You can grow up to be Morrissey or you can grow up to be Johnny Marr – which are you?
'Usual' article.
Robin Ince's Bibliomaniac book advertised in the above Big Issue contains the following Morrissey mentions:
On the way to Chorlton I pass the Southern Cemetery, inspiration for The Smiths’ ‘Cemetry Gates’, in which Morrissey recalled the ‘dreaded sunny day’ when he would walk around the memorials and slabs with his friend, the artist Linder Sterling, quoting Keats and Yeats and Oscar Wilde.
Richard also appeared on the page on which I first opened Morrissey’s autobiography, ‘and then Richard Boon said something very unhelpful’. Compared to many others, he survived Morrissey’s book unscathed.
I am surrounded by paintings of gardens, so I use this as the spur to talk about nature, chimpanzees and the psychological advantages of looking at acorns and oak trees. I overrun (with permission) and then take questions, which include ‘Do you meditate?’ No. I can’t shut this grey matter up. And ‘Who would win in a fight – Alan Moore or Morrissey?’ Alan Moore would both refuse to fight and at the same time mentally crush Morrissey, so he would be left untouched, but utterly vanquished on the canvas.

You can grow up to be Morrissey. Or you can grow up to be Johnny Marr
Johnny Marr has become the keeper of The Smiths flame, proof to their younger fans that going politically skew-whiff isn't inevitable.
'Usual' article.
Robin Ince's Bibliomaniac book advertised in the above Big Issue contains the following Morrissey mentions:
On the way to Chorlton I pass the Southern Cemetery, inspiration for The Smiths’ ‘Cemetry Gates’, in which Morrissey recalled the ‘dreaded sunny day’ when he would walk around the memorials and slabs with his friend, the artist Linder Sterling, quoting Keats and Yeats and Oscar Wilde.
Richard also appeared on the page on which I first opened Morrissey’s autobiography, ‘and then Richard Boon said something very unhelpful’. Compared to many others, he survived Morrissey’s book unscathed.
I am surrounded by paintings of gardens, so I use this as the spur to talk about nature, chimpanzees and the psychological advantages of looking at acorns and oak trees. I overrun (with permission) and then take questions, which include ‘Do you meditate?’ No. I can’t shut this grey matter up. And ‘Who would win in a fight – Alan Moore or Morrissey?’ Alan Moore would both refuse to fight and at the same time mentally crush Morrissey, so he would be left untouched, but utterly vanquished on the canvas.