The Times / Will Hodgkinson: "Morrissey says he is being censored. He isn’t" (September 10, 2024)

This story is now spinning up all kinds of press, like this piece in The Times by Will Hodgkinson. (Author of the AMAZING new book about Lawrence, from Felt.) As it's The Times, there's a paywall, but here the text of it all:

Morrissey says he is being censored. He isn’t

The former Smiths star has complained that his controversial album Bonfire of Teenagers has been unfairly suppressed. He should release it himself and stop playing the moaning martyr

Will Hodgkinson

Tuesday September 10 2024, 3.00pm BST, The Times

Every rock and pop critic in the country would like to persuade Morrissey to talk to them. Now that the most contrary star of them has talked (via email) to The Telegraph, I confess I’m a little jealous, but it’s a little rich to read that he thinks he is being gagged, bound and censored. Is that really the case when we’re all desperate to speak to him?

The interview focuses chiefly on Morrissey’s unreleased 2022 album Bonfire of Teenagers, which takes its name from the May 22, 2017, bombing by an Islamic fundamentalist at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, and the fact that it remains unreleased. The album is a victim, claims Morrissey, of “idiot culture” and the suppression of free speech.

Yet Morrissey does have free speech, which he uses regularly in messages sent out to the world via his website and picked up by the press everywhere. “There’s no arts media any more in England, therefore there’s no one to whom I can sit and talk about this,” he says in an interview in the arts pages of a newspaper. Morrissey’s dispute with Capitol Records blocked the release of the album, which featured a guest spot from Miley Cyrus until she backed off “for reasons unconnected to me”, he said. But as he stated earlier this year, he has bought back the rights to the album. He could release Bonfire of Teenagers himself today.

He says he won’t do that. Why not? Plenty of artists release their own albums in the streaming age and Morrissey is certainly a big enough name to garner big sales to his still loyal fanbase. I cannot help but suspect he likes to see himself as the outsider genius amid a confederacy of dunces, the lone voice of truth facing down the groupthink-infected hordes.

Besides, there is more than a bit of hypocrisy going on here. I remember asking Morrissey’s press officer (long gone; they change like the wind) for a ticket to review a concert, only to discover I was on some kind of naughty list for being less than effusive about a past performance. If you give it out, as every critic knows and as Morrissey does, you should be able to take it. And I would like, too, to ask him more about his support for the English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson (in 2018 he said his sentencing for contempt of court was “shocking treatment”) or for the far-right party For Britain, which he praised the same year.

Fair play to Morrissey for saying he won’t self-censor and remove the offending title song to his album. Artists have the right to express themselves and audiences have the right to agree or disagree with them. Yet all this protesting has the whiff of martyrdom and the former singer of the Smiths is no saint. In late August Morrissey whined that he and the guitarist Johnny Marr had been approached by a concert promoter with a very lucrative offer for a reunion tour but Marr wouldn’t play ball, so fans of the most revolutionary band of the 1980s were once more denied the chance to relive their youth. He went on to boast that he was selling out his US tour while Marr was reduced to playing special guest to New Order.

Yet I know which of the two men I have more sympathy for — Marr, who is one of the most liked and respected musicians out there, and who has shown integrity at refusing to reform the Smiths when to do so could afford him a handful of houses he doesn’t need. He responded to the reunion rumours by posting a photograph of Nigel Farage, seemingly a reference to the political beliefs of the singer he clearly has no desire to be in a room with ever again. Free speech does exist, and Marr has exercised his right to it by tacitly revealing why there will be no Smiths reunion.

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Will Hodgkinson pretty much nails it except for omitting the grotesque hypocrisy of Morrissey's crocodile tears about the Atrocity Exhibition that was, is, always will be the bombing of Manchester Arena.

Morrissey's glib, facile remarks onstage in Poland where he dismissed Brievik's victims will be the epitaph on the gravestone of his collapsed career and posthumous reputational implosion.

Morrissey expressed his right to free speech by stating that the deaths of scores of teenage socialist-idealists at a summer camp on an island off Oslo was of no more significance than the dispatch of fast-food poultry.

He expressed his free speech on this Norwegian tragedy and now should bear the consequences of doing so.

It is completely illogical and hypocritical to feign grief for the death, injuries and lifetime suffering of teenagers in Manchester whilst being contemptuous of equal, comparable suffering in Oslo.

The bombing of Manchester Arena exercises Morrissey because?
Why, exactly?
Because it happened close to his comfortable, lower middle-class teenage home? Because it happened on his birthday?

It's Not Your Birthday Anymore you ludicrous troll.

When Morrissey's mother died of cancer he wailed and ululated in an undignified, unmanly manner with insincere Late Night, Maudlin Street public expressions of his grief. He sought to dignify his mother's passing by appealing to his deluded fanbase, seemingly unaware of how discordant this appeared given his dismissal of 'The Mothers Of Oslo'.

He is a narcissistic troll with a pathological lack of decency, common sense, solidarity and empathy.

He has always sought to monetise suffering- let's not forget his bizarre attempt to capitalise on the Bataclan terrorist attack with his demented claim that the grieving of Parisians required the re-release of a self-pitying dirge about The City Of Light.

Morrissey has threatened legal action against newspapers for allowing journalists to use their free speech to challenge his inflammatory rhetoric on immigration. He has publicly denounced this site for allowing criticism of his silly demos, one of which he still balks at releasing because it's so preposterous. The Kid's A FcUKin Loser.

If he fooled you for decades you're in the company of most journalists and critics who drank the Kool Aid. Some of us didn't then and won't do so now.

Morrissey is a moral leper without a bell and will remain an outcast in the public square unless and until he accepts 'feedback' from consensus reality. His endorsement of For Britain 🇬🇧 is his prerogative. It remains on the record. He expressed his right to free speech. In response many of us, whilst championing balls-deep free speech, also exercise our right to dissociate from a public figure who gave credibility to an explicitly intolerant political party that based its manifesto on numerous problematic positions including advocating for anti-Muslim bigotry.

If Johnny Marr were to walk on stage with this idiotic troll he would instantly destroy his own career and legacy.

Marr made mistakes but has been 'on a journey' from passively ignoring Morrissey's 'trolling for profits' to standing up for his own seemingly sincere political and aesthetic standards. You do not need to agree with Marr's politics to admire the courageous stand he is making in defence of his convictions. As upsetting as the treatment of The Drummer and The Bass Player was, it's clear that Johnny Marr now prioritises ethics in his presentation of his music and in his personal life choices. For which he deserves kudos.

Morrissey deserves everything he's experienced to date. Karma is a bitch, Steven. We keep the receipts on her one, mt8...

Suffer Little Children but only if they're British?

'The Mothers Of Oslo' will never walk alone...On This Day that they wounded New York, the Mother And Child Reunion is only a motion away...


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Inflammatory rhetoric on immigration? Dear really don't have the pulse of the nation.
Truly these days are the nadir of Morrissey's career. What was the name of that new "manager" that was announced some months ago?? I doubt even Morrissey remembers. Well we still have tours with stale and dull setlists clocking in under 90min, for those rare gigs that aren't cancelled that is. I bet dollars to dimes there are no new releases in 2024-
I don't even like the "go easy on the killer" refrain at the end of "Bonfire of Teenagers" but when he sang that song in Birmingham it was electric - actual goosebumps. Just the way he sings the word "vaporised" is extraordinary.
Morrissey expressed his right to free speech by stating that the deaths of scores of teenage socialist-idealists at a summer camp on an island off Oslo was of no more significance than the dispatch of fast-food poultry.

He expressed his free speech on this Norwegian tragedy and now should bear the consequences of doing so.

It is completely illogical and hypocritical to feign grief for the death, injuries and lifetime suffering of teenagers in Manchester whilst being contemptuous of equal, comparable suffering in Oslo.

The bombing of Manchester Arena exercises Morrissey because?
Why, exactly?
Because it happened close to his comfortable, lower middle-class teenage home? Because it happened on his birthday?

It's Not Your Birthday Anymore you ludicrous troll.

When Morrissey's mother died of cancer he wailed and ululated in an undignified, unmanly manner with insincere Late Night, Maudlin Street public expressions of his grief. He sought to dignify his mother's passing by appealing to his deluded fanbase, seemingly unaware of how discordant this appeared given his dismissal of 'The Mothers Of Oslo'.

He is a narcissistic troll with a pathological lack of decency, common sense, solidarity and empathy.

He has always sought to monetise suffering- let's not forget his bizarre attempt to capitalise on the Bataclan terrorist attack with his demented claim that the grieving of Parisians required the re-release of a self-pitying dirge about The City Of Light.

Morrissey has threatened legal action against newspapers for allowing journalists to use their free speech to challenge his inflammatory rhetoric on immigration. He has publicly denounced this site for allowing criticism of his silly demos, one of which he still balks at releasing because it's so preposterous. The Kid's A FcUKin Loser.

If he fooled you for decades you're in the company of most journalists and critics who drank the Kool Aid. Some of us didn't then and won't do so now.

Morrissey is a moral leper without a bell and will remain an outcast in the public square unless and until he accepts 'feedback' from consensus reality. His endorsement of For Britain 🇬🇧 is his prerogative. It remains on the record. He expressed his right to free speech. In response many of us, whilst championing balls-deep free speech, also exercise our right to dissociate from a public figure who gave credibility to an explicitly intolerant political party that based its manifesto on numerous problematic positions including advocating for anti-Muslim bigotry.

If Johnny Marr were to walk on stage with this idiotic troll he would instantly destroy his own career and legacy.

Marr made mistakes but has been 'on a journey' from passively ignoring Morrissey's 'trolling for profits' to standing up for his own seemingly sincere political and aesthetic standards. You do not need to agree with Marr's politics to admire the courageous stand he is making in defence of his convictions. As upsetting as the treatment of The Drummer and The Bass Player was, it's clear that Johnny Marr now prioritises ethics in his presentation of his music and in his personal life choices. For which he deserves kudos.

Morrissey deserves everything he's experienced to date. Karma is a bitch, Steven. We keep the receipts on her one, mt8...

Suffer Little Children but only if they're British?

'The Mothers Of Oslo' will never walk alone...On This Day that they wounded New York, the Mother And Child Reunion is only a motion away...
But, of course, he didn't say that. He said it was a 'murderous' tragedy that quite rightly aroused pity and horror, but lamented the fact that people don't feel the same pity and horror about factory farming. It's a point of view. You don't have to agree with it. But he did make an album called 'Meat is Murder'. Such a point of view is not exactly new on Morrissey's part.
I don't even like the "go easy on the killer" refrain at the end of "Bonfire of Teenagers" but when he sang that song in Birmingham it was electric - actual goosebumps. Just the way he sings the word "vaporised" is extraordinary.
I think that line very much relates to the 'don't look back in anger' mantra. Anger is an energy. To ask questions such as why was this man allowed to carry out this attack relies on such energy. Whereas if we all sing 'don't look back in anger', we anaesthetise ourselves. Don't think about what happened. Don't ask questions. Be a good little citizen and switch on some mindless bollocks on your TV screen. Sports broadcast will continue as normal.
If Morrissey wants to know what it's like to be gagged and silenced, he should talk to Julian Assange and not go on for literal years about something as silly as a pop album when other people in the world are doing far more important things.
I think that line very much relates to the 'don't look back in anger' mantra. Anger is an energy. To ask questions such as why was this man allowed to carry out this attack relies on such energy. Whereas if we all sing 'don't look back in anger', we anaesthetise ourselves. Don't think about what happened. Don't ask questions. Be a good little citizen and switch on some mindless bollocks on your TV screen. Sports broadcast will continue as normal.

And the one politician who did ask questions was pilloried in the press -
Morrissey's never had any genuine political agendas unless circumstances negatively affected him, or challenged his world-view or his sense of superiority.
And the one politician who did ask questions was pilloried in the press -
"Corbyn and his close aides have long held the view that British foreign policy, including the involvement of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, which he vehemently opposed, has exacerbated the risk of terrorist attacks by destabilising the Middle East and fuelling suspicion of the west."

God, he was so profoundly right about this, as he was about many things.
If Morrissey wants to know what it's like to be gagged and silenced, he should talk to Julian Assange and not go on for literal years about something as silly as a pop album when other people in the world are doing far more important things.
Indeed, that’s what ‘cancel culture’ and risk taking really looks like: Rather more than the indignity of not having a record label to gift you a big fat advance, to keep you in silly trousers.
All this fuss over BOT and I feel like it's going to be the biggest let down. From the one song we got and the snippet of Veronica as well it sounds absolutely terribly produced. Condensed to all hell, the instruments sound like they're on top of each other and so claustrophobic. His voice sounds tinny and over produced. I just feel like there's so much build up to BOT and the end result is going to be dreadful. I'd be happier skipping it and just moving on to WMTWD
I'd be happier skipping it and just moving on to WMTWD

Me too.

And if BOT truly is the best thing he’s ever done, why not just play it live in its entirety and do playback for the Iggy Pop parts? We’ll get the gist of it.
Yep, the same guy who wants open borders. That will definitely help. What a clown. Is it any wonder he was rejected wholeheartedly by working class voters?
This working class voter, and his family, and his friends helped secure Corbyn a numerical popular vote in 2017 which was the largest ever received by a Labour leader. The outcome was a hung parliament.

Cut loose from the uni-party, he still managed to maintain his seat this year. And contra what the right-wing press would have you believe, Islington is predominantly working class.
Yep, the same guy who wants open borders. That will definitely help. What a clown. Is it any wonder he was rejected wholeheartedly by working class voters?

Labour in 2017 and 2019 comfortably won the support of the under 40s demographic, you know, the people who have much less money than older generations.


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