Pasadena, CA - Cruel World Fest (May 14, 2022) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Irish Blood, English Heart / Disappointed / Knockabout World / Billy Budd / Never Had No One Ever / Alma Matters / I Am Veronica / The Loop / First Of The Gang To Die / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / Little Man, What Now? / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Half A Person / Suedehead / Jack The Ripper / Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of FWD, @Flibberty &

  • Link posted by Surface:

  • Links posted by Famous when dead.

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Something like:
We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Disappointed...? / Irish Blood, English Heart....? . Alma Matters / I Am Veronica / The Loop / First Of The Gang To Die / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Half A Person / Suedehead / Jack The Ripper / Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Everything from Alma onwards is 100% as I listened to it all, hence previous quotes.

Setlist filled in the blanks.
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Not keen on festivals, usually but I quite enjoyed the first day of this two day event.
All the bands I saw put in a good show.
Gutted Echo and Bmen didn't play.

M is in good form , top vocals
Saw a lot leave after Bauhous

But most are staying enjoying Ms show

So happy to see our boy shine
Strange, people posted on IG that practically no one left after Bahaus and stayed to see Morrissey
How boring this festival!!! I think Morrissey should do something for the fans that we can't go see him, we are his fans!! I could live stream on your Instagram site a recital of Moz vegas, something we are your fans:rolleyes:o_O:cry::cry:
Not really strange.
As it depends where you are standing, no ?
Not everyone there was a M fan, in fact a load couldn't stand him from what I was hearing.

Personally I don't care if anyone left or not.
I don't care if anyone dislikes him or not.

I saw a number walk off maybe they went to the bar, maybe they went to their car.
It's not a big deal.

Often people stay to the end at these things to keep the patty going ..its not about the band playing as such.

Im not sure how anyone can say "nobody left " as if they are coveting all exits.

If you read most cruel world comment sections, 75 % if not more was negative to M
So it really would have been no surprise to me , if I saw two thirds leave.

To be honest it was a passing comment.

I had fun and can't wait for tomorrow.

It's great when M is on form and tonight he was
I think he's gonna start winning back the fan base
People saying nobody stayed around for Morrissey are full of shit. I was center stage about 20 feet from the rail and while the crowd was absolutely dead, I had to walk through thousands to leave.
People saying nobody stayed around for Morrissey are full of shit. I was center stage about 20 feet from the rail and while the crowd was absolutely dead, I had to walk through thousands to leave.
Thank you for the truth, hope you had a wonderful time.
On another note, Morrissey’s energy was off tonight IMO. I know he’s typically bashful, humble, whatever you want to call it, but he really seemed like he didn’t care he was there. No band introduction again either.
From the aforementioned "live-blog" on the LA Times website:

As the king faced his court, dressed in a black suit and bow tie like a host at the Oscars, Morrissey stood defiant in front of the Cruel World crowd bellowing the lyrics of “Irish Blood, English Heart,” and we believed him when he said “there is no one on earth I’m afraid of.” Though he thankfully didn’t share any of his conservative political opinions from stage, he did nearly give late-coming fans a heart attack when he said “good night and thank you” after just two songs, only to come back moments later to continue on with the strutting pop beat of “Knockabout World.” He also gave us a handful of classics many young Moz fans may never have heard him sing live, such as “Suedehead” and “Everyday Is Like Sunday.” Perennial lyrics of youthful angst and self-discovery rang true with all generations of Moz fans, from the gray-haired goths to the kids who just bought their first Smiths t-shirt at Hot Topic. His ghostly vibrato captured the crowd until the very end of his one-hour set, when the punk sneer of the Smiths’ “Sweet and Tender Hooligan” rocketed the headlining set to a close.
From the aforementioned "live-blog" on the LA Times website:

As the king faced his court, dressed in a black suit and bow tie like a host at the Oscars, Morrissey stood defiant in front of the Cruel World crowd bellowing the lyrics of “Irish Blood, English Heart,” and we believed him when he said “there is no one on earth I’m afraid of.” Though he thankfully didn’t share any of his conservative political opinions from stage, he did nearly give late-coming fans a heart attack when he said “good night and thank you” after just two songs, only to come back moments later to continue on with the strutting pop beat of “Knockabout World.” He also gave us a handful of classics many young Moz fans may never have heard him sing live, such as “Suedehead” and “Everyday Is Like Sunday.” Perennial lyrics of youthful angst and self-discovery rang true with all generations of Moz fans, from the gray-haired goths to the kids who just bought their first Smiths t-shirt at Hot Topic. His ghostly vibrato captured the crowd until the very end of his one-hour set, when the punk sneer of the Smiths’ “Sweet and Tender Hooligan” rocketed the headlining set to a close.
That's a great review, thanks for sharing.
Little Man, What Now? footage will be interesting. What I heard was a seemingly direct dig at Marr regarding Salford Streets.
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