Morrissey Central "‘BONFIRE OF TEENAGERS’ IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" (June 14, 2023)



Artist-friendly Capitol Records (Los Angeles) have no plans to release ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ two and a half years after the album was recorded.


Morrissey’s new comment on the situation:

“It’s a clear display of how censorian the music industry has become. It is a new part of the music industry that does not work and that nobody likes. Music should be the primary democracy, as all art should be, and any effort to keep people away from it simply invites deeper discussion. There is no point banning ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ because somebody somewhere might be offended if they heard it. Why waste time on other people’s mental incapacities? And where is Capitol’s support for the kids who were murdered in that Manchester bonfire on 22 May 2017? Although Capitol claims to be a label of ‘diversity’ it is very difficult to see their humanity. If you are only prepared to release music that draws people’s minds away from thinking then you are unfit for any contact with creative people. Songs are literary compositions, and writing music should be an unrestricted open form. It seems to me that Capitol Records cannot observe the possibility that their artists or their potential customers have ever thought. But silencing certain artists achieves nothing, and simply makes the bonfire burn taller and louder. The moral perspective at Capitol Records who is sitting like a hen on an egg on ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ is Michelle Jubelirer, who played no small part in removing ‘World Peace is None Of Your Business’ from the shelves in 2014 - determined that it could not sell or be heard. The same creeping culture of censorship at Capitol Records has taken place with ‘Bonfire Of Teenagers’, and the civic structure of Capitol now appears fascist. I still have hope in the music industry, but there are evidently several powerful faces within it that have no honest interest in music … and you follow them into the shadows at your peril.”


(Middle image = Michelle Jubelirer).

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Sadly maybe so. Guess there are no Moz fans working in Captiol to leak it
There just isn’t enough interest anymore despite the odd few crying on socials. Dog sold poorly as has already been said many times. The standard of the songs isn’t really that good either which would convince any label there is money to be made. Factor in the cancellations since the Greek Theatre debacle and you’ve got a none money making product. His legacy with the Smiths and his former solo work isn’t going to have a business bite his hand off to then generate a loss with Bonfire. Or Without Music.
If the music was of s high standard and Moz was reliable, there maybe a chance. But then he goes and opens his gob. It’s all on him, all of it. 🙁
Including a Smiths mention, this article from last week, about The Cranberries' song Zombie, is interesting because it explains how the music was inspired by events almost identical to, and that took place not far from, the Manchester bombing, and how it is a similar type of response as is found in Bonfire of Teenagers, including the bit about people's weakness in falling for propaganda and/or indoctrination.

"Cranberries's deatless classic". Oh dear. It's one of the worst songs ever released.
There just isn’t enough interest anymore despite the odd few crying on socials. Dog sold poorly as has already been said many times. The standard of the songs isn’t really that good either which would convince any label there is money to be made. Factor in the cancellations since the Greek Theatre debacle and you’ve got a none money making product. His legacy with the Smiths and his former solo work isn’t going to have a business bite his hand off to then generate a loss with Bonfire. Or Without Music.
If the music was of s high standard and Moz was reliable, there maybe a chance. But then he goes and opens his gob. It’s all on him, all of it. 🙁
You never heard Saint in a Stain Glass Window, Bonfire, or I Live In Oblivion, I take it then. Yeah, Rebels album version sucks with the production on it, but those songs are some of the most powerful and moving he has written and sang in years. Especially I Live In Oblivion
You never heard Saint in a Stain Glass Window, Bonfire, or I Live In Oblivion, I take it then. Yeah, Rebels album version sucks with the production on it, but those songs are some of the most powerful and moving he has written and sang in years. Especially I Live In Oblivion
You mention 3 songs there. It’s always a matter of opinion but the last 3-4 LPs have IMO only conjured up 2-3 decent songs per LP……by previous Moz standards. He’s set a very high bar. But he’s still very difficult to work with, and can’t keep his mouth shut. Things could have been different. I think the ship has sailed. 🥲
I hope it gets a formal release soon. I don’t think anyone wants to leak it as that isn’t fair to everyone who has contributed to the album who deserves to get paid and recognised for their contribution.
Zombie must be one of the best known Cranberries songs. I like the raw anger and intensity of the song.
I also like the intensity of (the live performance of) Bonfire. But while the song is indeed inspired by another bombing, there are differences. I see the lyrics of Bonfire more as taking issue with the public and media response to this tragedy, the public singalongs (Don’t look back in anger) and the media not often mentioning the name of the killer (you must go easy on the killer). I can’t see BOT being released as a single in these current times. That said I would be more than happy if it were to be released as a limited edition 7- inch or 12-inch on RSD.

Not only one of The Cranberries' most popular songs, but with nearly one and a half billion views of the official music video, Zombie's surely one of the most popular songs ever. Could a BOT release be in the works, being moved along quietly in the background?
Whoever thinks Moz should be an obedient artist who keeps his mouth shut… I’m not sure why they are fans in the first place! That’s never ever been who he is.
I think he should be aware of how he's being interpreted & who is using it.

What he wants to say might be an entirely different thing.
Sadly maybe so. Guess there are no Moz fans working in Captiol to leak it

Believe me, I'd leak it if I could. I Live In Oblivion, Saint In A Stained Glass Window and I Am Veronica are all very strong.

Telephone Rings, Kerouac's Crack and Rebels not so much. Kind of indifferent to the title track.

The trio of My Funeral, Diana Dors (which has been talked about for years) and I Ex-Love You all sound intriguing/promising. And, of course, Ha Ha Harlem for the Iggy Pop appearance.
Believe me, I'd leak it if I could. I Live In Oblivion, Saint In A Stained Glass Window and I Am Veronica are all very strong.

Telephone Rings, Kerouac's Crack and Rebels not so much. Kind of indifferent to the title track.

The trio of My Funeral, Diana Dors (which has been talked about for years) and I Ex-Love You all sound intriguing/promising. And, of course, Ha Ha Harlem for the Iggy Pop appearance.

Why exactly would you be intrigued by any of those three songs that you mentioned? He won’t do anything remotely unpredictable with any of them. I’m scared to think what he’d come up with for “Diana Dors”. His bio “tribute” to Jack Kerouac was one worst things he has ever written. What surprise could he come up with for Diana Dors?
“My Funeral” will very likely be his Eulogy to music.
”I Ex-Love You” sounds like he’s treading the same theme all over again. Nothing new there.
Why exactly would you be intrigued by any of those three songs that you mentioned? He won’t do anything remotely unpredictable with any of them. I’m scared to think what he’d come up with for “Diana Dors”. His bio “tribute” to Jack Kerouac was one worst things he has ever written. What surprise could he come up with for Diana Dors?
“My Funeral” will very likely be his Eulogy to music.
”I Ex-Love You” sounds like he’s treading the same theme all over again. Nothing new there.
Jup, it‘s all bad even before you‘ve heard it. Yawn.
Go to a Coldplay website.

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