what the word ‘untouchable’ means to the user before criticizing their use of it.
Untouchable: beyond reproach, infallible, can do no wrong. But I’m sure you have your own definition of the word.
‘Ugly’ really? Lol. You’re too thin-skinned and love to stir up drama (as we see here) where there isn’t any need to.
There’s no drama, it’s just me calling you out on your bullshit.
Sure, and they may even agree with me. Shocking, I know.
One or two of the most fervent cultists probably will.
whatever, Gregor
I don’t think Oasis need to worry about any support act outshining them. Haha, for f***’s sake. Some people here don’t know music if it’s not Morrissey… Oasis’ got the whole world eating out of their hands. Their comeback broke the internet. It’s the biggest thing in music in a long time. For the million people attending these shows, who have been waiting 15 years for this moment to come true, they can do no wrong on that stage.
two things,dont think many people beyond these shores will be interested,probably 30/40 thousand people will travel from abroad but people from here will be going to multiple shows.
and my 2nd point,,,,how do you break the internet because my internet and everybody on heres internet seems to be fine,they overloaded ticketmasters site to the point of it crashing but they didnt break the internet.
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two things,dont think many people beyond these shores will be interested,probably 30/40 people will travel from abroad but people from here will be going to ,ultiple shows.
and my 2nd point,,,,how do you break the internet because my internet and everybody on heres internet seems to be fine,they overloaded ticketmasters site to the point of it crashing but they didnt break the internet.

They also have - Toronto, Chicago, New Jersey, Boston, Los Angeles and Mexico City planned but haven't announced those until they firm up other dates across the globe.
two things,dont think many people beyond these shores will be interested,probably 30/40 thousand people will travel from abroad but people from here will be going to multiple shows.
and my 2nd point,,,,how do you break the internet because my internet and everybody on heres internet seems to be fine,they overloaded ticketmasters site to the point of it crashing but they didnt break the internet.
Their comeback is world news. They’re pretty huge in most of the world, which should be news to no one with an interest in popular music.

Thanks for proving my points.
Their comeback is world news. They’re pretty huge in most of the world, which should be news to no one with an interest in popular music.

Thanks for proving my points.
ah shadupayaface.
It is so, so sad that the most intense and cultist Moz fans feel the need to shit all over other bands that are enjoying the type of success our Moz only dreams of (we all know Morrissey feeds on success, chart positions, tickets sold etc). What psychological machinations are at work here? What makes these people act like this? Do they think that Morrissey only wants them to enjoy his music and nothing else? So many questions.
Well, this is not a general music site, this is a Morrissey site. So most people here will at some point in their lives have bought, owned, or downloaded a Morrissey record. There is no reason why the same would be the case for a bunch of other bands necessarily. I have never in my entire life bought, owned, or downloaded even 1 single Oasis song, and there is no way in hell that I will be the only one on this site to be able to say that.

To start calling people intense and cultist and say they’re shitting all over other bands is just you being totally 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 as usual, because that definitely never even happened. Your post literally reads like you are about 5.5 seconds away from spiraling into a full on meltdown though, fyi
Managed to get two for Edinburgh. Anyone else here managed to nab some? Had bought them and received my confirmation email by 10:30 am so not too bad for me compared to many others.
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Lol i’ll bet Rick Astley’s going to wear out his knees before next weekend even rolls around, praying to God by the side of his bed every single night that Noel and Liam will call him to tell him they want him there to do his shtick

Lol if that ever happened and if he actually got up there with blossoms to do his best Stars In their Eyes audition … now THAT would be f***ING CRYWORTHY
i just realised these concerts are a year away,if your ticket is on your phone you have to make sure you dont erase your tickets for a year.
what happens if you get a new phone and your not clued up on transferring stuff,bit of a nightmare if you ask me.
They're sent to you via email - just re-download them from there if you lose them?! Also, they are stored in the Ticketmaster app the whole time. Very easy.
Serious question: can liam even sing? Because i’ve only ever heard him sounding like a cat being dragged across one of those old aluminum washing boards

Did it matter whether John Lydon was a 'good singer'? Though not quite in the same way as Sex Pistols, Oasis also projected an attitude, made people feel a certain way, and defined a moment in time for many.

Liam has been described as a town crier, and he was one of the main reasons a lot of people connected with them.
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Well, as I said, it was a serious question. I asked because I didn’t know the answer. But you did answer it.

He just has a unique voice.

In the same way that Bob Dylan and Neil Young have unique voices. It can be part of the appeal, and can actually make the material more attractive to listen to.

Anyway, 'good' is subjective isn't it?
He’s had many opening acts, though, and not that long ago. And I really don’t think that he, or any other artist for that matter, is untouchable.

You’re very judgmental and condescending against huge swathes of people. Hope for your sake that it’s an (ugly) act. But yes, agree, popularity doesn’t necessarily equal quality. That’s not what I or anyone else said, though. I said that Oasis are so extremely beloved and their comeback so hugely anticipated that no support act could ever outshine them in the eyes of the million fans who will attend these shows.
Lol, i missed this comment the first time i skimmed!

Morrissey is most definitely untouchable as far as Oasis are concerned! They are not going to have to lose any sleep around that!
He just has a unique voice.

In the same way that Bob Dylan and Neil Young have unique voices. It can be part of the appeal, and can actually make the material more attractive to listen to.
Yeah, i get it. I’m not shitting on anyone’s fandom of Oasis. There are plenty of bands that do nothing for me. Oasis are one of them. I have absolutely nothing against them and I’m sure I’d like them more as people than i like their music, they seem perfectly fun. It’s really not a big deal, in fact, it’s entirely even less than inconsequential whether i like Oasis songs or not
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