I agree with you regarding Chicarelli’s production; it’s terrible & sucked the life out of many a great song which sounded much better performed live.
However, I disagree with you about I Am Veronica; it is nowhere near the quality of such career-high singles as This Charming Man or First of the Gang to Die. Each of those songs has stellar music, evocative lyrics, & great choruses/melodies. Veronica, on the other hand, has a hooky opening vocal melody & little else to recommend itself. The lyrics are vague to the point of being meaningless - especially the guff section about fish, dolphins, & owls - & the remainder is simply forgettable. It seems that in recent years, Moz has developed a bit of a habit of attempting to release hooky singles with no substance in a desperate attempt to gain some radio play. Spent the Day in Bed was similar & one of the very worst songs he has ever released.
Veronica is my least favourite track from the (hopefully) upcoming album. So far…