Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

That is short term and another grabline that feeds on the negative.

They would rather have you worried about sudden death than feeling positive about the expansion and blossoming of life, and all that is wonderful about that.

The reality is that the world's population is expected to increase by nearly 2 billion people over the next 30 years.
True, Afrika has a vax quote of 3% There is no such thing as an increase of sudden death... Here birthrates are lowering massively... and guess where not?
Es ist doch egal welche Sprache wir sprechen, man kann alles übersetzen, wenn es einen interessiert und die Technik hilft erheblich, oder !?🤔
Ist es nicht einigermaßen einfacher uns zu beschränken auf einer Sprache? (Vielleicht Morrissey's sprache) Vielen finden es bestimmt mega nervig hehehe.
Kan ik ook berijpen wat een gedoe met dat Duits zeg..
True, I'm sixteen years old and went to last weeks shows with my parents. I wanted to hear those songs as well, but i cannot express to you the amount of joy that spread on my face when I heard the opening riff to boy racer and if you dont like me. Of course my parents didn't know as many of the deep cuts as me, but they still loved it.
omg, I have a sixteen year old trying to school me, a person who went with their parents. ARE YOU MINI MOZ? or little moz or whatever it calls itself?
omg, I have a sixteen year old trying to school me, a person who went with their parents. ARE YOU MINI MOZ? or little moz or whatever it calls itself?
Haha, I'm not trying to school you, I agree with you for the most part, and no I'm not him, I'd assume hes around 10. You're right though, my dad saw him in 93 and 2012, and said he was better both times.
Haha, I'm not trying to school you, I agree with you for the most part, and no I'm not him, I'd assume hes around 10. You're right though, my dad saw him in 93 and 2012, and said he was better both times.
I was just joking, I sometimes forget there are minors here and for a second I did wonder if you were Boy Moz.
Absolutely. After the PR disaster of last year, this year things are definitely looking up. 4 lovely shows in Vegas, Moz looking and sounding great, and Bonfire back in his possession under new management with music industry nous. An announcement re Bonfire is undoubtedly coming, with probably some promotional shows to follow, explaining why Bonfire material almost entirely absent from the Vegas shows. And zero material from Without Music. For Bonfire - les yeux sont fait.
« Les jeux sont faits » is the correct sentence with an S for plural. Stay with English especially if you are only dreaming.
Les yeux sans visage.
Of all the things that could be described as vile, having a poor grasp of English is up there.
One of the ways I’ve been lucky is that in my mid twenties a buddy of my boy’friend’ enouraged him to read, which spilled over into my hands, and eventually when he ‘stole’ me from from boy’friend’, he encouraged me to read Nathaniel Hawthorn’s The Scarlet Letter and some Thomas Hardy and Dostoyevski, Franz Kafka, Charlotte Bronte, Aldoux Huxley, and while we were looking through the used books in Value Village, either he or I spotted Marie Claire Blais, and such authors gave me an appreciation for literature. Albert Camus is another author I just remembered having enjoyed reading from. It was The Scarlet Letter that turned the lights on as to how a man can love a woman’s mind, and express it in the written English word. Esther Prynne, banished from society for having an illegitimate child by a priest who wouldn’t confess to having fathered her, embroidered in her isolated cabin in the forest, selling her sought after work to the women who scorned her. It was 1990 when I read that novel, and I’ve known since then that a man can write intricately and lovingly of a woman’s mind. Marie Claire Blais wrote a novel, I forget what it was called. The Torrent? It was about two siblings. The girl hated her beautiful brother and deliberately would harm him and eventually cause his death. I don’t think there was a happy ending, except for her exulting in feeling victorious, which wasn’t a happy ending for an empath. For a sadist I guess it would be. It was a visceral read. To wrap this post up before it veers further off topic, I want to say that reading those books gave me the ability to communicate well using English, when I’m inclined to, and I’m just getting started.
One of the ways I’ve been lucky is that in my mid twenties a buddy of my boy’friend’ enouraged him to read, which spilled over into my hands, and eventually when he ‘stole’ me from from boy’friend’, he encouraged me to read Nathaniel Hawthorn’s The Scarlet Letter and some Thomas Hardy and Dostoyevski, Franz Kafka, Charlotte Bronte, Aldoux Huxley, and while we were looking through the used books in Value Village, either he or I spotted Marie Claire Blais, and such authors gave me an appreciation for literature. Albert Camus is another author I just remembered having enjoyed reading from. It was The Scarlet Letter that turned the lights on as to how a man can love a woman’s mind, and express it in the written English word. Esther Prynne, banished from society for having an illegitimate child by a priest who wouldn’t confess to having fathered her, embroidered in her isolated cabin in the forest, selling her sought after work to the women who scorned her. It was 1990 when I read that novel, and I’ve known since then that a man can write intricately and lovingly of a woman’s mind. Marie Claire Blais wrote a novel, I forget what it was called. The Torrent? It was about two siblings. The girl hated her beautiful brother and deliberately would harm him and eventually cause his death. I don’t think there was a happy ending, except for her exulting in feeling victorious, which wasn’t a happy ending for an empath. For a sadist I guess it would be. It was a visceral read. To wrap this post up before it veers further off topic, I want to say that reading those books gave me the ability to communicate well using English, when I’m inclined to, and I’m just getting started.
I was being sarcastic.
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