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Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’
The forthright singer’s ‘masterpiece’ Bonfire of Teenagers was finished in 2021. He reveals the ‘idiot culture’ blocking its release - no paywall.
The forthright singer’s ‘masterpiece’ Bonfire of Teenagers was finished in 2021. He reveals the ‘idiot culture’ blocking its release
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I stupidly got really excited when I woke up to see the article I thought feck yeah M is going cone out fighting and I was ready to avoid reality and live in M world again
But there comes a stage when you just can not do it anymore .
I actually find reading M painful .These days , have done since around 2008 onward it was way harder and more painful after 2016. I thought it was Fiona that made me feel that , it’s fecking not it’s M himself . He is mentally ill at this point, if he thinks the majority of Brits give one fecking wank about him
I don’t say that with pride , he acts like has Liam Gallagher like worship and he just doesn’t , he hasn’t been able to turn the world on like that since the 90: ended , quarry was a blip based on a number of things 80s revival some and some good PR
Plus some still were blinded by the myth
Now people can say well it was his late 40s he lost it, but then he was getting Old
But Liam is over 59 he looks way younger than M did at 50 and he sells way more tickets . The reason is Liam is still in touch with Britain and how it ticks. M was so busy trying to be edgy and one up , he lost the plot Poor guy , Does he even know how Trump like he is ? The whole fecking “ they all say it’s a masterpiece,” is pure Trump
I heard , the lp in NY and it was good but not a masterpiece. ( then again I can’t remember much )
I said it before , the way this year has gone in the UK , with Labour being the wankstains they are , is his best bet to release it . Now is the fecking time now is the fecking perfect time to release it , with labour calling most working class right ring . Chances are he made just pull it off