Glasgow - SEC Armadillo (Oct. 2, 2022) post-show

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How Soon Is Now? / We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Our Frank / Knockabout World / First Of The Gang To Die / Billy Budd / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / I Am Veronica / Rebels Without Applause / Frankly, Mr. Shankly / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Bonfire Of Teenagers / (Auld Lang Syne intro) Everyday Is Like Sunday / Never Had No One Ever / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / The Loop / Jack The Ripper // Irish Blood, English Heart

Setlist courtesy of 'Grant Halliday' & anon. (order not 100%)

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Well, that was a thing of enormous beauty!

When he played Glasgow in 2018, the set was a tad shy of classics. The set was mainly based around the World Peace and High School albums, with just three Smiths songs. No worries about that tonight though. Despite the smattering of new songs, there were plenty Smiths tracks, solo classics and deep cuts.
Annoyingly the gig was all seated(what lunatic thought that up?!), but the crowd was VERY appreciative and very vocal. I loved the booing when Morrissey presaged Bonfire Of Teenagers by saying "This is a song about modern England...(boooooo!!!!)....we'll I'm going to sing it anyway!"
The new songs sounded fantastic( I don't care what other members say about them on here, they genuinely sounded wonderful), and were applauded by the crowd more enthusiastically than tracks from Low In High School were 4 years ago. Bonfire, Rebels Without Applause, and Sure Enough The Telephone Rings in particular, really stood out for me. Can't wait to hear the proper versions.

Among the rest of the set, it was very special to hear Frankly Mr Shankly live for the first time since the Edinburgh Playhouse 1985, First Of The Gang To Die is ALWAYS a stormer, How Soon Is Now was a majestical opener, Never Had No-one Ever was stunning, My Hurling Days Are Over was an unexpected highlight and what can you say about hearing Half A Person in the flesh?

Were there any negatives? Did we really need Knockabout World when there's so many bona fide classics in the body of work? The opening film show, and the backdrop images seemed a little uninspired(maybe a little too much NY Dolls and Coronation Street) compared to previous years. And bouncers behaving like thugs...come on guys, lighten up, it's a f*cking Morrissey concert! People are supposed to get on the stage!!

Before Irish Blood English Heart, Morrissey thanked the city of Glasgow for all the love and support they had given him over the years. Was this a last goodbye? Was he giving us the Glasgow Kiss-off? If so, then it was an absolute pleasure to have been once again in his presence, whether it's the last time ot not.

Thanks Mozzer, another blinder!!

Gordon xx
Great Post thanks
I was worried I'd miss Boz, but Alain really was great.

Any ideas what Moz meant by greeting us with, "Baa...baa...and, furthermore...baa!" directly before How Soon is Now? I'm sure that's what he said...
Blah, blah I think he said. He wasn't doing a sheep impression. 😆
Seems that the new Baby J videos have not yet been uploaded

Date is wrong, but I guess it's Glasgow. The others say Blackpool, not sure if that's right.
Go to Baby J's channel on YT, folks.
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People dissatisfied with the service are welcome to look elsewhere for information.
Socials are dry. Much akin to shouting at the postman when you don't get any mail - a bit daft is it not?

Come on, it's obvious it was grumbling in jest. Maybe take things a little less seriously? This is a site about a guy who drops his pants on stage, after all ( hearsay!)( -no video watched as of yet, your 'onour)
“The last time I played in this city, a certain publication said that half the crowd walked out… you see what I have to live with?”
And? Did it? :popcorn:
Possibly the one I’m looking forward to most. It’s slightly sad that Dog—his best album this century I’d say—passed under the radar of most.

Knockabout World is probably the outstanding track on an outstanding LP.
Yes, Knockabout is a piece of genius pop! Would've prob been his biggest radio hit ever had it been released before all the nonsense of the late 2010s. Still, great that we get to hear it live and with added bonus of Alain's dreamy backing vocals!
Yes, it’s crazy how many people - ex-fans & randoms alike - have swallowed the medias lies about who Morrissey is. A few years ago I mentioned Morrissey to a young woman who doesn’t know anything about him & she responded with: “Isn’t he like a racist, or something?” A friend of mine who I took to see Moz play 7 years ago absolutely loved the gig, but in recent years he has left comments on Facebook posts about Morrissey saying things like “Shame he turned into such a massive racist”. Just tonight, I told an Asian friend, & life-long Smiths fan, that I’d managed to get a ticket to see Moz & he replied by saying “I’ve divorced Morrissey but got custody of Johnny Marr”

It’s all so sadly predictable. None of these people follow Morrissey or read anything he says. They just blindly follow what click-bait headlines have told them as they scroll through social media.

Oh well, their loss, I say.

I’m happy going to see Morrissey alone. It seems fitting. I’ll be so focussed on him, his words, his voice, that I’ll be lost in enjoying the moment, not wishing that I had a friend standing beside me.

I’m not too surprised that he hasn’t sung The Queen is Dead on this tour. It would be too obvious, perhaps. He’s made it clear throughout his life how he feels about the monarchy; to gloat over the death of the Queen would be unnecessary. Or maybe he’s just waiting to sing it in London?

Anyway, I’d be surprised if he has chosen to omit the song from his repertoire for fear of a negative response; he’s too much of a stubborn punk for that. As he’s said before: he simply sings the songs he feels like singing, & that’s all we can expect or ask for.

On the topic of him singing controversial songs on this tour, he’s singing Bonfire of Teenagers - which grows on me with every listen - & I’m half-expecting there to be some negative reaction to it when he sings it in Manchester this week. I’m actually surprised that that creep, Haslam (?), hasn’t raised his attention-seeking head already, attempting to cancel Moz’s homecoming gig.
bonfire is a fantastic song,the doncaster outing was a highlight.
MORR PLEASE Bigmouth Strikes Again as Morrissey takes Glasgow by storm with set of solo hits and The Smiths classics

The only negative was that it's a seated venue, but you can't really do much about that, and the thug security - Morrissey needs to sort this element out himself.
Viva Morrissey!
Yeah, totally agree. The bouncers were absolute pricks last night. Did you see how they threw the girl, during the first verse of IBEH who managed to make contact with Morrissey, back into the crowd? What the f*ck was that all about? She could have gotten seriously injured. And as for the guy who tried to get onstage right at the end, the way he was manhandled was shocking. If you watch the footage you can see Morrissey looks concerned, and it actually looks like he tries to nudge the bouncer into the crowd!!
Are they Morrissey's own crew, or do they belong to the Armadillo? Stage invasions have been part of his live shows for nigh on 40 years. If he could handled being grabbed when he was thin and a tad frail, I'm sure he can handle himself now he's built like a brick shithouse.
Somebody somewhere need to sort this out, before someone gets seriously hurt:mad::mad:
Yeah, totally agree. The bouncers were absolute pricks last night. Did you see how they threw the girl, during the first verse of IBEH who managed to make contact with Morrissey, back into the crowd? What the f*ck was that all about? She could have gotten seriously injured. And as for the guy who tried to get onstage right at the end, the way he was manhandled was shocking. If you watch the footage you can see Morrissey looks concerned, and it actually looks like he tries to nudge the bouncer into the crowd!!
Are they Morrissey's own crew, or do they belong to the Armadillo? Stage invasions have been part of his live shows for nigh on 40 years. If he could handled being grabbed when he was thin and a tad frail, I'm sure he can handle himself now he's built like a brick shithouse.
Somebody somewhere need to sort this out, before someone gets seriously hurt:mad::mad:
It's not just Morrissey worried about being manhandled, I'm sure he doesn't want people breathing their germs on him. He's not a young man and is vulnerable. He probably could not take the financial hit of having to cancel shows if he caught Covid either.
MORR PLEASE Bigmouth Strikes Again as Morrissey takes Glasgow by storm with set of solo hits and The Smiths classics

I must have been in a coma for a while? -
And recent single I Am Veronica suggests that while his talents may have dimmed there’s life in the old dog yet.
Jesus wept!!
What with this and the Times review, I bet Death In June don't even get this amount of references to racism and 'provocative right wing views' in their live reviews:unsure::rolleyes:
Jesus wept!!
What with this and the Times review, I bet Death In June don't even get this amount of references to racism and 'provocative right wing views' in their live reviews:unsure::rolleyes:
It’s not a bad review of his performance, but it will discourage some people from attending.
First Morrisey concert I’ve been to. Best concert I’ve ever been to. That simple! Always knew he was a lyrical genius but what a performer he is. His voice was amazing, as was the band.

I can’t wait to see him in concert again.
It’s not a bad review of his performance, but it will discourage some people from attending.
Yeah, I agree 100%.
You get the feeling the reviewers really hoped he'd make an arse of himself, and were left seething that he played a blinding set to a devoted audience.
The reviews were clearly delivered through gritted teeth, and like you say, could put off the casual fan.
Jesus wept!!
What with this and the Times review, I bet Death In June don't even get this amount of references to racism and 'provocative right wing views' in their live reviews:unsure::rolleyes:
Morrissey literally urged people, via his own website, to vote for a far-right political party. He has never retracted his support. You therefore really can't blame onlookers for assuming he still holds the same view.

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