Jesus of Nazareth, known as "J-dogg" by some

What is your opinion of Jesus?

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I’d like to reply ….. but seeing as there’s only me that exists who am I replying to? And as there’s only you …. theres’s no one for you to hear. Not sure solipsism has all the explanations either….. so lonely …. but each to their own of course 🤔

Nothing at all to do with solipsism.

Only ‘you’ in the sense, that ultimately, you can only turn to yourself for lasting happiness.

Happiness, peace, etc.. can not be found in or through someone or something outside of yourself.

If you think you have found happiness, etc. outside from yourself, then it is a trap, it will only be a temporary happiness with unresolved conflicts.

Look to YOU.

john lennon love GIF
I have no doubt at all that there are 'beings' or 'entities' that exist outside human perception. Or 'normal' human perception at least. But maybe I took too much magic mushrooms and LSD as a young man? Every culture on the planet has believed in such entities. It seems to me rank arrogance to assume now that our scientific culture knows better.
Some of these entities are benevolent and some are malevolent. Some are beyond earthly and human notions of 'good' and 'bad'. Whether one of them is 'in charge' or 'top dog / god' is open for debate. Polytheism and paganism have always attracted me much more than monotheism, and seem to me the much more 'advanced' theory, philosophically speaking.
Totally agree. I’ve been there, beyond a human God, beyond human limitations! Lol.

Monotheism is for children, and people who want certainty.

Exactly. My recent exchange was in regards
to the angry white bearded man sitting on a cloud in some imaginary heaven, that ‘God’.

He is sleeping
He is awake
Suddenly he paints
He takes a church and paints with a church
He takes a cow and paints with a cow
With a sardine
With heads, hands, knives
He paints with a blackjack
He paints with all the dirty passions of a small Jewish town
With all the heightened sexuality of the Russian province
For France
Without sensuality
He paints with his thighs
He has his eyes on his ass
And it's suddenly your portrait
it's you reader
It's me
It's him
She's his bride
He's the local grocer
The wise woman
There are tubs of blood
Newborn babies are washed there
crazy skies
Mouths of modernity
The corkscrew tower
Christ is him
He spent his childhood on the Cross
He commits suicide every day
Suddenly he no longer paints
He was awake
He is sleeping now
He strangles himself with his tie
Chagall is surprised to still live

- Blaise Cendrars


I once met him
It really surprised me
He put me in a bath tub
Made me squeaky clean
Really clean

To create a universe
You must taste
The forbidden fruit

He said hi, I said hi
I was still clean

Deus does not exist

Do you know this 14min film, @ZOOM FROM GLOOM ? Exploring themes of identity, time, and memory, and interesting in this thread I thought, in the broader context of the conversations around existence and perception

Yes, I’m very familiar with Maya Deren’s work, an amazing person and artist.
Do you know this 14min film, @ZOOM FROM GLOOM ? Exploring themes of identity, time, and memory, and interesting in this thread I thought, in the broader context of the conversations around existence and perception

That film was mentioned by Kenneth Anger as an inspiration. Interesting that many see similarities between it and Blood of a Poet, by Jean Cocteau, although Maya Deren denied ever seeing it.
‘Deren, however, denied any connection with the movement’s aesthetic aims. The Surrealist obsession with duality—with the lines separating the real and the imaginary, the rational and the irrational, the waking life and the dream—was, in fact, diametrically opposed to Deren’s fascination with the continuity of life and death, the physical and the spiritual, and “I” and the “non-I.”

‘Towards the end of her book Divine Horsemen (1953), her passionate study of voodoo, the filmmaker Maya Deren describes how the goddess Erzulie descended on her and took possession of her in the course of a ritual ceremony in Haiti. When Deren decided to go to the island, her initial idea had been to stage a series of dances inspired by its rhythms and the religion of the islanders, but this plan was eclipsed almost immediately and a deeper involvement began. She stopped behaving like a distant, controlling auteur and impresario and became a participant.

All in all, over the course of three visits, Deren spent eighteen months in Haiti between 1947 and 1952 and eventually accumulated 18,000 feet (5,486 metres) of film taken with her hand-held Bolex.

During a ceremony described at the end of her book, Erzulie began to “ride” Maya Deren. According to the erotic metaphor of voodoo possession, a deity “mounts” the entranced dancer as a rider seizes hold of a reluctant horse and overcomes the spirit of the animal. “This is it!” writes Deren, as she evokes the dramatic scene when she became possessed. “Resting upon that leg I feel a strange numbness enter it from the earth itself and mount, within the very marrow of the bone, as slowly and richly as sap might mount the trunk of a tree. I say numbness, but that is inaccurate. To be precise,I must say what, even to me, is pure recollection, but not otherwise conceivable: I must call it a white darkness, its whiteness a glory, and its darkness, terror.”

he’s just stating the facts. :blushing:
Lol, FIGURES that someone this embarrassing would of course have to be an American! :lbf:

This whole entire thread, even though I still haven’t read pages 9-19, all I kept thinking to myself was like, “how come there are a whole bunch of other people in this thread who also went to Catholic school, and in 52 pages no one has ever said anything yet, about how completely DISTURBIA it is for a bunch of adults to keep sending little children to confession ALL the time??? It was completely disturbia to me as a 7 year old, and it was also still completely disturbia in hindsight, and I was really like omg maybe all these people must think that maybe that’s perfectly normal??!

BUT! Then I read this article yesterday, and his congregation really had to pay penance too, lol. Like, this guy is the actual penance. :lbf:

Maya Deren got ordained as a high voodoo priestess while she was in Haiti, and I am still trying my hardest to line everything up that I need to, so that I’ll be able to quit my job in June …. So I momentarily considered following her down a similar avenue. But getting ordained as a high voodoo priestess in 1943 is compelling to me in a way that getting ordained as a high voodoo priestess in 2024 (or beyond) could never, ever be.

Therefore, luckily still, the only interesting thing to possibly be, will still be… me! :lbf:

Based on my deep expertise, that is my highly professional opinion.

And I suppose, now is as apt a moment as any to remind even myself, that my profile by-line here on this site used to always be, and undoubtedly will be again… very professional at stretching

Lol, FIGURES that someone this embarrassing would of course have to be an American! :lbf:

This whole entire thread, even though I still haven’t read pages 9-19, all I kept thinking to myself was like, “how come there are a whole bunch of other people in this thread who also went to Catholic school, and in 52 pages no one has ever said anything yet, about how completely DISTURBIA it is for a bunch of adults to keep sending little children to confession ALL the time??? It was completely disturbia to me as a 7 year old, and it was also still completely disturbia in hindsight, and I was really like omg maybe all these people must think that maybe that’s perfectly normal??!

BUT! Then I read this article yesterday, and his congregation really had to pay penance too, lol. Like, this guy is the actual penance. :lbf:

Maya Deren got ordained as a high voodoo priestess while she was in Haiti, and I am still trying my hardest to line everything up that I need to, so that I’ll be able to quit my job in June …. So I momentarily considered following her down a similar avenue. But getting ordained as a high voodoo priestess in 1943 is compelling to me in a way that getting ordained as a high voodoo priestess in 2024 (or beyond) could never, ever be.

Therefore, luckily still, the only interesting thing to possibly be, will still be… me! :lbf:

Based on my deep expertise, that is my highly professional opinion.

And I suppose, now is as apt a moment as any to remind even myself, that my profile by-line here on this site used to always be, and undoubtedly will be again… very professional at stretching


Or on God, or religion. Anything but - sober, grim reality.

Or on God, or religion. Anything but - sober, grim reality.

Of course, he’s right. To me, this comes back to external world versus internal world. Some people get drunk on wine, or on poetry, virtue, or on religion - to deal with the external world.

I deal with the external world by not letting it into my internal world, and I intoxicate myself on poetry, and on feelings, until I succumb.

Surreal plays I write in my mind, where I assess and judge anyone interacting with me, to see if they know how to improvise, and how to play along with me. And then I watch, and I wait. Wait to look to see if someone knows how to drive my game forward - without my script ever having to be explained, or asked of them - this is the only interesting barometer to me.

Dreamscapes are as real as any memory. Magnetism includes taking charge of larger truths. People can’t step into the magic if they don’t want to.

My prowess lies in wild adventures, and in entrancing conversations without boundaries.
As opposed to wine, God, or religion, that is.


I can barely conceive of a type of beauty in which there is no Melancholy - Baudelaire
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I mean how evil do you have to be to tell that to children? Especially since it was one of those high performing schools in which you actually had to study hard for your exams :rolleyes:

but didn’t that give you the excuse to not do your homework? I would have been like .. ‘Ah! There is God!’

Think I said this before. But in Catholic school they made us confess once a month. I had nothing to confess as a child, and thought it all so ridiculous being forced to do so. Anyway, I had to lie to the priest, make up sins I’ve never committed because I had nothing! Which of course is a sin that I never confessed, lol! Then you’d go back to your pew to say however many Hail Marys to be forgiven for your sins, a child! Though, even then, I never felt it was anyone’s business anyway, what right or wrongs I’ve done.

It’s no wonder Patti Smith’s Gloria struck a cord with me so many years later :lbf: ….

‘Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
Meltin' in a pot of thieves
Wild card up my sleeve
Thick heart of stone
My sins, my own
They belong to me, me

In other news, right before Easter, someone i know walked the Camino di Santiago pilgrimage trail.

115km, 72miles, and well over 200,000 steps. And i can’t remember if they did it in 4 days or in 5 or what. But they are very hardcore and they trained for a whole year and the person i know plus their friend are two people that regularly walk 10miles a day even when they’re not training, and my friend said it was still extremely hard and they felt like they still couldn’t have appreciated how much walking they would actually have to do on a daily basis. They walked from 16 - 23 miles each day. In full wind and rain the whole time after the first day, arriving on Good Friday in front of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. I loved that they planned their trip so that their pilgrimage would end with their arrival on Good Friday, because I suppose people must also do it the rest of the year as well, whenever they can? I don’t know but I’m pretty sure the main reason they went was to have a very active walking holiday, not primarily for religious reasons.

My friend said they’re already planning their next very active walking holiday back to Switzerland next time and they invited me to meet them there, and it was really on the tip of ny tongue to be ever flippant and to respond with, “meet you at the apres-ski?” Because all i had in my head was, “I think people who want to walk 16-23 miles a day, every day for a week must be hell-bent on getting a few knee or ankle replacements before they’re even old yet, AND where they come from, really super ugly hideous TROLL FEET must be the most a la mode this year, but… NOooooo thank you, to that little piece of it all! :lbf:

I would LOVE to go on a walking holiday somewhere beautiful because I love being outside and in nature….BUT! I definitely know how to do this a lot better! 😁 Lol

but didn’t that give you the excuse to not do your homework? I would have been like .. ‘Ah! There is God!’

Think I said this before. But in Catholic school they made us confess once a month. I had nothing to confess as a child, and thought it all so ridiculous being forced to do so. Anyway, I had to lie to the priest, make up sins I’ve never committed because I had nothing! Which of course is a sin that I never confessed, lol! Then you’d go back to your pew to say however many Hail Marys to be forgiven for your sins, a child! Though, even then, I never felt it was anyone’s business anyway, what right or wrongs I’ve done.

It’s no wonder Patti Smith’s Gloria struck a cord with me so many years later :lbf: ….

‘Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
Meltin' in a pot of thieves
Wild card up my sleeve
Thick heart of stone
My sins, my own
They belong to me, me

Thank you for replying! I just wanted to say that I was one of those weird children that wanted to do homework, I liked doing homework. Homework was an escape from all the misery!!! So to be told I was committing a sin and potentially going to hell by doing homework on Sundays instead of worshipping God - especially by teachers (!) - was rather discouraging and strange. And it made no sense. Contrary to maths - maths was beautiful and made perfect sense!

I’ve always found that the Catholic Church was a destructive force in my life instead of a source of strength and, as I’ve said before, organised religion has always stood in the way of faith for me.

christianity edith sitwell jesus religion
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