off-topic fight thread 2

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Funny how some people behave on here, Silly c*** Thewlis is now going through my posting history and marking all my posts as troll.
Funny how some people behave on here, Silly c*** Thewlis is now going through my posting history and marking all my posts as troll.

Same here, the thick c***. On posts that arnt even relevant to him. He’s an absolute wet wipe of a man. Lollll carry on thewlis, if it makes you happy. :thumb:

Only the ones that bother me :)
But why would you troll-vote a link to an article that interviews Boz and Joe C?

f*** off you absolute fanny. I downvote you for legitimately talking shit, or bumming Morrissey too hard. Get in the f***ing queue with Ketamine Sun & GodEmperorMorrissey, nurse Ratched is waiting with your meds.
f*** off you absolute fanny. I downvote you for legitimately talking shit, or bumming Morrissey too hard. Get in the f***ing queue with Ketamine Sun & GodEmperorMorrissey, nurse Ratched is waiting with your meds.
You’re a hypocrite, like f***Skinny or Surface, spending your living hours on a website dedicated to a singer you cannot stand.
And in your case trying to make a nice profit too. Hilariously funny, and hysterically sad too. But suit yourself.
You’re a hypocrite, like f***Skinny or Surface, spending your living hours on a website dedicated to a singer you cannot stand.
And in your case trying to make a nice profit too. Hilariously funny, and hysterically sad too. But suit yourself.

Who said I couldn’t stand Morrissey? I love his music, collect his music, have my own page on Facebook dedicated to Morrissey & The Smiths. Not liking his current album, or supporting his political views, hardly classifies as hatred. You’re a wee wanker than cant even think for yourself, you’re blinkered and gay for Morrissey, and that’s fine by the way.
Also, make a profit? Erm, think you’ve got me confused with someone else.
Well, YOU certainly have ME confused with somebody else. Liking Morrissey’s music, spending time and participating on a website dedicated to him hardly classifies as ‘blinkered’. Let alone all the other abusive language you enjoy putting in your posts...
But as I said, suit yourself. Just please stop crying when someone stands up to your abusive posts.
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Who said I couldn’t stand Morrissey? I love his music, collect his music, have my own page on Facebook dedicated to Morrissey & The Smiths. Not liking his current album, or supporting his political views, hardly classifies as hatred. You’re a wee wanker than cant even think for yourself, you’re blinkered and gay for Morrissey, and that’s fine by the way.
Also, make a profit? Erm, think you’ve got me confused with someone else.

Same here, have all his albums took in the last UK tour, was taking my daughter to Castlefield, managed to get her and my wife tickets for New York. I simply don’t like his views nowadays. For some reason people like Thewlis seem to think it’s got to be all or nothing. If I don’t like something I will say so, just like I would about any other band.
Well, say something positive then, for a change.
It’s been a long time.

Why? Cos it pains you to hear anything bad about him. You’re sick in the head. Just like a few others on here. Morrissey could commit murders and you’d find an excuse for him. If you don’t like a post, then just f***in ignore it, stop trolling everyone.
There you go again. Cannot read, cannot think in a normal human way for one second.
Now who's trolling?

Do you not have a girlfriend, or a wife, boyfriend, husband? Kids? Anything in your life besides Morrissey. So sad, making it your life’s work to fight his corner and defend him on this forum. Have you got some relationship going on with him in your head?
Do you not have a girlfriend, or a wife, boyfriend, husband? Kids? Anything in your life besides Morrissey. So sad, making it your life’s work to fight his corner and defend him on this forum. Have you got some relationship going on with him in your head?
You may notice that you have posted more on these forums than I have, so with a Facebook-group also going you could really ask these same questions to yourself :lbf:
My excuse is that I like the man and his music. What's yours? Ah, I see, you enjoy insulting those that enjoy the man and his music.
You Was Bully, We Will Forget You.
You may notice that you have posted more on these forums than I have, so with a Facebook-group also going you could really ask these same questions to yourself :lbf:
My excuse is that I like the man and his music. What's yours? Ah, I see, you enjoy insulting those that enjoy the man and his music.
You Was Bully, We Will Forget You.

Please get someone in your life, stop being faithful to Morrissey, it’s like you’re married to him. But it’s so one sided, being that he doesn’t know you exist. You’re gonna die an old man and regret wasting your life on an imaginary relationship with a celebrity.

But in your heart, it was sooo real...
Please get someone in your life, stop being faithful to Morrissey, it’s like you’re married to him. But it’s so one sided, being that he doesn’t know you exist. You’re gonna die an old man and regret wasting your life on an imaginary relationship with a celebrity.

But in your heart, it was sooo real...
What on earth are you on (about)?? Like I said you spent and spend more time in your life dedicating to Morrissey and The Smiths than I do.
So pot kettle and all that.
And if you don't like him or his music anymore, you have even less excuse to lurk around here or on your Facebook-group.
But no, here you are and here you will remain. Because all you need is... Like Skinny and Surface, three of a very pathetic kind.
f*** off you absolute fanny. I downvote you for legitimately talking shit, or bumming Morrissey too hard. Get in the f***ing queue with Ketamine Sun & GodEmperorMorrissey, nurse Ratched is waiting with your meds.

Why are you talking shit about me? I leave you alone.. Leave me alone.

Such trolling behavior calls for me to rate your posts accordingly.
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