The Telegraph / James Hall: "Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’" (September 9, 2024)


Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’

The forthright singer’s ‘masterpiece’ Bonfire of Teenagers was finished in 2021. He reveals the ‘idiot culture’ blocking its release - no paywall.

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Do you realize how little sense, basically no sense it makes that Morrssey was asked to remove the title track from the album and there is no evidence of this and he has never once mentioned it. However, there is evidence he was asked to remove the Miley Cyrus vocals from Veronica, there is plenty of evidence of that.
I agree. Though I'd be open to the idea of pressure/the record company asking/not being wild about the title track were Moz (or anyone else directly involved) able to produce emails, or otherwise able to attest to what was said by which executive when and which particular meeting. If that Steve guy at Capitol etc. has emails, Moz/Mangement/Tobias etc. surely have others or other corroborating details.

I would imagine that most plenty of record companies (like book publishers etc) might routinely ask artists and authors if they would consider altering changing or coming at lyrical theme from a different angle etc. that doesn't mean that Moz has to accept those requests, but I think they're probably pretty routine even in cases which are much less loaded than a terrorist attack etc. that's why record companies hire people with tastes and sensibilities – it goes far beyond rubberstamping a given release or an artist.

Having said all that, it seems to me that Moz sincerely with all of his heart believes that Captiol and company are choosing not to release Bonfire because of the title track and the content – and he cannot conceive or is unwilling to conceive that his behavior around the Miley stuff might be a significant factor, and also that (while he and others are perfectly entitled to think the the track powerfully speaks for the victims etc., other listeners including potential record company executives might listen to it and think it is mostly, an angry bitter and dismissive characterization of the spontaneous outpouring of sympathy using a rather banal pop song that was never meant to be a political statement.

The potential distaste is not the same as "censorship" and it's a distaste that is not directed at Morrissey's criticism of immigration and cultural identity. Morrissey has songs about that. Hell, "Bengali in Platforms" and "We'll Let You know" were both part of anniversary album re-releases. He was still able to get records deals after the "Chinese subspecies" comment, all of the things he has repeatedly said about the disappearance of The English/European identity disappearing.

For as many headlines as the Der Spiegel/For Britian/Farage stuff generated I am Not A Dog on A Chain was still subsequently release- w and a colored vinyl retail exclusive to some (relatively) positive critical reception. And of Course, he was just able to do the Vinyl re-release of Beethoven, so I have a very hard time finding any point in his career, wherein he was silenced, gagged, or blacklisted. because of his politics, political songs, or because of interview and promotional comments.
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Man the more you think about it, “Rebels…” is such a strange anomaly in the catalogue at this point. You can’t even call it a non-album single.
I think I made my point clearly but you've managed to miss it entirely.

Again, If the man who wrote Bonfire Of Teenagers can't say anything about the October 7 massacre nearly one year later then how can he really be taken seriously? I don't need him to comment on every political issue that pops up. If he cares so much about defending the west, one would think this latest atrocity would warrant a comment.

Israel is not an entire world away within the context of the World Of Morrissey. He was awarded the key to Tel Aviv and he accepted it in person, Low In High School has three songs mentioning Israel and he's one of the few artists to perform there while also draping himself in the flag of Israel. After all this time I am not holding my breath to hear any eloquent revelations from his apparently gagged mouth.

Or stop writing songs about this shit and shut the f*** up.

Man the more you think about it, “Rebels…” is such a strange anomaly in the catalogue at this point. You can’t even call it a non-album single.

Think about it… the last “official” Morrissey release could potentially be the tinny-sounding RWA, and the last live debut of a song is Notre-Dayum.
Do you realize how little sense, basically no sense it makes that Morrssey was asked to remove the title track from the album and there is no evidence of this and he has never once mentioned it. However, there is evidence he was asked to remove the Miley Cyrus vocals from Veronica, there is plenty of evidence of that.

Do people just not see how disgusting this is? That he is now using dead murdered children as an excuse for his imagined martyrdom?

It should bother everyone that he is using these children as a shield to avoid taking responsibility for this clusterf*** that he created.
A very bizarre comment. Morrissey has written and recorded a song which expresses outrage at the murder of these children. He is not 'using' anyone here. As Morrissey has made clear, record companies are refusing to release the song or give him a new record deal.
A very bizarre comment. Morrissey has written and recorded a song which expresses outrage at the murder of these children. He is not 'using' anyone here. As Morrissey has made clear, record companies are refusing to release the song or give him a new record deal.
The problem is the Miley Cyrus vocals and we all know it. He is now using the dead children as a reason BOT won't be released by a record company, this is not hard to follow
Someone wrote this months ago on this forum.Still up to date

"'CAPITOL PUNISHMENT' has been recorded in England. The 11-track album has been described by Boz Boorer as "Absolute Pony."

This is the 17th Morrissey album produced by Joe Chiccarelli.
The songs are:

Get Off My Lawn
The Lowest Bidder
Career's Down The Kermit
It's Never My Fault
Central Sam

My Name Is R. Swipe
Keenly Priced For A Quick Sale
Secure Mother
Fiona Did Well
Diversity Is Me
No-One Remembers Julia Now

1 and 2 co-written with Johnny Marr
3, 7, 6, 10 co-written with Alain Whyte
4, 5, 8 co-written with Miley Cyrus
9, 11 written by Fiona Dodwell
Engineered by Bill Mimms.
Recorded at Hooputthekuntin, Scunthorpe, England
Jesse Tobias bavarian cheese whistle
Alain Whyte guitars and backing vocals
Gustavo Manzur keyboards and backing vocals
Juan Galeano bass
Brendan Buckley drums
Vince Clarke (Yazoo) kazoo

If any record label or private investor has interest in releasing this project, please contact Damien Alacante at Beechmount."

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