Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Said the moron who's posted about a squillion times on a message board. If nothing else, she's making a living from it. What's your excuse?

just a ‘squillion’? Lol. I’m glad you’ve been counting.

Anyway, it’s pretty obvious that my excuse is.. love. And we all know why you post …

Leave her alone, people don’t need to be insulted by you, and she certainly doesn’t need to “excuse” anything to you. She is a true fan and contrary to popular opinion, fans can and do post on this site. Calling anyone a moron for being a fan who likes to post on a site about him is BEYOND laughable, coming straight from the actual moron (you!) who has posted here repeatedly to wish death on him :crazy:

WHAT is wrong with you

I say that in reference to the fact that Trump supporters seem to be cuckold losers. As a sociologist, I'd bet more than half of Trump supporters would blow Trump or watch their wives have sex with him if asked. That is weird. That is a cult and the fake Morrissey fans are veering dangerously and grossly towards that. Again, don't shoot the messenger, I'm a trusted professional.
:lbf: :lbf: :lbf: :lbf:
Not at all Mr. Lonely guy
For a 'Sociology' Bro it's funny how you went for all the usual lowest common denominators, you're fat, broke and lonely! You sound like a Trump supporter :lbf:
Yes and sudden death increased massively since 2021.

That is short term and another grabline that feeds on the negative.

They would rather have you worried about sudden death than feeling positive about the expansion and blossoming of life, and all that is wonderful about that.

The reality is that the world's population is expected to increase by nearly 2 billion people over the next 30 years.
oh my aching side,how not funny you are.
i dont do twitter or x but if fiona had her boobs out then i would certainly track them down and say what a fantastic treasure chest you have.
least you got a reaction from detracted which will probably make yer day.
For a 'Sociology' Bro it's funny how you went for all the usual lowest common denominators, you're fat, broke and lonely! You sound like a Trump supporter :lbf:
raygun has been known to walk about his town wearing a red make america great cap.
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