Well-Known Member
Oh I was just messing with the guy who posted that.I mean it sounded plausibly-Morrissey (i.e., similar to the David Joseph back-and-forth with "Boz Boorer"), one could be forgiven for thinking its real. And if it were fake, it certainly seems the type of thing that Morrissey would take legal action for the implication that he sent that.
Could you give us some background on what went down there, why Scott Rodger would have posted that?
That email was totally legit.
I don’t know Scott, but it looked to me like he posted that email because the whole Capitol situation was getting out of hand. Moz was letting fans believe Capitol was holding the album hostage, to the point that genius fan flew a goddamn plane with a banner over the Capitol Tower in LA— find the news item on this site. (Viva Mozi!).
I think he released that email to call Moz out publicly and get the harassment of the head of Captiol to stop. The email was leaked 4 days after the plane stunt.
Which worked, because suddenly M changed his tone (watch the Fox NYC interview from 3 days after the leaked email) and now, suddenly, he returned the advance and got his album back. It ruined his “evil label” narrative, but he got his LP back. Onwards and upwards to new and better excuses.
(Nothing above is based on my recent involvement. It’s just watching this dude operate for 34 years.)
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