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  • D
    It is understandable to abandon hope with the way things have been going lately. Then on top of that there is all the forum mischief that's been going on making it hard to want to read anything here. The new songs aren't that great, but they seem better than 'People Are The Same Everywhere', they've got that going for them. Are you going to purchase the new single from Amazon in two days? It would be interesting to hear if the studio versions manage to improve the failings of the live band. Are you excited for Marr's new album or did The Messenger dampen your expectations of future material?

    I'm doing OK currently. Lindsey is sick and in turn made me sick. So after nursing her to health for two weeks, I now have to nurse myself. Joy. The thing that kills me most about my day is having to pick up all the used tissues she leaves everywhere. That and the fact that her cough is loud, constant and sounds like that of a 60-year-old alcoholic. Lol.

    Anyway, how are you?
    You did it perfectly. Thank you very much. ;)
    I remember a very long time ago me and my friends went with another pal to see Squeeze. He wanted to wait around the stage door and get autographs. This one chap (not with us btw) was asking the drummer about what cymbals he uses ***yawn***...."Hey Moz what is your fav microphone?" imagine that!
    I think you would asks those questions because you are a girl :p
    I has been know on these forums you know ;)

    I do think what we (the fans) want to ask him he wouldn't answer anyway. I guess he will answer musician type questions; like what type of guitar strings he likes etc. yawn!
    Hello, I've asked Marr this: After seeing you interviewed in Scott Walker: 30th Century man; would you be interested in writing with Scott? I was sensible for once :D
    PS - I uploaded the Hollywood Bowl 2007 concert to the Downloads section. Should be a nice birthday present for you ;)
    I'm fine thank you :) Yeah, I think it's funny also that Mr Morrissey is also sticking up for his "younger" ex-band mate
    How are things going in your Johnny Marr filled life? :)
    Nay bad Amy thanks, same old, same mould really.
    Uni going o.k love?
    I do agree with you about the Morrissey interview, some of it was great but... well you know the rest.
    Look after yourself and don't forget which side of the Pennines your bread is buttered on. xx
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