Infowars / Paul Joseph Watson "Morrissey: Diversity is Conformity" (November 30, 2022)

"He needs help": At first, I thought, that someone close to Morrissey was finally telling the truth.
I had to read it twice and wondered why Moz was wearing a black mask
Because he's blaming the policy not the people - crime always does go up in circumstances when there's a lot of people & a lack of resources.

There are a lot of real problems that need discussed. Bigots do use those problems to further their agenda - but it wouldn't be the odd jarring phrase or wrong statistic. It would be coherent & he'd be a different type of artist.
You know, Morrissey describes himself as a humasexual. He is attracted to people, though not many. The act of Merkel in the late summer of 2015 was thoroughly human. Of us Germans, who committed the most atrocious crime of the 20th century. She saw it as necessary to help and said the very (un)popular sentence "We can do it". Now Morrissey stands up and blames, according to you, politics that these many refugees dilute the European image. What would he like to have? A representative sample of well-behaved refugees? In the summer of 2015, Merkel only had this non-limited solution and we as a society bear this, even with all the negative side noises, if we have a spark of humanity in us. The view from the ivory tower may certainly be different.
Even with a lot of goodwill, I cannot wholeheartedly agree with your comments. The matter is still causing him massive problems today, and it's not just press people or fans who want to do him harm. His political statements are questionable and there's a reason he's muzzled to this day, even if he hasn't been chained up. As he likes to sing about it. With it I would like to let it rest from my side.
You know, Morrissey describes himself as a humasexual. He is attracted to people, though not many. The act of Merkel in the late summer of 2015 was thoroughly human. Of us Germans, who committed the most atrocious crime of the 20th century. She saw it as necessary to help and said the very (un)popular sentence "We can do it". Now Morrissey stands up and blames, according to you, politics that these many refugees dilute the European image. What would he like to have? A representative sample of well-behaved refugees? In the summer of 2015, Merkel only had this non-limited solution and we as a society bear this, even with all the negative side noises, if we have a spark of humanity in us. The view from the ivory tower may certainly be different.
Even with a lot of goodwill, I cannot wholeheartedly agree with your comments. The matter is still causing him massive problems today, and it's not just press people or fans who want to do him harm. His political statements are questionable and there's a reason he's muzzled to this day, even if he hasn't been chained up. As he likes to sing about it. With it I would like to let it rest from my side.

I understand the slogan made some people in Germany feel less guilty about the war... but it wasn't workable. **

& Morrissey wasn't being strident, or saying it would "dilute" anything... just that a place should retain some of its identity & it shouldn't be assumed people will get on - all of which is standard sociology.

It became controversial because the press had been linking him to fascism for years so reacted as if he'd ranted about repatriation or genocide. People are reacting to the hype not anything he's actually said.

But if you're associated with racism in the press - racists will approve - & Sam doesn't seem to realise that's a bad thing.

** Edit: it's the circumstances that cause the problem, not people. You can't get a "well behaved" group under those conditions.
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No he is definitely not Kanye, thank god.

I just cannot be bothered sitting at a keyboard and and waving my wand of approval/disapproval over everything Morrissey says. I have better things to do with my time, like procrastinating and avoiding stuff I need to get done.

I hope he keeps saying things like he did in that interview. I don't care about digging deeper into what PJW says or believes. No one agrees with everyone and what they believe. Believe it or not but someone can agree with someone on many things even if those two people vehemently disagree on core values. I'm glad to hear Morrissey likes Douglas Murray so thanks for that update. Morrissey can be clueless on many things and I have mentioned as so, many times here but on the current zeitgeist he is 100% correct. They are nothing but art-hounds.

So what if people are coming back to him? So what if some people have left him? All that tells me is he has new fans or some have retuned realising Morrissey was right about a few things they were clueless on. Fans leaving tells me they've moved on to someone they can manage being a fan of. Words fail me to express just how much I do not care about the ultimate balance of his fanbase whether coming or going.

All I care about is that he remains Morrissey and he can lash out as much as he likes as far as I'm concerned. I hope he's got plenty more left in him to upset as many woketards as he can. Morrissey is not some wild animal I need to see tamed so none of my good crystal gets smashed.

He's not a dog on a chain ;)

ps: sorry that was a bit long.
Couldn't agree more!
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