Johnny Marr tweets response to Smiths reunion rumours

Link via @ordinaryboy86:

Johnny Marr scotches Smiths reunion rumours: 'Nigel Farage on guitar'

Johnny Marr responds to Smiths reunion rumours with swipe at Morrissey's political stance.

"Nigel Farage on guitar": Johnny Marr responds to The Smiths reunion rumours

Johnny Marr has quashed rumours The Smiths are set to reunite

Johnny Marr commnets on rumours of The Smiths reunion with right-wing Morrissey jibe

Johnny Marr Shoots Down Rumors of a Smiths Reunion with Morrissey

Johnny Marr breaks silence on Smiths reunion rumours with Nigel Farage jibe


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Has anyone contacted Nigel Farage to see if he will confirm or deny the rumours he's playing guitar on The Smiths reunion tour?

I don't know why Marr mentioned Farage. Why give the c*** more press? All it'll take to get that twat even more press is for some journalist to ask Farage that. All thanks to Johnny f***ing Marr...
As I said earlier....

Marr’s twit was obviously an unnecessary low dig at Morrissey, but we should take into account the reason also for Marr not wanting a reunion may be because of Joyce. Let’s remember he sued both Marr and Morrissey.

I don’t remember what or if Marr said much about Joyce in his book in regards to this his feelings about him, or enough to glean how he really feels about him.

But Marr’s twit is refreshing, considering that he usually plays the ‘nice-guy’ cool card in regards to his public statements. Get it all out Johnny, it’s the healthy thing to do. :thumb:

Though as low as his jibe was, we can be sure it’s just a triggered reaction against being asked yet again about a reunion.

K Sun...Always the voice of reason you are. Nothing, no how, nor time could ever dream of any group quite as grand as The Smiths. No guitarist like Marr. You knew his guitar mastery right away. And Morrisssey.....You dear boy, your still the same and "there will never be another me." Treasure these days......Morrissey keeps that time, the 80's & now alive with creativity and life .....always.
Why is that quashing the rumour?
Yep. It's very calculated & on-message, which I would approve of, if Morrissey wasn't throwing himself into the flames of public hatred, while everyone banged on about what a nice bloke Marr was. He can be quite nasty & a bit right-wing on issues, but he's good at friendships & smoothing things over & reading the room.
Yes, Dianne Abbott on guitar would have been a more accurate tweet, another fake with the same hair too.
I don't know why Marr mentioned Farage. Why give the c*** more press? All it'll take to get that twat even more press is for some journalist to ask Farage that. All thanks to Johnny f***ing Marr...

Marr mentioned Farage because he wants to align himself with the PC brigade at Morrissey's expense.
It infers Morrissey supports Farage which isn't true.
He was trying to be smart but just comes off as a wannabe liberal without any substance.
I don't know why Marr mentioned Farage. Why give the c*** more press? All it'll take to get that twat even more press is for some journalist to ask Farage that. All thanks to Johnny f***ing Marr...
Why would he let the truth get in the way of a little cheap publicity.
And it is cheap.
I've lost respect for Marr bigtime, he seemed better when he kept a dignified silence when asked about Morrissey, now he's doing a Bully Brag on it.
To be pedantic, Morrissey clarified he didn't vote UKIP & wasn't a fan of Farage. He just made some rambling ambiguous comment about him being a good PM, if any of us could remember what one was....

Morrissey said that Nigel Farage would make a good prime minister - that pretty straightforwardly makes him a fan.
Morrissey said that Nigel Farage would make a good prime minister - that pretty straightforwardly makes him a fan.

How conveniently they forget this fact - uttered more than once. Morrissey is, by his own admission, a Farage fan-boy.

Johnny has every right (remember that free speech that Morrissey and his trolls claim to uphold?) to jokingly respond to the ridiculous reunion story with a ridiculous comment.

I'm with Johnny.
To be pedantic, Morrissey clarified he didn't vote UKIP & wasn't a fan of Farage. He just made some rambling ambiguous comment about him being a good PM, if any of us could remember what one was....

Neither rambling nor ambiguous. He made the point more than once. He was unambiguous in those comments e.g. Farage would make a good prime minister and is a liberal educator.

Why go out of your way to change what Morrissey himself has said.
Not when he hates Prime Ministers, it doesn't.

You are now clutching at straws. Morrissey praised Farage. Are you suggesting Morrissey praises people he doesn't like or respect? Are you suggesting that each time Morrissey acknowledges a fondness or level of respect for say, a black artist, that he's insincere or lying?
Thank you Johnny. I've been spending my Moz-money on you these days and it's well spent! Please don't ever appear on stage again with the "Vegan Ted Nugent."
El alma de los Smiths es MORRISSEY,Marr es importante...los otros 2 miembros son reemplazables!! Seria buena la reunion yo la quierooo !!!!habra q ver,no entendi lo de la anulacion del tweet de j Marr....habra o no reunion!!!!?,?? Ojala que MOzz diga algo !!!! Por lo pronto deseo queMOzz este bien de salud !!!!!, eso es lo mas Importante!!!! para mi!!!!!!! QUIERO QUE CANTEEE ,LO SIGUE HACIENDO REBIENN MORRISSEY ES UN SUPERHOMOZSAPIENS!!! SERA LO QUE TENGA QUE SER !!!!!!! VIVA CHUCHISMOZ!!!!!!!
Thank you Johnny. I've been spending my Moz-money on you these days and it's well spent! Please don't ever appear on stage again with the "Vegan Ted Nugent."

Usually when I want to waste my money I will burn it on the front lawn. If I really, really, really want to waste my money I will buy Johnny Marr music.
Man, gotta say, Johnny is some kind of PR genius. His one tweet has gotten him so much great press. It's a tribute to how much the Smiths are still loved all over the world.
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