The Telegraph / James Hall: "Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’" (September 9, 2024)


Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’

The forthright singer’s ‘masterpiece’ Bonfire of Teenagers was finished in 2021. He reveals the ‘idiot culture’ blocking its release - no paywall.

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We're all used to Moz being self-dramatising and, previously, this habit of his was funny and often tongue-in-cheek; nowadays, though, the humour's gone out of it.

It was funny because, like you said, it was tongue in cheek, like he never really believed the things he said about himself, he was just being silly.

Now, one can't help but read his comments as being absolutely sincere. He really does believe he is some hard done by artist, being prevented from releasing a (not at all) controversial song by The Elite. Of course, this isn't the case. Artists across the world release actual "offensive" songs on major record labels. The difference is, those songs are released because they sell well. Morrissey's music doesn't.
How do you know that one would do it for the money, and if true, are you saying only for the money?

And why is doing something for money so bad, especially if it’s the music they created together?

Forget the money. They would totally screw up their legacy.

For The Smiths...(on recordings) the past is perfect. The Smiths in the present is not real, and shouldn't be. :rolleyes:
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is that what being a great artist is about? The trouble is the more money Moz got the worse his music got. He still had some good songs no way as good as when he was "Hopelessly poor " (when we loved him more )
It's true Moz will be ok for money, but that is hardly the point.I think with Moz most of us do not feel let down by his "racist comments" as most of us can see what he meant. Lots of us agree with his immigration and love of UK culture but it's the fakeness and Trump-like childishness, lies and his desperation. He has always had these trials but they are worse now and its like hardly any of the good traits are left
It's true about having to block out reality to believe in Moz these days, you have to pretend what he says is true.
Not sure why FWD said that about being easy on the killer, but I presume he was kinda of joking. The song is kind of like " don't blame the sweet and tender hooligan ", basically they are trying to make the killer seem like a victim and care more about racism than the dead bodies of kids.

I dont believe a word of his talk that the record company only pulled the record, due to the title track. Not true, they knew about the song and title when they signed him and the title stayed until the end. The only reason it wasn't released is M refused to re-record one song and that tried to have a go at the record company staff. M thinks he is way more important than he is, the record company (like a load before ) basically gave him the sack
when you watch any alternative media and you see the kind of nasty, soulless people that support Moz, it makes you less inclined to be a part of it, who the hell want to be anywhere near Pail J Watson? At this point. Moz has drained nearly all Smits, early solo career goodwill and the moz of today blackens what went before

Its ob
you might get your leg up i get my leg over.
Well if Johnny chooses to continue to not want to do anything then it’s a moot point. But if in future that were to change, then to say “The Smiths in the present is not real… and shouldn’t be” is a) untrue and b) implies to me that it’s like taking a position where the public or perfect strangers should have more say into what should or shouldn’t be than the men whose work it is, whose music it is, and whose songs they are.

The Smiths of old were both a songwriting team, and a well rehearsed/powerful performing band. Neither of those things are going to happen again under The Smiths moniker, unfortunately. There's far too much politics at play, amongst other ills. Additionally, Andy Rourke has died, which in my mind pushes a reunion idea even further away.
Really? Pretty sure food critics aren’t welcomed back for repeat complimentary Michelin starred dining experiences after trashing s restaurant.

Pretty sure serious theatre critics don’t write 7 paragraph “articles” to exclusively snipe about the fact that once upon a time they may have been denied an invite to review a play again, after previously trashing the director’s work

Pretty sure there are about a million different variations of examples of how, NO, this doesn’t seem like an entirely rational way for a journalist to respond at all
the reason all the jurnalists want to interview M is they all want the gotchaa moment which you see everyday in british politics,its all about tripping someone up.
Do you think Bandcamp would ban Morrissey? Even if they did, if things got that bad, then the market would respond. When YouTube got too censorious, Rumble filled the void. We're not living in the woke authoritarian dystopia Morrissey seems to think we are. An artist with Morrissey's money and industry connections (Guy Oseary, Andrew Watt, Peter whatshisname) can self-release an album or find an independent label to release it. Surely that's not in doubt here. It's absurd for him to be framing this in terms of being gagged.

Agree. I already said it was a bit nutty for him to take this route ( as far as we know). But yes Bandcamp are banning artists ( at least this one, there must be others) …..

Really? Pretty sure food critics aren’t welcomed back for repeat complimentary Michelin starred dining experiences after trashing s restaurant.

Pretty sure serious theatre critics don’t write 7 paragraph “articles” to exclusively snipe about the fact that once upon a time they may have been denied an invite to review a play again, after previously trashing the director’s work

Pretty sure there are about a million different variations of examples of how, NO, this doesn’t seem like an entirely rational way for a journalist to respond at all
It depends on the critic and the artist in question, really.
Some restaurants do exactly what you say, and shun particularly brutal critics – others even Michelin star restaurants, take the critics feedback as constructively as possible, make a few changes, or invite them back when service has improved or monumental success has been achieved, so they can the critics can revise their previously mistaken critiques.

There's a reason why a lot of restaurants do soft opens with critics invited, and there's a reason why many of her Broadway shows and theater companies have a week or so sometimes even longer of warm-up performances, and developmental workshops specifically to take critic and audience feedback and make alterations if they wish to
Morrissey himself is no stranger to using critics to build momentum for album releases – in the 2004 you are the Quarry cycle, Attck invited critics were invited to listening parties to the write advance reviews of the album, or at least give their advanced impressions of some of the tracks.

In one examples of this from the literary world, Michael Chabon, one of my favorite living American writers and novelists, has spoken directly about the extent to which Johnathan Yardley, literary critic for the Washington Post in his review of Chabon's second novel Wonder Boys – and his challenge to Chabon to write beyond the first person, to explore deeper and wider worlds in subsequent work, did inspire Chabon to strive in his writing of the amazing adventures of Kaviler & Clay, which subsequently won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2001.

Not all critics are the same, obviously, and every artist and fan can have their own opinion of a critic's assessment of an artistic work. I don't blame Morrissey or crew for deciding not to give interview or review access to this particular writer, that is Morrissey's right, but the idea that there's a uniform code of professionalism or to a degree which critics should be glowing or warm in exchange for future access is also mistaken.

Regardless, I don't think this article in times is simply sour grapes, however salty and sassy some of the language might be.
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If those arts who "do not have both feet in reality" in the sense that they want record label money support and feting without having to abide by the realities of record label contracts e.g. "Hey, Miley's under contract at Colombia- who will not allow her to be credited/promoted on the album - switch it, or don't publicize it" then those artists will be remain unsigned. And that's a consequence of those choices.
Sure. Not debating that. Silly.
To consistently bite the hand that you want to feed you, having been given multiple chances to be fed, under the (seemingly most modest restrictions) is utterly baffling. And pretty soon, word and evidence of your behavior will spread to other companies, who may not be willing to take a meeting.
Sure. I guess Capitol forgot about his falling out with Harvest and still wanted to work with him, Morrissey must have had something they wanted, what was that?
Lucifer Sam just pointed to Rebel Media as an option. I think Daily Wire would be a git. They're making movies, TV shoes, etc, why not records. Boz just put an album up of Morrissey covers on Bandcamp. So he is already "there" kind of.
Yeah, don’t know much about her, but Bandcamp may not be so idea.

There will always be platforms and labels who do not want to host Morrissey's work, which again is free speech of disassociation and not "censorship "But (in the age of Carlson, Musk, Brand, Trump, and others, there will always be places that will, if he's willing to adjust to a smaller contract, etc.
Yeah, hmmm, time will tell.
But if he really believes the supreme quality of the work, that his is giving voice to themes and concerns otherwise unheralded in pop music - which in point of fact is not true-
Really? point to how many others are singing about that terrorist attack?
then let him find an unorthodox distribution deal and stand behind the work itself.

Or to paraphrase Wilde does he not want to be a member of any club who would want to admit him



black and white dancing GIF
The Guardian are now reporting Stephen's latest outburst.

On the associated bookface comments someone has made the rather salient point that maybe he should have listened to his own advice when he released "Get Off The Stage".
oh we have never heard that one before.
Freedoom of speech ?!
All the things you said once meaningful have turned so meaningless.

In Ukraine, there isn't any left xing party authorized, anyone who wants the war to stop is arrested. In Russia, anyone expressing an opinion against the power is arrested. In West Bank any palestinian liking a message of solidarity in Facebook is killed or sent in jail. In Israël any young man criticizing the ethnic cleaning is sent in jail.

And Morrissey dares to talk about freedoom of speech. Bollxxks he doesn't take any risk, if his album is not desired by a major, he can self release it like the bands Garbage and Slowdive and so many other acts of his league.

The amount of writers that is censored for denouncing neo liberalism and colonialism is huge. Morrissey meanwhile plays the role of victim whereas he is not the victim of anyone bar himself.
You beat me to it. Yes, just like the subspecies comment, people again are pulling what M says out of context of the subject being discussed in the interview and now want to roast him alive for it.

And of course on solo, it’s controversial to give any opinions that god forbid may look favorably on Morrissey. They resort to the usual name calling, pile on, etc.

Yep. That’s the way I’ve always read that lyric.

He could have as well as sang.. ‘go easy on terrorism’.
pile on as much as they want as i couldnt give a toss what the usual suspectss on here think,they have their 1 star reviews written before the albums even out.
Agree. I already said it was a bit nutty for him to take this route ( as far as we know). But yes Bandcamp are banning artists ( at least this one, there must be others) …..

Not saying this is why Bandcamp should be banning any artist, but did you listen to Louise Distras' song on her pinned tweet? Wonderwall-esque chords set to a stomp and the absolute tritest lyrics enough to make Noel Gallagher seem like a Victorian poet by comparison. I can't believe she put those lyrics on the screen. Credit for cojones, I guess.

I agree with Vesper, though, Bandcamp would be inelegant for Morrissey. And who knows, maybe they would ban him, if L. Distras was given the boot for her politics. In any case they're a platform and if they have a TOS then it's their ship to run it the way they want to. This being the internet, someone would definitely fill the niche if Bandcamp is kicking artists off for not towing a PC line.
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Forget the money. They would totally screw up their legacy.

For The Smiths...(on recordings) the past is perfect. The Smiths in the present is not real, and shouldn't be. :rolleyes:

Why should we expect anything to be repeated?
I do not mean to downplay the Manchester bombing at all, but Morrissey is wrong when he said it was like 9/11. He always has to be so competitive and also likes remind us it happened in his city on his birthday. I do not think he gives one shit about those kids or he would not desecrate their memories with his absolute bullshit over this album.
3,ooo people died during the 9/11 attacks, yes attacks, planes being flown into buildings. NYC looked like it had a mushroom cloud over it, I know because I saw it from a road traveling back home and I had to drive because obvs there were no planes flying and you could not get a bus or car. It took me 2 days to rent a car.
He makes me sick.
I think he was trying to say that things should never be the same after such an event. It should have been a wake up call for the UK and Europe. Unfortunately, however, the 'don't look back in anger' mantra meant that there was absolutely no discussion about what was the root cause of such an act, and how such an act could be prevented again in the future. Instead, it was all lighting candles and singing kumbaya.
Not saying this is why Bandcamp should be banning any artist, but did you listen to Louise Distras' song on her pinned tweet? Wonderwall-esque chords set to a stomp and the absolute tritest lyrics enough to make Noel Gallagher seem like a Victorian poet by comparison. I can't believe she put those lyrics on the screen. Credit for cojones, I guess.
Maybe the simplicity was her point, have you heard her other songs? I’m not familiar with her. Anyway she seems far more interesting than those dudes, that don’t have the cojones to take a public stand as she seems to be doing.

I agree with Vesper, though, Bandcamp would be inelegant for Morrissey. And who knows, maybe they would ban him, if L. Distras was given the boot for her politics. In any case they're a platform and if they have a TOS then it's their ship to run the way they want it to.
This being the internet, someone would definitely fill the niche if Bandcamp is kicking artists off for not towing a PC line.

would expect so.
It's just a case of how much you squirm these days when he releases a statement as it always defaults to the 'me the victim' narrative. It's only his eulogies about people that hint at someone remotely relatable or in-touch., he even managed to make the Alain Delon one about him and the recurrent Guardian diatribes. Surely nobody believes anything he records now lyrically be anything other than painful?. Hes too far gone up his own arsenal and surrounds himself by sycophantic agreeables. Crucially at a time when he needs a Mick Ronson type of character, to tell him he's talking utter shit or that his guitarist is rubbish. Let him go.......
When he creates a youtube channel where he uploads weekly videos "telling it like it is" and ends every sentence with "that's the way I see it" then you really need to start worrying

Basically, if he does a Jim Davidson

I think he was trying to say that things should never be the same after such an event. It should have been a wake up call for the UK and Europe. Unfortunately, however, the 'don't look back in anger' mantra meant that there was absolutely no discussion about what was the root cause of such an act, and how such an act could be prevented again in the future. Instead, it was all lighting candles and singing kumbaya.

There's plenty of spaces for people to go on about terrorism, it's like one of the major issues of modern life. Stop acting like the world isn't dominated by the Murdoch's and the Musk's and the Barclay Bros types. Some people sang an Oasis song which wasn't about the killers or terrorists, but the wider, innocent community.

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