Morrissey Central "YOU WILL ALWAYS BE" (November 12, 2021)




13 November, Elizabeth's Day.

Nothing protects us.


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have they slid by the wayside? or have they just died?

some claim to not be interested, yet obsessively come here to hate him and others for simply being fans of his. It’s called trolling.

Anyhoo ....

226 in .....


i had my say last week.why do they come here.
i had my say last week.why do they come here.

I’ll take that as a question to an answer we already know, it’s called

Some mothers are more important than other mothers.... one, Morrissey...


'A mother of two was shot dead as she tried to raise the alarm about Anders Breivik.

Monica Bosei, 45, had organised the Labour youth camp for 20 years and was known as Mother Utoya. Today she was named as the first of the gunman's 68 victims on the island.

She had become suspicious of him as they caught the ferry back to the island together. He was dressed in a fake policeman's uniform and she quizzed him about the bomb in central Oslo, which killed eight, but became concerned at his evasive answers'

Mother of two shot dead for trying to stop Norway gunman​
Some mothers are more important than other mothers.... one, Morrissey...


'A mother of two was shot dead as she tried to raise the alarm about Anders Breivik.

Monica Bosei, 45, had organised the Labour youth camp for 20 years and was known as Mother Utoya. Today she was named as the first of the gunman's 68 victims on the island.

She had become suspicious of him as they caught the ferry back to the island together. He was dressed in a fake policeman's uniform and she quizzed him about the bomb in central Oslo, which killed eight, but became concerned at his evasive answers'

Mother of two shot dead for trying to stop Norway gunman​
it is sort of ridiculous. like, he can think shes the greatest mother all he wants, but this attempt to subject and ingrain his personal feeling which can only ever be deeply personal onto some sort of objective consciousness is a bit icky and pathological, no matter how great of a mother she was.
A bit awkward when (in most of the cases) he refers to 'Elizabeth's something" instead of "my mother's".
it is sort of ridiculous. like, he can think shes the greatest mother all he wants,

but this attempt to subject and ingrain his personal feeling which can only ever be deeply personal onto some sort of objective consciousness

not too different than putting it into song, no?

is a bit icky and pathological, no matter how great of a mother she was.
not too different than putting it into song, no?
it's very different, ket!! a songwriter may be inspired by personal experience and a singer may put emotion into a song but once out there the song is disembodied so that people can interpret and apply it how they like. in that way, it goes from the personal (to the songwriter) to the universal, and then the listener can choose whether it in turn becomes personal to him. morrisseys laments remain in their personal embodied form, so that a person can only think that by impressing this upon us morrissey thinks his grief superior to other people's. if he wrote a song about it and put it out there in the world it would at least honor other peoples grief as being a shared experience. but he doesnt seem to want to acknowledge grief as a shared experience, and that just seems very anti-artistic to me.
it's very different, ket!! a songwriter may be inspired by personal experience and a singer may put emotion into a song

but once out there the song is disembodied so that people can interpret and apply it how they like.
understood. But M’s expression of his continuous grief over his mother’s passing is being interpreted.
in that way, it goes from the personal (to the songwriter) to the universal, and then the listener can choose whether it in turn becomes personal to him.
Yes, and some here have related to M’s statements personally, just like they would, in a way, if it was in song.
morrisseys laments remain in their personal embodied form, so that a person can only think that by impressing this upon us morrissey thinks his grief superior to other people's
Well, like a song is interpreted, you have interpreted his statements of grief. I think most artists do naturally (narcissistically?) feel that their emotions are greater and more important than others, this is in part what may drive many artists to create. It is a blessing and a curse.
. if he wrote a song about it and put it out there in the world it would at least honor other peoples grief as being a shared experience.

song or statement, it is still an expression that can be and is a shared experience, just not by you, which is fine.

but he doesnt seem to want to acknowledge grief as a shared experience, and that just seems very anti-artistic to me.

in regards to his mother’s passing, this is one of the ways, at least what’s made public, as to how we see him dealing with her passing. In private, with his sister especially, we don’t know how he expresses his grief over his mother’s passing.
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understood. But M’s expression of his continuous grief over his mother’s passing is being interpreted.

Yes, and some here have related to M’s statements personally, just like they would, in a way, if it was in song.

Well, like a song is interpreted, you have interpreted his statements of grief. I think most artists do naturally (narcissistically?) feel that their emotions are greater and more important than others, this is in part what may drive many artists to create. It is a blessing and a curse.

song or statement, it is still an expression that can be and is a shared experience, just not by you, which is fine.

in regards to his mother’s passing, this is one of the ways, at least what’s made public, as to how we see him dealing with her passing. In private, with his sister especially, we don’t know how he expresses his grief over his mother’s passing.
well all i know is when nick cave lost his 15 year old son (as opposed to his elderly mother) he didnt wail online about it, he created a transcendantly gorgeous album, the wisdom of which can be expressed in some of the final lyrics to hollywood: "everybody's losing someone" (just like when bowie had cancer he didnt wail online about it but created a transcendantly gorgeous album)

and thats why nick cave, like bowie, is all class.

i like moz and all but being a morrissey fan sometimes makes me feel like ive backed a loser.
You have not yet contributed anything intelligent or interesting to the conversation.

Don’t worry, no one on this site expects that you are able to.
i like moz and all but being a morrissey fan sometimes makes me feel like ive backed a loser.

It's taken you how long to figure that out?

That's half the appeal of Morrissey.

In an industry of wannabes and overachievers he's one of the few that stand alone.

He dosen't feel the need to pretend to be strong or stoic.
It's taken you how long to figure that out?

That's half the appeal of Morrissey.

In an industry of wannabes and overachievers he's one of the few that stand alone.

He dosen't feel the need to pretend to be strong or stoic.
its not that i think he should be stoic or strong, i just think he should try not to be so cheap. i would feel soooo cheap if i went on and on the way he has about deeply personal matters. however, if it was instructive or helpful to other people, it would certainly lessen the feeling of cheapness.
its not that i think he should be stoic or strong, i just think he should try not to be so cheap. i would feel soooo cheap if i went on and on the way he has about deeply personal matters. however, if it was instructive or helpful to other people, it would certainly lessen the feeling of cheapness.

And I think it's sad that that's become the norm, that being open about your deeply personal matters has come to be deemed cheap. It's something I struggle with - when the anniversary of a loved ones death comes around I want to share that with the people around me. But I feel as if it will be read that way, as a cry for attention and pity.

But everything is so fake. People would rather just post memes or about the last movie they watched than something real and emotional. And that's why social media is so horrible. Just escapism bullshit. Even if it's just a photo like this, show your vulnerability and your soul, and share what you are experiencing. What's the point otherwise?
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And I think it's sad that that's become the norm, that being open about your deeply personal matters has come to be deemed cheap. It's something I struggle with - when the anniversary of a loved ones death comes around I want to share that with the people around me. But I feel as if it will be read that way, as a cry for attention and pity.

But everything is so fake. People would rather just post memes or about the last movie they watched than something real and emotional. And that's why social media is so horrible. Just escapism bullshit. Even if it's just a photo like this, show your vulnerability and your soul, and share what you are experiencing. What's the point otherwise?
no, you should absolutely share your sorrows with your friends. it would be unfair to them if you didnt. but everytime something makes me sad i dont go to the lunchroom at work and start telling everyone about it--that would be CHEAP. ill tell a select few people whose opinions i respect and trust, while at the same time being open to listening to them if they have something they want to talk about. to share your sorrows with people you respect and trust is like bestowing upon them a gift. to just chuck your feelings out into the open, completely unfiltered, is CHEAP.
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