The Telegraph / James Hall: "Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’" (September 9, 2024)


Morrissey: ‘My whole life has relied on free speech – naturally, I’m gagged’

The forthright singer’s ‘masterpiece’ Bonfire of Teenagers was finished in 2021. He reveals the ‘idiot culture’ blocking its release - no paywall.

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How the man who wrote Bonfire Of Teenagers, which is about young people going out for a night of fun and not coming home because they were cooked by a fireball has yet to say anything whatsoever about the October 7 massacre of 1200 young people while dancing and then goes on to claim he's being gagged is f***ing beyond me. Yes people get cancelled for going against popular false narratives but there are plenty of platforms where Morrissey could speak his mind on a multitude of subjects. WTF is he afraid of?
Sometimes i miss things so from this i now know for a fact that i missed the Central post where he made the announcement regarding his career change and full commitment to his new sole role as international political pundit
Sometimes i miss things so from this i now know for a fact that i missed the Central post where he made the announcement regarding his career change and full commitment to his new sole role as international political pundit
Completely agree. Why should he have to say something? That was a really peculiar comment.
Once again there is much criticism of Morrissey in this thread. Such is life. Of course he is correct to suggest that there are attempts being made to cancel him. He can't get a record deal with a major label as they are insisting that he remove the song 'Bonfire of Teenagers' from the album and rename it. This is because they consider the song to be 'un-woke' and 'offensive'. Refusing a major artist a deal because of his lyrics is certainly an attempt to limit the audience for his lyrics.
I went to the library today and, in the Biographies section, Set the Boy Free was there but no sign of Autobiography(!) If this outrage isn't proof that Morrissey is being cancelled then I don't know what is!
I went to the library today and, in the Biographies section, Set the Boy Free was there but no sign of Autobiography(!) If this outrage isn't proof that Morrissey is being cancelled then I don't know what is!

Nah, just means you got a crappy library.

Or, it was checked out by Dave Haslam.
Is it just me or does anyone else think it's time for Morrissey to grow up? He's not being censored, it's just that the world doesn't work in the way he wants it to. He's so unlikeable now. It saddens me enormously.
Morrissey would probably kill me if he could get away with it and I still look up to him.
Sometimes i miss things so from this i now know for a fact that i missed the Central post where he made the announcement regarding his career change and full commitment to his new sole role as international political pundit
Yes because we all know Morrissey never says anything political whatsoever.
Yes because we all know Morrissey never says anything political whatsoever.
Yes because the point being, that saying something political once in awhile, or whenever that happened to be or maybe the mood struck him, or wherever and exactly however he may have felt inclined to say something, is only about, oh, i don’t know? An entire WORLD away from a bunch of random strangers who buy tickets to watch and listen to him sing his beautiful songs, now coming with an expectation that he’ll continue to comment on every single subsequent geopolitical event, ever.

Yes because the point being, that saying something political once in awhile, or whenever that happened to be or maybe the mood struck him, or wherever and exactly however he may have felt inclined to say something, is only about, oh, i don’t know? An entire WORLD away from a bunch of random strangers who buy tickets to watch and listen to him sing his beautiful songs, now coming with an expectation that he’ll continue to comment on every single subsequent geopolitical event, ever.

I think I made my point clearly but you've managed to miss it entirely.

Again, If the man who wrote Bonfire Of Teenagers can't say anything about the October 7 massacre nearly one year later then how can he really be taken seriously? I don't need him to comment on every political issue that pops up. If he cares so much about defending the west, one would think this latest atrocity would warrant a comment.

Israel is not an entire world away within the context of the World Of Morrissey. He was awarded the key to Tel Aviv and he accepted it in person, Low In High School has three songs mentioning Israel and he's one of the few artists to perform there while also draping himself in the flag of Israel. After all this time I am not holding my breath to hear any eloquent revelations from his apparently gagged mouth.

Or stop writing songs about this shit and shut the f*** up.
I went to the library today and, in the Biographies section, Set the Boy Free was there but no sign of Autobiography(!) If this outrage isn't proof that Morrissey is being cancelled then I don't know what is!
Why did you cut Mike's face off? Wasn't losing the rest of his body enough?
Why did you cut Mike's face off? Wasn't losing the rest of his body enough?
It's because I was so (childishly) amused by Moz's blatant & hilariously unsubtle attempt to remove Mike from the Smiths as much as possible, on the Smiths Rule OK! cover. :D My avatar is just a badly-edited and humorous version of this.
It's because I was so (childishly) amused by Moz's blatant & hilariously unsubtle attempt to remove Mike from the Smiths as much as possible, on the Smiths Rule OK! cover. :D My avatar is just a badly-edited version of this.
omg you have cut off more :lbf:
i agree the floating head is hilarious and typical Morrissey
I don't need him to comment on every political issue that pops up. If he cares so much about defending the west, one would think this latest atrocity would warrant a comment.
I haven’t missed your point at all. Your point is exactly what you’ve written here above. That you want him to comment, on what you want him to comment on. That’s your only point.
some folks here have the strangest expectations of him. Wanting albums from him that they continually slag before even hearing them, or going to his gigs and expect him to be a human jukebox because they feel entitled to it simply because they purchased a ticket, as if they own him, etc, etc.

Anyway, M may want recognition, but always on his own terms. Maybe some folks on here would prefer the smooth and uniform operations of the corporate machine that is Taylor Swift, that’s not to say she doesn’t work hard and she certainly has a gift for writing vapid pop that are easy to swallow. But even the blind can see that M wouldn’t put in that kind of ‘graft’ or want to be recognized for that. After all he is an Artist, born troublemaker, just as we want them to be.

No idea why i can look at something and see something obviously and clearly, and then if the same thing is shown to the next 100 people, and they might see absolutely nothing that i was able to see at all.

The line in music, and also in the fine arts, has really become very blurred over the last 30-60 years, between art and the mass commercialization of product. That really works in some instances, and in others, not at all.

Morrissey took on an absolutely colossal challenge in his work - in this specific arena in which he has chosen to pour out his talents - probably without even thinking about it in these explicit terms when he very first started. But it’s worked out great, actually, because i do think he has a very strong aspect to his character where he is onot someone who has ever been aftaid of a challenge. In fact I see this, and I really love this about him.

But anyway, what i was going to say is that in a lot of ways, modern pop music is a last frontier. It is the single, absolute most difficult arena within the arts in which someone can successfully differentiate themselves based on their own effort and their own talents - exactly due to the fact that there are artists, and then there are alllllll the vapid, one night wonder throwaway acts, and THEN there are also the billiion dollar commercialization machines alongside them, and none of these three things are the same animal, and none of them are trying to be the other, and yet they are all showcased together in a manner of speaking, and there are also people comparing them as though they’re comparing something that ever should have been compared or measured by the same yardstick to begin with. You basically have to be a gladiator, to even think that you want to go up against this.

I think 99% of the time, 99% of people are generally just not operating from any level of conscious thought or awareness.

And although pop music is full of entertainers, and yes, all of those people who play in this realm are collectively referred to by their industry and by everyone else as “talent” and as “artists”, the problem in these semantics is definition driven, because i think a lot of those people not operating from any level of self-awareness are probably approaching this from the assumption that “artist” has one flat, UN-nuanced, single-dimensional meaning across the board. Which in the context of everything i’ve just described, it most definitely does not.

Because an “artist” playing out their hand in the dedicated mass marketing commercializatiin machine, should rightfully be correctly only referred to as an entertainer. It would confuse people that are easily confused, likely less.

Morrissey had the courage to enter and to play in this field and in this industry, but his work did what very few singers in pop manage, or ever managed, to do - and that is that his creative output was so culturally and creatively inspired and multi-layered, that his work - even in the early days - transcended the simplistic box of “pop music” and went straight into the Arts. If i wanted to be trite, I could say that where others are pop stars who are placated by being told they’re artists, that is nothing but a kind of masquerade. Whereas Morrisssey is artist first, pop star second.

The line in the samd is that his work successully crossed from the pop arts, - into the fine arts. Literally. It’s also specifically why I’ve said here before that if he never recorded another word or never stepped on another stage again as long as he lived, his work has more than secured his place in history, in the Arts, through his contributions to music, literature, verse, and modern culture.

I do, of course, really agree with every word of your post, but the human jukebox comment is one that i always really feel to my absolute CORE. It drives me up the wall when i see that behavior and attitude, and that level of stupidity and entitlement.

I think what’s for sure is if they hadn’t started calling all categories of entertainers “artists” a long, long time ago, then a lot of people would be having way less of a hard time with all of any of this right now.

I have seen over the years, from the very far away absolute periphery, that i can trace with my fingers a little of bit of the perimeter outline of how his mind works, and i wished he could have also explored mine. To me, it’s crystal clear it would be an enthralling and spellbinding mix.
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No idea why i can look at something and see something obviously and clearly, and then if the same thing is shown to the next 100 people, and they might see absolutely nothing that i was able to see at all.
I think one of the underlying, often unacknowledged aspects to this phenomenon, is that us listeners, viewers readers whatever, tend to bring our own context the work. We can have detailed and nuanced discussions about the craft element of a given work, the musical elements of the song, the lyrical content, the vocal melody all of it and through those lenses try to arrive at as objective an analysis as possible to build consensus and explicate why we feel the way we do about a certain song or piece of art.

But I think we also tend to find depth, (or the lack of it) where we want to, and dismiss those things we'd rather not spend time on ot. In other words, I don't know if an objective, purely objective, analysis of a work of art is ever possible, least of all one that builds binding consensus.
...........because i think a lot of those people not operating from any level of self-awareness are probably approaching this from the assumption that “artist” has one flat, UN-nuanced, single-dimensional meaning across the board. Which in the context of everything i’ve just described, it most definitely does not.

Yes. I think this is true, especially in the world where a lot of songwriters and musicians etc. have to endlessly promote their work and answer questions in a way that could flatten interpretation or read a definitive endorsement into a certain sociopolitical cause, where perhaps there isn't one.

However, I also think that the longer an artist, writer, musician, whomever is producing work for an audience to listen to and consider, the easier it is for certain recurrent themes etc. to emerge – perhaps to the extent that the body of work seems to become redundant or shallow. The last decade or so of Morrissey's work has been so pointed direct and cohesive that some of the mystery and nuance has disappeared for me, and nothing has really surprised me – at least in the original work. California Son had some choices I didn't expect.

I'm glad the work continues to give you and others deep resonance, however.
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Once again there is much criticism of Morrissey in this thread. Such is life. Of course he is correct to suggest that there are attempts being made to cancel him. He can't get a record deal with a major label as they are insisting that he remove the song 'Bonfire of Teenagers' from the album and rename it. This is because they consider the song to be 'un-woke' and 'offensive'. Refusing a major artist a deal because of his lyrics is certainly an attempt to limit the audience for his lyrics.
Do you realize how little sense, basically no sense it makes that Morrssey was asked to remove the title track from the album and there is no evidence of this and he has never once mentioned it. However, there is evidence he was asked to remove the Miley Cyrus vocals from Veronica, there is plenty of evidence of that.

Do people just not see how disgusting this is? That he is now using dead murdered children as an excuse for his imagined martyrdom?

It should bother everyone that he is using these children as a shield to avoid taking responsibility for this clusterf*** that he created.
No idea why i can look at something and see something obviously and clearly, and then if the same thing is shown to the next 100 people, and they might see absolutely nothing that i was able to see at all.

The line in music, and also in the fine arts, has really become very blurred over the last 30-60 years, between art and the mass commercialization of product. That really works in some instances, and in others, not at all.

Morrissey took on an absolutely colossal challenge in his work - in this specific arena in which he has chosen to pour out his talents - probably without even thinking about it in these explicit terms when he very first started. But it’s worked out great, actually, because i do think he has a very strong aspect to his character where he is onot someone who has ever been aftaid of a challenge. In fact I see this, and I really love this about him.

But anyway, what i was going to say is that in a lot of ways, modern pop music is a last frontier. It is the single, absolute most difficult arena within the arts in which someone can successfully differentiate themselves based on their own effort and their own talents - exactly due to the fact that there are artists, and then there are alllllll the vapid, one night wonder throwaway acts, and THEN there are also the billiion dollar commercialization machines alongside them, and none of these three things are the same animal, and none of them are trying to be the other, and yet they are all showcased together in a manner of speaking, and there are also people comparing them as though they’re comparing something that ever should have been compared or measured by the same yardstick to begin with. You basically have to be a gladiator, to even think that you want to go up against this.

I think 99% of the time, 99% of people are generally just not operating from any level of conscious thought or awareness.

And although pop music is full of entertainers, and yes, all of those people who play in this realm are collectively referred to by their industry and by everyone else as “talent” and as “artists”, the problem in these semantics is definition driven, because i think a lot of those people not operating from any level of self-awareness are probably approaching this from the assumption that “artist” has one flat, UN-nuanced, single-dimensional meaning across the board. Which in the context of everything i’ve just described, it most definitely does not.

Because an “artist” playing out their hand in the dedicated mass marketing commercializatiin machine, should rightfully be correctly only referred to as an entertainer. It would confuse people that are easily confused, likely less.

Morrissey had the courage to enter and to play in this field and in this industry, but his work did what very few singers in pop manage, or ever managed, to do - and that is that his creative output was so culturally and creatively inspired and multi-layered, that his work - even in the early days - transcended the simplistic box of “pop music” and went straight into the Arts. If i wanted to be trite, I could say that where others are pop stars who are placated by being told they’re artists, that is nothing but a kind of masquerade. Whereas Morrisssey is artist first, pop star second.

The line in the samd is that his work successully crossed from the pop arts, - into the fine arts. Literally. It’s also specifically why I’ve said here before that if he never recorded another word or never stepped on another stage again as long as he lived, his work has more than secured his place in history, in the Arts, through his contributions to music, literature, verse, and modern culture.

I do, of course, really agree with every word of your post, but the human jukebox comment is one that i always really feel to my absolute CORE. It drives me up the wall when i see that behavior and attitude, and that level of stupidity and entitlement.

I think what’s for sure is if they hadn’t started calling all categories of entertainers “artists” a long, long time ago, then a lot of people would be having way less of a hard time with all of any of this right now.

I have seen over the years, from the very far away absolute periphery, that i can trace with my fingers a little of bit of the perimeter outline of how his mind works, and i wished he could have also explored mine. To me, it’s crystal clear it would be an enthralling and spellbinding mix.
That's some edifying shit, right there.

I hope, from my absolute CORE, that we don't have to wait too long for Vol II.
That's some edifying shit, right there.

I hope, from my absolute CORE, that we don't have to wait too long for Vol II.
But he is treated as a human jukebox:drama: I feel it to my core :drama: it's pretty simple, he can play what people want to hear or deal with shrinking audiences and no record label, choice is his, as always

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