Scott Rodger (Maverick) leaks Morrissey information and email re: Bonfire / Miley via X (October 17, 2023)

There's been drama!




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You lot are hopeless. It's been stated countless times not only by me, but others that it's such a noraml and known practice in music business (not to credit an artists who is signed to another label). We even brought up many examples, but you only want to see your hero being the victim. So I don't know why I bother repeating for the umpteenth time: anyone in music business it is like this, it's impossible Morrissey did not know. Also the frist tweet obviosuly indicates this. Still he announced publicly MC's involvement, so YES, he DID breach contract by doing so.
But go on and try to scrape the botton of the barrel for traces of proof Morrissey is not at fault here....
You lot are hopeless. It's been stated countless times not only by me, but others that it's such a noraml and known practice in music business (not to credit an artists who is signed to another label). We even brought up many examples, but you only want to see your hero being the victim. So I don't know why I bother repeating for the umpteenth time: anyone in music business it is like this, it's impossible Morrissey did not know. Also the frist tweet obviosuly indicates this. Still he announced publicly MC's involvement, so YES, he DID breach contract by doing so.
But go on and try to scrape the botton of the barrel for traces of proof Morrissey is not at fault here....
I do think it's beyond obvious that he breached a contract, even oral contracts are enforceable. I don't think there will ever be a version of Veronica with Miley on it, no matter how long he waits this out, why would she want to be associated with this mess.
I honestly don't care HOW it's released as long as we hear it by next year. I need to hear Ha Ha Harlem and My Funeral... hell, the entire album, someway somehow soon or I'm gonna lose my few remaining marbles.


Hear hear !

We all want to hear it!
I'm old enough to remember Simon Price sneering in Melody Maker about how M brought in great backing vocalists like Mary Margaret O'Hara and then had them buried in the mix to avoid being upstaged.
You lot are hopeless... it's impossible Morrissey did not know. Also the frist tweet obviosuly indicates this. Still he announced publicly MC's involvement, so YES, he DID breach contract by doing so...
Yes of course he probably knew he should have kept shtum about the Miley's contribution. But with all the happy speculation floating around as to who she was he just couldn't resist confirming. A bit like when a fabulous girlfriend comes into your life - you want to tell everyone. In reality she's already having second thoughts and she's actually still with her Jock boyfriend, and everyone's laughing at you. Again.
Have to be honest I'm completely over the BOT fiasco and just about come to terms with the fact that WMTWD won't be released for years and years.
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