Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

It hasn't sold out despite weeks of promotion on Instagram. He's a lazy swine. He thinks nothing of cancelling gigs at the last minute. He loves a good drink. I've put £250 on the gig being cancelled and am trying to will it to happen.
thought you werent a gambling man,so you would wish misery to the people on here who are going for a few quid.
Because, Gordon, it isn't true and was merely a joke.
if i was writing that,at the end of the sentence i would say ,that was a joke by the way.
i knew it was a joke,i was just pulling your inside leg.
Well that's what will happen to me tonight....sounds like you are pretty sour about a cancelation. You gotta move on, you do know resentment is not telling how long you have carried this around with you,......let it free
I am just warning you.
I met CarlisleBaz and his lovely daughter that day, and we got pissed until about 3am. A wonderful day.

I had to call security to stop him from breaking down the door of my hotel room, but it was all in good fun. He agreed as much when I was bailing him out of jail the next day.
Tomorrow. Unless you are already in the future, in which case it was last Friday.

Assuming you are in the UK, the gig is scheduled to start at about 3 o'clock on Saturday morning. I'll be providing pre-gig poetry over in the Off-Topic thread until then.

You're a funny f....r!
I think there's a few Canadians on here so hopefully you can help. I'm visiting Canada for 2 and a half weeks in August and I'm sorted with flights hotels etc in Vancouver, Banff, Calgary and Toronto but really struggling with how to get from Calgary Airport to Banff without having to rent a car, any ideas?
Why would you want to go to calgary? People only go there for business, it's not really a tourist destination (although heritage park and calaway park are fun!!). I hope you're making time to go to lake louise or lake O'Hara when youre in the area. Those are my top Canada recommendations. Hopefully alberta won't still be on fire when you come!!
Shit, yer a cheesy f***er
It’s sad beyond words that you find normal human emotion (especially of the more positive kind) cheesy. If you only knew how you yourself look when you fawn over mediocre and over-the-hill pop stars, alt-right youtubers and mentally ill users on this forum, you would combust out of self-hatred. ‘Cheesy’ really doesn’t cover it.
It’s sad beyond words that you find normal human emotion (especially of the more positive kind) cheesy. If you only knew how you yourself look when you fawn over mediocre and over-the-hill pop stars, alt-right youtubers and mentally ill users on this forum, you would combust out of self-hatred. ‘Cheesy’ really doesn’t cover it.
It's just that nobody talks the way you do :lbf:
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