The Telegraph / James Hall: "Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’" (September 9, 2024)


Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’

The forthright singer’s ‘masterpiece’ Bonfire of Teenagers was finished in 2021. He reveals the ‘idiot culture’ blocking its release - no paywall.

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And yet it’s strange, with his track record and reputation of someone that’s ‘difficult’ to work with, Capitol music still bought and initially planned to release Bonfire, even with their knowledge of his falling out with Harvest which is owned by Capitol music.
The harvest matter is one thing, but the Miley stuff is quite another. I think there's a world that exists in which Capitol would have been willing to go along with all of it (including the rereleases of the Quarry Era, World Peace etc, had Moz not made some premature announcements and promotions that (according to the leaked emails, he was explicitly told not to). That would certainly affect my desire to continue to do business with him, were I a record company.

To me, all of this is a real red Herring at this point. He has the rights to all of his unreleased music at this point, including bonfire and world peace, and without music, and whatever current album seems to be working on with Carmen and company

. If he doesn't want to self-release, fine. but I find it impossible to believe he is doing everything in his power to find a new home for it it. that would require him to do more things like this interview (preferably live and in person not over email so that interviewers and journalists act ask meaningful follow-up questions, ask for corroboration for some of the claims, who else might have been in meetings where all these labels were allegedly extolling the virtues of bonfire, but regardless it really doesn't matter what capital did or did not do at the moment.

His focus should be on finding a distribution partner for it, even if that means going to the daily wire or some other nontraditional outlet to see what kind of "maverick" deal he can find forget about Capitol, talk about the music, why it makes you proud, what specifically the recorded artists brought to the album that none of your other lineups have before, what the songwriting process was, how it might've differed from dog in a chain or any of the other previous efforts. There's so much he could talk about in terms artistic virtues and merit of the album without continuing this culture war crusade for "free speech."

Free speech means that the government ought not suppress things, it does not mean that a record company should be morally or legally forced to release are anyone else's record, regardless of initial interest etc. if they have trepidations, either stemming from your conduct or from further reflection about the content or about its commercial viability. The freedom to associate, or not, is a core underlying principle of free speech.
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Imagine working with people we don't really like? I guess rock stars live in a different world.

Not really, loads of people who are in business with a partner split up and go there separate ways. I did it myself 35 years ago, however we are mates again now.
One wanted the $$ and one wasn’t bothered so not really a loss at all.

How do you know that one would do it for the money, and if true, are you saying only for the money?

And why is doing something for money so bad, especially if it’s the music they created together?
the daily wire or some other nontraditional outlet

Interesting mention. I don't know if you were thinking of this: the video has since been taken down, but after one of last year's New York shows, Gavin McInnes reviewed the concert and said his (McInnes') friend Ezra Levant, the CEO of Rebel Media (essentially the Canadian version of the Daily Wire), wanted to buy Bonfire of Teenagers and release it independently. Personally I think that would be a disastrous association for Morrissey, but if every major label is refusing him, and he himself refuses to self-release, then I'm afraid his potential independent options might be ugly.
The harvest matter is one thing, but the Miley stuff is quite another. I think there's a world that exists in which Capitol would have been willing to go along with all of it (including the rereleases of the Quarry Era, World Peace etc, had Moz not made some premature announcements and promotions that (according to the leaked emails, he was explicitly told not to). That would certainly affect my desire to continue to do business with him, were I a record company.
Yes, as I said in a previous post, that world doesn’t really exist. So where does that leave artists that never will have both feet in reality?

In regards to Morrissey’s reputation and falling out with Harvest, Capitol knew what they were getting into. End of.
Bring It Reaction GIF

Bring it. 😌

Interesting mention. I don't know if you were thinking of this: the video has since been taken down, but after one of last year's New York shows, Gavin McInnes reviewed the concert and said his (McInnes') friend Ezra Levant, the CEO of Rebel Media (essentially the Canadian version of the Daily Wire), wanted to buy Bonfire of Teenagers and release it independently. Personally I think that would be a disastrous association for Morrissey, but if every major label is refusing him, and he himself refuses to self-release, then I'm afraid his potential independent options might be ugly.

These are sad times indeed.

Until today, I never heard of this artist, and only scrolled through several posts, but even Bandcamp, a place where artists can self release and be heard, are having their platforms and livelihoods taken away from them ….

These are sad times indeed.

For me, what's sad is that Rebel Media would seem to be a good fit for him, considering where he's coming from in these interviews. All this whining about woke mobs and cancel culture, as if these things are actual threats to freedom of speech, is both "so 2020" and hackneyed "heterodox" (so-called, or alt-light).

I wonder what his internet activity is like, if this is what his algorithms keep feeding him. I believe Dirk Blaggard once said "he seems liking a fecking Praeger U YouTube singer these days." Was he wrong?
it actually looks like a photo of a physical photo with tape on it. With the blue background added. Could be wrong.

It´s from here:
For me, what's sad is that Rebel Media would seem to be a good fit for him, considering where he's coming from in these interviews. All this whining about woke mobs and cancel culture, as if these things are actual threats to freedom of speech, is both "so 2020" and hackneyed "heterodox" (so-called, or alt-light).

I wonder what his internet activity is like, if this is what his algorithms keep feeding him. I believe Dirk Blaggard once said "he seems liking a fecking Praeger U YouTube singer these days." Was he wrong?

In general, M’s not entirely wrong with what he’s saying, though I agree it comes off as a bit nutty when it seems Capitol’s real reason for non release was M announcing MC’s involvement at the wrong time.

But in regards to the whole thing/freedom of speech, some artists weren’t made for this sad new world. Repercussions will follow.

My point is, because of threats and censorship from even Bandcamp, where do artists go?
M would have to start a label and put it out himself, and it seems M sees releasing it himself more as a defeat rather than a victory.
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My point is, because of threats and censorship from even Bandcamp, where do artists go?
M would have to start a label and put it out himself, and it seems M sees releasing it himself more as a defeat rather than a victory.

Do you think Bandcamp would ban Morrissey? Even if they did, if things got that bad, then the market would respond. When YouTube got too censorious, Rumble filled the void. We're not living in the woke authoritarian dystopia Morrissey seems to think we are. An artist with Morrissey's money and industry connections (Guy Oseary, Andrew Watt, Peter whatshisname) can self-release an album or find an independent label to release it. Surely that's not in doubt here. It's absurd for him to be framing this in terms of being gagged.
Yes, as I said in a previous post, that world doesn’t really exist. So where does that leave artists that never will have both feet in reality?
If those arts who "do not have both feet in reality" in the sense that they want record label money support and feting without having to abide by the realities of record label contracts e.g. "Hey, Miley's under contract at Colombia- who will not allow her to be credited/promoted on the album - switch it, or don't publicize it" then those artists will be remain unsigned. And that's a consequence of those choices.

To consistently bite the hand that you want to feed you, having been given multiple chances to be fed, under the (seemingly most modest restrictions) is utterly baffling. And pretty soon, word and evidence of your behavior will spread to other companies, who may not be willing to take a meeting.

My point is, because of threats and censorship from even Bandcamp, where do artists go?
M would have to start a label and put it out himself, and it seems M sees releasing it himself more as a defeat rather than a victory.
Lucifer Sam just pointed to Rebel Media as an option. I think Daily Wire would be a git. They're making movies, TV shoes, etc, why not records. Boz just put an album up of Morrissey covers on Bandcamp. So he is already "there" kind of.

There will always be platforms and labels who do not want to host Morrissey's work, which again is free speech of disassociation and not "censorship "But (in the age of Carlson, Musk, Brand, Trump, and others, there will always be places that will, if he's willing to adjust to a smaller contract, etc.

But if he really believes the supreme quality of the work, that his is giving voice to themes and concerns otherwise unheralded in pop music - which in point of fact is not true- then let him find an unorthodox distribution deal and stand behind the work itself.

Or to paraphrase Wilde does he not want to be a member of any club who would want to admit him
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