This is just sad. Morrissey has been my favorite living artist and performer for ages. He's beginning to remind me of my favorite deceased one.
Is this what fans were whispering to each other in 1974, College Park, Maryland, as the wheels REALLY started to come off for Elvis Presley? I know (well, I assume) that it's not a drug problem, but it feels as though we are watching a career disintegrate in slow motion.
There's a real human being who has brought me joy, and sadness, and exhilarating moments, and made me think. Morrissey's words perfectly expressed so many things that I had felt in my life and been unable to articulate. He has given me so much. I want the man to be well. Whatever it takes.
Just shitcan the rest of the tour. Be honest with the fans you have left about whatever the hell is going on. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Go get better. Besides, how can we miss Morrissey unless he goes away for a while?