Morrissey Central "EARL HOLLIMAN, RIP" and "This Charming Life" (November 30, 2024)

November 30, 2024


"Never once an uninteresting or a faulty presence in American film, he was one of those overlooked actors who wasn't ever taken in by Hollywood tinsel. His sandpaper voice and his natural virility are masculine traits that are ridiculed now (or only in demand when wars are invented and someone is required to lay down their life for no reason whatsoever.) He never married, and there is no record of even a girlfriend or a boyfriend … in other words … the perfect life. I dropped a note through his gate two years ago - asking if I could shake his hand. He was wise enough not to reply."

recommended viewing: HOT SPELL (1958), THE BIG COMBO (1955).

November 30, 2024

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Except that 'no record of even a boyfriend or girlfriend' could mean that it was the fact that Earl Holliman's relationships remained private and not in the public domain (according to M, although he got this wrong), rather than the fact that Earl didn't have a relationship at all which M deems 'the perfect life'. Obviously, he got the bit about him not marrying wrong. In other words, perhaps not such an insult to D, but a celebration of succesful privacy when famous?
Well, he was gay at a time when it was criminal to be so and then remained taboo for decades after that, so it's easy to understand why he didn't want his relationships in the public domain. Maybe Moz genuinely didn't know that but I don't think that's anything like a perfect life, it's very sad. The glass closet has nothing to do with privacy.
Well, he was gay at a time when it was criminal to be so and then remained taboo for decades after that, so it's easy to understand why he didn't want his relationships in the public domain.
Also he was protecting his career. In Hollywood at the time, during public events, gay actors would be paired up with a female to support the public image that they were straight.

Maybe Moz genuinely didn't know that but I don't think that's anything like a perfect life, it's very sad. The glass closet has nothing to do with privacy.

He never married, and there is no record of even a girlfriend or a boyfriend … in other words … the perfect life.’

well, I guess the closest isn’t glass if there was no record of a relationship.
As for Morrissey, he already disclosed his relationships with others in Autobiography, so I don’t believe he’s describing his own life.
But the idea relationship for him would seem to be one of privacy, not made public. As he observed that Earl’s relationships were.
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Erasing a partner from history because it doesn't suit his preferred narrative.... well I never. I can't take M seriously these days and I doubt the Butler is bothered or surprised at all.
Doesn't he still love the narrative of the the old, asexual and lonely star, who lives a hard live on his own? The best friend on the payroll is not your partner! Oh no no no....
Doesn't he still love the narrative of the the old, asexual and lonely star, who lives a hard live on his own? The best friend on the payroll is not your partner! Oh no no no....
Yes, he will live his life as he will undoubtedly die - ALONE.

I don’t think his obituaries will mention any partner.
No, it’s not informative. True fans would have known. Like we all know Morrissey is GAY AF and not “humasexual”.

What are you going on about?

True fans of Earls would have known that the public knew he was gay?

Morrissey is talking about what the public knew and about privacy. Morrissey states there are no records, or ones that he knew of. So it seems Earl’s relationships were kept private from the public. Until after he passed. Yes, I’m pretty sure Morrissey could discern or concluded that Earl may have been gay, or even … humasexual.

He never married, and there is no record of even a girlfriend or a boyfriend … in other words … the perfect life.‘

Again, nowhere in the quote does Morrissey say that he didn’t know Earl was gay.
What are you going on about?

True fans of Earls would have known that the public knew he was gay?

Morrissey is talking about what the public knew and about privacy. Morrissey states there are no records made public, or ones that he knew of. So it seems Earl’s relationships were kept private from the public. Until after he passed. Yes, I’m pretty sure Morrissey could discern or concluded that Earl may have been gay, or even … humasexual.

Wow, you are really bending over backwards there. Don’t hurt yourself!

I guess it depends on the media outlet. I’m sure Farout would print something that really should remain private. Though I was thinking Jake’s name could possibly come up, since Morrissey himself already made that relationship public.

But in regards to Damon? I don’t think he could be considered a top while carrying all those bags at the same time.
I guess it depends on the media outlet. I’m sure Farout would print something that really should remain private. Though I was thinking Jake’s name could possibly come up, since Morrissey himself already made that relationship public.

But in regards to Damon? I don’t think he could be considered a top while carrying all those bags at the same time.

Damon must be a top. Can you imagine Morrissey being anything else than a bottom?
No, it’s not informative. True fans would have known. Like we all know Morrissey is GAY AF and not “humasexual”.
the gays have been trying to capture M for years,give it a rest ,
the first day autobiography came out he put out a small statement denying he was gay,everybody thinks marc almoond is gay and yet his manager of thirty years has never seen him with a man.
the gays have been trying to capture M for years,give it a rest ,
the first day autobiography came out he put out a small statement denying he was gay,everybody thinks marc almoond is gay and yet his manager of thirty years has never seen him with a man.
That’s correct. He’s ’humasexual’. He’s into humans (ie men AND women). So not technically gay.
Can you imagine Morrissey being anything else than a bottom?

Sorry, that’s not my thing. But, don’t let no one tell ya what you can or can’t do with Morrissey in your dreams.
lol, I mean did Morrissey really ever record for Capitol? He was signed twice and managed to have one LP up on Spotify for about 3 weeks for the entire duration of the relationship.

Cliffs Notes for newbies:

2014: Morrissey publicly shits on their promotion of World Peace mere weeks after release. Capitol responds by pulling the release, and it is still not streaming 10 years later.

2022: Morrissey somehow ends up on Capitol again, only for him to sabatoge his own LP months before it’s planned release, blame the label, allow fans to think he is being mistreated to the point they harass Capitol staff using airplanes. Morrissey’s own emails are leaked showing him to be something approaching devious, truculent and/or unreliable. Then a shift of tone, and tail between legs his album is his again.
Well, it was funny he did that spoken word video with Pamela Anderson, on ontop of the Capital building, which I thought was good, given they sacked him.
The way he speculates wildly about Holliman's private life and the conclusions he draws from it, is indeed not particularly empathetic and not complimentary to his own long-time "companion" either.

I have seen a few people act like Damon is M's BF. People say it as a joke, but
I am amazed people think otherwise, have you actually seen Damon, he is one ugly dude
and he is as thick as thick can be The type whose top film is Rise Of The Foot Soldiers
Talking to him is painful
There are idiots on X and IG who like to put a gayboy rainbow flag on pictures with M in.
As if M has ever been one of those LGBT types. He hates that kind of person, big time.
Its this type of person who insists M and Damon are an item and if you say
" they aren't even going out together" they will say "oh, so what's wrong with two men in love, have you got an issue ?"
We are talking top draw tards. If Damon was actually , with M it would explain why he still seems hung up on Johnny and Jake

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