Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

gregor samsa:

Why would you want to go to calgary? People only go there for business, it's not really a tourist destination (although heritage park and calaway park are fun!!). I hope you're making time to go to lake louise or lake O'Hara when youre in the area. Those are my top Canada recommendations. Hopefully alberta won't still be on fire when you come!!

Meeting someone who I went to school with and need to stay over as our flight to Toronto is really early the morning after.
Are his brains as negligible as yours?!

Not sure why you are so fascinated by the IQ of other people, life is all about enjoying yourself and making the most of your opportunities. You may want to spend some time reflecting on your waste of a life (before it's too late) rather than questioning other peoples intelligence.
Not sure why you are so fascinated by the IQ of other people, life is all about enjoying yourself and making the most of your opportunities. You may want to spend some time reflecting on your waste of a life (before it's too late) rather than questioning other peoples intelligence.
You’re speaking to a brick wall, Surf. An amalgamation of all the things that are bad about this forum:
• mental illness
• a despicable personality nearly bereft of redeeming qualities
• pathological cantankerousness
• a political cesspool full of alt-right lunacy and a potpourri of paranoid conspiracy theories
• immaturity to the point of possible retardation

She almost feels like a joke. Or possibly some sort of sociological project.
You’re speaking to a brick wall, Surf. An amalgamation of all the things that are bad about this forum:
• mental illness
• a despicable personality nearly bereft of redeeming qualities
• pathological cantankerousness
• a political cesspool full of alt-right lunacy and a potpourri of paranoid conspiracy theories
• immaturity to the point of possible retardation

She almost feels like a joke. Or possibly some sort of sociological project.

Your descriptions of Rifke always make her sound 10000 times hotter than she does already 😍. These posts are your best contribution to the website!
I'm not criticizing, I'm making an honest observation. To say otherwise would be intellectually dishonest. There is nothing wrong with looking like a retired guy sightseeing on vacation.
You are not the dumbest person on this site because it turns out official polls have settled on that particular distinction going to Gaylord Retard, but you SURE ARE completely INSUFFERABLE!

WHICH, sure as shit, you have some prime competition for on here and which you also have not ONE, but SEVERAL people tying in first place with you! So, YAY! 🙄

I mostly just can’t get over the fact that you could even figure out how to spell the word “intellectually”!

WOW! Good for you. I guess some wonders will never cease. The world is a magical place!
Having flicked through the footage posted I can now officially declare that in my opinion this is the worst line up he’s ever performed with………
Absolutely horrific the way these songs are being delivered to the paying audience.
I’ve seen better musicians in my local boozer.
He must be paying them in peanuts.


Benny 🇬🇧🔪

Do all lesbians speak Spanish?
Said the moron who's posted about a squillion times on a message board. If nothing else, she's making a living from it. What's your excuse?
Leave her alone, people don’t need to be insulted by you, and she certainly doesn’t need to “excuse” anything to you. She is a true fan and contrary to popular opinion, fans can and do post on this site. Calling anyone a moron for being a fan who likes to post on a site about him is BEYOND laughable, coming straight from the actual moron (you!) who has posted here repeatedly to wish death on him :crazy:

WHAT is wrong with you
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