Morrissey Central "MANAGEMENT" (September 19, 2024)


Morrissey has severed all connections with Red Light Management/Pete Galli Management.

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Logged on, and saw that picture that goes with M's Manager update and it's fecking heartbreaking
The pictures screams isolation and depression. Im not sure if the manager left but I expect he did
If M did fire him to lay the blame at his feet, then its another fecking bad move as he would be proven to fecking lying again. I feel sorry for the geezer I really do. There is nothing funny about the last few years in his life. First, his mum died, then he realised his one big power play the M and Marr tour, is dead.
What Morrissey and Marr tour? What have you been smoking?
Aren't there crisis management firms who take on people exactly like him to clean up the mess and rehabilitate the image?
There will always be a part of me that will be pulling for him. He's undeniably had a major impact on my life since I was a teen and The Smiths were (in my no always so humble opinion) were the best all around band during my lifetime and rival the best ever. I take no pleasure in seeing what's been going on since around 2006-ish. Certainly been some highlights during the years since, fewer and much far between than prior to that. He can still remedy all this and get out of here with some dignity, but he's got to want to do it. He's not shown he's willing to do the "right" thing, though... he seems to want to take the easy way out in the short term and it only leads to making things worse in the long term. Problem is even if he comes around, there's not a whole lot of long term left. None of us would be on this site (bar one or two, perhaps) if we didn't want to see him triumph. Others on here have offered up many great suggestions and see things with a clarity that we could only hope he regains... it seems pretty bleak and at least disappointing. But, we're still here as fans. Maybe that's part of the problem, though.
Very well put. I think for most of us on this website, Moz had a big impact on us - for which, of course, some will never forgive him. But most of us wish him well and hope that he can climb out of this mess. He seems (stubbornly) unable to do that unfortunately.
There are 3 possibilities for this severing of ties with Pete Galli. It relates to the recent (public) spat with Marr in some way and the trademark fiasco. It relates to the lack of any record deal. It relates to something else going on in the background that we don't know about. My guess is the second. Pete Galli's 'thing' is helping artists sign a deal. I reckon he said to Moz - No one will sign you. Release Bonfire yourself. Moz said No, and here we are. The 'interview' with The Telegraph maybe didn't help matters either.
He needs to take a few years off and just spend his time in Swiss land or Mexico doing nothing.

Chill out, come back, apologise to the world and to Johnny, new music, new clean slate
“So, the choice I have made
May seem strange to you
But who asked you, anyway?
It's my life to wreck
My own way…”
It was all so stoic and admirable back in the nineties. Before his social media invited us to (1) watch him f*** it up in real time and (2) blame/hate other individuals despite the transparency of the self-sabotage.

In the nineties he was Odysseus, but Morrissey Central is turning him into Oliver Hardy.
I see that people are mentioning Mark E Smith and Lou Reed and I think that the comparisons are interesting and valid. Creative artists are often challenging people to deal with and be around. They are creatives: passionate, unpredictable and in Morrissey's case sensitive. This is why they have created the body of work that they have. By all accounts Bob Dylan can also be a difficult man to deal with and has had well documented run-ins with audiences throughout his long career. The difference seems to be the extent to which Morrissey is vilified for perceived bad behaviour. If Lou Reed was offhand with someone then it would have been passed off as 'Lou being Lou'.
I didn't even need to read the body of text on this one.

Just by reading the title, I knew what it was going to say.

I feel like Morrissey is going into another tough spell, just as we were all getting very excited to see him on much better form at the latest shows. 31st October onwards is going to be the litmus test as to how well he is doing after all of these recent events.

There is surely going to be a lot of mental fog around what's been going on - remains to be seen how that might manifest itself going forward.
I see that people are mentioning Mark E Smith and Lou Reed and I think that the comparisons are interesting and valid. Creative artists are often challenging people to deal with and be around. They are creatives: passionate, unpredictable and in Morrissey's case sensitive. This is why they have created the body of work that they have. By all accounts Bob Dylan can also be a difficult man to deal with and has had well documented run-ins with audiences throughout his long career. The difference seems to be the extent to which Morrissey is vilified for perceived bad behaviour. If Lou Reed was offhand with someone then it would have been passed off as 'Lou being Lou'.

The music industry was/is littered with difficult people; R n B divas who demanded their dressing rooms are decorated in a certain way ; Rock stars demanding that certain colour M & Ms be removed from the bowl. Their managers/ record companies bit their tongue and said nothing because the ego/hassle was outweighed by the money they made from these people.

Morrissey's last few album releases sold in pitiful numbers. His attitude/behaviour is just another reason not to take his calls.
She did share this amazing performance that I’d never seen before, so thanks for directing me there anyway ;)

This really must have been a defining moment for Morrissey, to see his own song performed by Bowie, and in that wonderful way. From where Morrissey came from, idolising him, and then full circle to Bowie covering one of his own songs.... it's quite mind-blowing really.

If Morrissey is looking back at it, I wonder how he squares all of this in his mind - particularly with what happened with David, but also in terms of his own life story, relationships and career in general.
This really must have been a defining moment for Morrissey, to see his own song performed by Bowie, and in that wonderful way. From where Morrissey came from, idolising him, and then full circle to Bowie covering one of his own songs.... it's quite mind-blowing really.

If Morrissey is looking back at it, I wonder how he squares all of this in his mind - particularly with what happened with David, but also in terms of his life story, relationships and career in general.
Yes, didn’t he say he cried when he heard Bowie sing it for the first time?

I think another moment was when they performed Cosmic Dancer together in LA. That must have been mind-blowing for him, as a huge Bowie-fan in his youth.

Then again two years later, in 1995, there was the disastrous Outsiders-tour with Bowie, which I think lead to his first downfall, his first real crisis as a solo artist.

I think he tried to make up with Bowie later on by covering Drive In Saturday and asking him to be on the cover of Playboys, but to no avail.
New management? His previous manager couldn’t send an email in all caps to M saying “IMPORTANT - J MARR REQUESTING SIGNATURE TO ENSURE SMITHS LEGACY” ?

He fires them. Okay.
Did the last couple of managers comveniently ignore all of Marr's legal missives from 2018 - 2024 too? Curiouser and curiouser.
The other night in bed I got the melody of KMAL stuck in my head and recognised what a strong song it actually is; like it actually commands attention. Then I thought of the single artwork and the music video and got sad.

Actually, @Redacted, this was one of those “you can pinpoint the exact second…” moments. WPINOYB had the clone stamp issue, then each single from the album just had the WPINOYB cover as its digital single artwork. Then this final fifth single (KMAL) just had its own unrelated single artwork with M next to that lion statue. Then the KMAL video appeared. Then it’s all been downhill since then, save a couple of the Low In High School single covers.

Fuc k, we needed @Famous when dead to keep an ongoing chronology of all the issues with the California Sun singles. The who, what, when, where and why. And I’m still slightly confused by it all.

Now we have the BOT chronology.

Did the last couple of managers comveniently ignore all of Marr's legal missives from 2018 - 2024 too? Curiouser and curiouser.

Encroaching dementia.
Asking for a friend - does Morrissey fire people himself these days?

Only I was watching Inside The Smiths yesterday, and Mike Joyce was recounting how Morrissey pushed him into telling Ivor Perry that 'it wasn't working out'.

Apparently when Mike asked Morrissey why he couldn't tell Ivor himself, he said 'I can't tell him'

He also explains how Morrissey pulled him to one side to say he was unhappy about who was eating with him. Seems like Morrissey wanted to avoid direct conflict at any cost, but that naturally required some 'manufactured moves', using other people as human shields.

As much as Mike gets stick, watching this was quite illuminating in view of the recent events (and of course past events that have gone down) - in particular, the points Mike makes about working with Morrissey being too 'confusing' and 'intense' - and his surprise that Johnny lasted so long in such a difficult capacity.

45:12 to 48:34 for anyone who would like to see it.

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