Morrissey Central "‘BONFIRE OF TEENAGERS’ IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" (June 14, 2023)



Artist-friendly Capitol Records (Los Angeles) have no plans to release ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ two and a half years after the album was recorded.


Morrissey’s new comment on the situation:

“It’s a clear display of how censorian the music industry has become. It is a new part of the music industry that does not work and that nobody likes. Music should be the primary democracy, as all art should be, and any effort to keep people away from it simply invites deeper discussion. There is no point banning ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ because somebody somewhere might be offended if they heard it. Why waste time on other people’s mental incapacities? And where is Capitol’s support for the kids who were murdered in that Manchester bonfire on 22 May 2017? Although Capitol claims to be a label of ‘diversity’ it is very difficult to see their humanity. If you are only prepared to release music that draws people’s minds away from thinking then you are unfit for any contact with creative people. Songs are literary compositions, and writing music should be an unrestricted open form. It seems to me that Capitol Records cannot observe the possibility that their artists or their potential customers have ever thought. But silencing certain artists achieves nothing, and simply makes the bonfire burn taller and louder. The moral perspective at Capitol Records who is sitting like a hen on an egg on ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ is Michelle Jubelirer, who played no small part in removing ‘World Peace is None Of Your Business’ from the shelves in 2014 - determined that it could not sell or be heard. The same creeping culture of censorship at Capitol Records has taken place with ‘Bonfire Of Teenagers’, and the civic structure of Capitol now appears fascist. I still have hope in the music industry, but there are evidently several powerful faces within it that have no honest interest in music … and you follow them into the shadows at your peril.”


(Middle image = Michelle Jubelirer).

Media items:
If he could, he would incite his followers to storm the Capitol building and take this PR lady hostage. All non-violent and with gladioli in their pockets. Like in a fictional The Smiths promo clip circa 1987. In theory.
If he could, he would incite his followers to storm the Capitol building and take this PR lady hostage. All non-violent and with gladioli in their pockets. Like in a fictional The Smiths promo clip circa 1987. In theory.
I understood honestly nothing, but, however, he's too sexy now for this actions :D
I thought that the album might leak eventually but I have my doubts.

There have been vanishingly few insider nods, song descriptions or lyrical reveals for the ones we haven't heard.

Is this the greatest tease the Morrissey fanbase has ever been subject to?
I thought that the album might leak eventually but I have my doubts.

There have been vanishingly few insider nods, song descriptions or lyrical reveals for the ones we haven't heard.

Is this the greatest tease the Morrissey fanbase has ever been subject to?
I wish you lonely.
Artists the world over release music by themselves every day

Morrissey does not need Capital or any other record label to release music

Re-package the songs into 3 EP's and release them yourself Stephen
Lol I love Moz but him acting like there is a big conspiracy to censor his music is ridiculous. He was being difficult, Capitol moved on and probably don’t even remember this album exists.
A live album would be great considering how much better rebels without applause sounded than the single.
One of my favourite all time records is Beethoven was deaf, he and his band always sound their best when unspliced/ not compressed or auto tuned.
Thats my favourite live lp 2nd only to Rank.
It rocks, as they say and the sound and atmosphere is great.
If you want to piss your neighbours off, just play the last few minutes of National Front Disco, very very loud, a fantastic noise.
Lol I love Moz but him acting like there is a big conspiracy to censor his music is ridiculous. He was being difficult, Capitol moved on and probably don’t even remember this album exists.

Yeah, if he was still at his peak then the money might be worth the hassle, they ain't going through a load of Moz drama for £5.60
I have to disagree. I think it's a great, dark line, and it would've been clumsier and amateurish if he had made it any more obvious. The individual perpetrator is dead, so the "killer" is the religious ideology. "Go easy on the killer"—go easy on Islam, keep dancing on egg shells around it and lavishing it with multicultural niceties as always in spite of these atrocities.
Yes this.
Of course, this interpretation probably makes it worse for some.

And why would anyone want to say that? Only an idiot numbskull would be against limited and controlled immigration.
What he has said is that he recognises realities. And reality itself is the enemy of the new woke religion. Reality is now a hyper, cyber reality that can be shaped and scripted by the big corporations. And if you disagree with the new hyper reality then you are guilty of a hate crime. Empirical reality, that 2 + 2 = 4, is a white, colonial, patriarchal oppression.

My politics are straightforward: I recognize realities. Some realities horrify me, and some do not, but I accept that I was not created so that others might gratify me and delight me with all that they think and do - what a turgid life that would be. I've been offended all of my life, and it has strengthened me, and I am glad. I wouldn't have the journey any other way. Only by hearing the opinions of others can we form truly rational views, and therefore we must never accept a beehive society that refuses to reflect a variety of views.
Yeah, the idea that Morrissey is against "immigration" is false. Which doesn't mean he cannot want immigration to be more controlled.
What is the point of posting a picture of a confident good-looking woman to illustrate your words then, Morrissey?

Is it...To remind us you're not one? :mock:

I don't know if they're fascists at Capitol but at least she wears black well... Are you frustrated because she has boobies and her hair is long and that's not how you like your fascists? I'm confused. Can't you just embrace all facists? Is youf heart not big enough?

Could it be that, rather than silencing artists, Capitol's aim is simply not to bother with a droning older fussy crooner from abroad? Could it be that you're just not worth the effort?

Could it be that instead of a powerful artistic voice, they vaguely perceive that yours is the voice of an opportunist using other people's traumas to advance his own views?

Could it be that you've used murdered children for your own personal gain before?

And could it just be that your albums s*ck? Like many many others, but that on top of it all they don't sell?

Should I email WonderWoman here? Unlike you she would maybe try to answer those questions...

Now, you go and have yourself a nice worry-free day! Go scarf-shopping, have lunch...write a song about terrorists on a chaise longue somewhere...
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What is the point of posting a picture of a confident good-looking woman to illustrate your words then, Morrissey?

Is it...To remind us you're not one? :mock:

I don't know if they're fascists at Capitol but at least she wears black well... Are you frustrated because she has boobies and her hair is long and that's not how you like your fascists? I'm confused. Can't you just embrace all facists? Is youf heart not big enough?

Could it be that, rather than silencing artists, Capitol's aim is simply not to bother with a droning older fussy crooner from abroad? Could it be that you're just not worth the effort?

Could it be that instead of a powerful artistic voice, they vaguely perceive that yours is the voice of an opportunist using other people's traumas to advance his own views?

Could it be that you've used murdered children for your own personal gain before?

And could it just be that your albums s*ck? Like many many others, but that on top of it all they don't sell?

Should I email WonderWoman here? Unlike you she would maybe try to answer those questions...

Now, you go and have yourself a nice worry-free day! Go scarf-shopping, have lunch...write a song about terrorists on a chaise longue somewhere...
maybe he's not a confident good-looking woman, nevertheless, I do not mind that this time my traumas are used by someone with imagination, and not just used, as marketing and mass media usually do.
What is the point of posting a picture of a confident good-looking woman to illustrate your words then, Morrissey?

Is it...To remind us you're not one? :mock:

I don't know if they're fascists at Capitol but at least she wears black well... Are you frustrated because she has boobies and her hair is long and that's not how you like your fascists? I'm confused. Can't you just embrace all facists? Is youf heart not big enough?

Could it be that, rather than silencing artists, Capitol's aim is simply not to bother with a droning older fussy crooner from abroad? Could it be that you're just not worth the effort?

Could it be that instead of a powerful artistic voice, they vaguely perceive that yours is the voice of an opportunist using other people's traumas to advance his own views?

Could it be that you've used murdered children for your own personal gain before?

And could it just be that your albums s*ck? Like many many others, but that on top of it all they don't sell?

Should I email WonderWoman here? Unlike you she would maybe try to answer those questions...

Now, you go and have yourself a nice worry-free day! Go scarf-shopping, have lunch...write a song about terrorists on a chaise longue somewhere...
By the way, I also assume that he uses not only the traumas of other people, but also his own. but it is not exactly
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It's like Morrissey is discovering Capitolism.

The poor innocent man. :( He swears to God he swears he never even knew what dollars were.
Hi Everyone,
This petition has been going around Twitter/X. There have already been a little over 850 people who have signed,and this petition is going very well, but we could always ask for more signatures please. We would all LOVE to see Bonfire of Teenagers see the light of day, so please sign if you’re interested and end censorship of music.
Thank you very much!
Metacritic has compiled release dates for albums over coming weeks, along with a second list on which Bonfire of Teenagers appears.

For this 'UPCOMING ALBUM RELEASE CALENDAR - All dates are for U.S. releases unless otherwise noted. Release dates are subject to change, and often do.'

Morrissey's recorded album is included on the second list, 'ANTICIPATED FUTURE RELEASES -
These albums do not yet have a firm release date, but are in various stages of development.'

This state of play sounds correct and positive, to me :highfive:

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