Morrissey Central "BILLBOARD IN MANILA (Philippines)" (August 30, 2024)


Fathering a child can be pretty easy, being a parent though ultimately requires selflessness, tolerance, bravery, and maturity. Yes, all parents start out as "parents with limited experience", but certain individuals are better off not being parents just because of their lifestyle, direction in life, viewpoints, intestinal fortitude, etc. Nobody's perfect and skills ripen over time, but for some it's better that children were never involved.

However, in a very special way (and especially more as he's gotten older), I feel that Morrissey speaks to us (his fans and general listeners) like he would his children. When I hear a song like Find Out For Yourself, and more like that, there is a lot of wise advice. In these recent years, many of his good lyrics reflect this wisdom - and I'm very, very happy that he shares it with me. :D

Interesting post, nicely written.

As you say, people always have to adapt to parenthood - some more than others. I can't help but wonder what impact it would have had on Morrissey's career and artistry, had he been a dad.

Maybe it's yet another thing that needed to be just the way it was, in order for him to grace us with everything we've been lucky enough to receive.

That is to say, perhaps Morrissey was never meant to have children - in the same way that Beethoven, Edgar Allan Poe, Van Gogh and James Dean etc were never meant to have any children.
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Up yours Johnny!.
I know this is going be to a tough one for you to try to get your head around, but there’s nothing miserable about anyone knowing the difference between someone who says something shocking about another person, versus someone who is actually funny
Wow, you're easily shocked.

If the song Dear God Please Help Me is anything to go by, he probably lost the ability to have kids years ago when his "knackers" exploded.
I know this is going be to a tough one for you to try to get your head around, but there’s nothing miserable about anyone knowing the difference between someone who says something shocking about another person, versus someone who is actually funny

It's not tough to get my head round at all, it was a joke and I don't care whether you found it funny or not.
Yes, I think some people can be very conflicted about the issue. Sometimes they only want children to satisfy their own ego, or selfish curiosity. But sometimes the desire comes from the heart.

Also, they might want to experience all the joys of parenthood, but at the same time they recognise that in doing so, they are subjecting someone else to all of the horrors of this 'unhappy planet'

I do feel for Morrissey if he did want to have children, as for whatever reason, he hasn't ended up being a father. Advancing years tend to provide a lot of space for rumination on such things.

I believe he needed to find his one-and-only to feel right to reproduce, but he never found her.

From my personal experience, I am the same way. I am 33 years old, and I have no children, and I have never risked it. I was fully prepared to never have children. I would rather have none than have even ONE with a shit head. A child needs a mother and father. But now that I've found the one I will be with for the rest of my life.. I am ready (AND ANSTY).
My husband is the same exact way, he has no kids either, but he has sure been deep in many shaven caves.

I remember never wanting kids when I reached my 20's, because I thought everyone was a piece of shit. I feel very fortunate now to not be stuck with a piece of shit. I love my charming man.

Still, my heart breaks for Morrissey. "I am the end of the family line" makes me cry for him almost every time I listen to it. I just want to give him a big hug.
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He's written some very observational and witty things about children over the years.

But it's important to note that his disdain is usually directed at 'other people's children'

These spring to mind:

Children in pieces
In Irish industrial schools
Nuns called mothers
And their christian brothers
Kick the shit out of very frightened children

You say you wanna go home
You say you wanna be left alone
And so you turn to me
But instead of sympathy I find
My sentimental heart hardens
Get your hands off me
Kid, you must be bad luck
My sentimental heart hardens

Everyone has babies
Babies full of rabies
Rabies full of scabies
Scarlet has a fever
full of ringworm
Angel of distemper
Poor little fella has got rubella
Nipper full of fungus
Junior full of gangrene
Minor's melanoma
Tike full of gripe
Whippersnapper's scurvy
Urchin made of acne
Get that thing away from me
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Interesting post, nicely written.

As you say, people always have to adapt to parenthood - some more than others. I can't help but wonder what impact it would have had on Morrissey's career and artistry, had he been a dad.

Maybe it's yet another thing that needed to be just the way it was, in order for him to grace us with everything we've been lucky enough to receive.

That is to say, perhaps Morrissey was never meant to have children in the same way that Beethoven, Edgar Allan Poe, Van Gogh and James Dean etc were never meant to have any children.

I have actually thought that about Poe before. :)

I believe he needed to find his one-and-only to feel right to reproduce, but he never found her.

From my personal experience, I am the same way. I am 33 years old, and I have no children, and I have never risked it. I was fully prepared to never have children. I would rather have none than have even ONE with a shit head. A child needs a mother and father. But now that I've found the one I will be with for the rest of my life.. I am ready (AND ANSTY).
My husband is the same exact way, he has no kids either, but he has sure been deep in many shaven caves.

I remember never wanting kids when I reached my 20's, because I thought everyone was a piece of shit. I feel very fortunate now to not be stuck with a piece of shit. I love my charming man.

Still, my heart breaks for Morrissey. "I am the end of the family line" makes me cry for him almost every time I listen to it. I just want to give him a big hug.

It's nice to think that people will meet the right person to have children with, and it's great that you and your husband have. That's the way we'd surely all like it to be - well, those who want it at all.

Sometimes children are produced out of random encounters though, for good or ill.

None of us know how many random encounters M might have had.

So there could actually be some little Mozza's or Mozzarina's out there for all we know. But obviously, that's not what we're talking about here and is somewhat irrelevant.

Also, that comment about your husband deep in many shaven caves nearly made me drop my tea.

I must say, I felt pangs of sadness in relation to this topic when he shared:

On Pembroke Road look out for my ghost
Dishevelled with shoes untied
Playing through the railings with little children
Whose children have long since died

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Also, that comment about your husband deep in many shaven caves nearly made me drop my tea.
🤣😂🤣😂 It's true!! He used to be lead guitarist in a local metal band when we were teenagers. They opened for Whitechapel one time, and they've toured local states here in the US. He's a looker, so girls swarmed... I was one of them, LOL. But now he's mine, all mine. 🥰
Sometimes children are produced out of random encounters though, for good or ill.

None of us know how many random encounters M might have had.

So there could actually be some little Mozza's or Mozzarina's out there for all we know. But obviously, that's not what we're talking about here and is somewhat irrelevant.
You know, you may be right. That or he's SUPER careful when he does have sex with anyone. I know accidents happen, but not always.
Little Mozza and Mozzarinas.. so cute. ❤️

Hmm, I thought him and Linder had a child together though? I remember reading in Autobiography about it... It wasn't direct, but it was very suspicious.

I have Autobiography here at work with me, I'll try to find it and post the suspicious paragraph.
‘I'm not the man you think I am

And sorrow's native son
He will not rise for anyone’
Hmm, I thought him and Linder had a child together though? I remember reading in Autobiography about it... It wasn't direct, but it was very suspicious.

I have Autobiography here at work with me, I'll try to find it and post the suspicious paragraph.
I'm not sure the father of Linder's son is public knowledge (why would it be?) but it's not going to be Moz, in a million years. Her partner for decades was/is Michael Bracewell and her son has referred to Michael as his stepdad. Given the timelines (son was born in 1990, Bracewell on the scene from '91 or '92) it must have been a relationship in the late 80s?
I am usually sceptical of these posts, but must agree with this one. Getting my little pussy spayed was well worth the £130 or whatever it was. Howling at the door at all hours, peeing everywhere, permanently horny, a constant stream of horny males at the door …. My cat was glad of an overnight stay at the vets to get a break from my antics.
I'm not sure the father of Linder's son is public knowledge (why would it be?) but it's not going to be Moz, in a million years. Her partner for decades was/is Michael Bracewell and her son has referred to Michael as his stepdad. Given the timelines (son was born in 1990, Bracewell on the scene from '91 or '92) it must have been a relationship in the late 80s?
I skimmed and skimmed through Autobiography and could not find the slight mention. I ran out of time here at work to skim more thoroughly, I'll make the attempt again tonight.

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