Morrissey Central "'UMM, MORRISSEY JUST ISN’T DIVERSE ENOUGH FOR OUR LABEL …" (December 6, 2024)

Yeah but neither Bob nor Tim have the balls to call out PC culture on its myriad bullshit. Morrissey does. And he's pilloried for it.

For the record I am a huge Cure fan. Just saying.
Yeah but neither Bob nor Tim are absolute poison. Morrissey seems to have become confused at some point; people being interested in his opinion doesn’t necessarily mean his opinion matters or means anything.
He behaves like a f***ing four-year old - endlessly begging and seeking validation from people who are just not interested for whatever reason, then trying tantrums and threats before getting the begging bowl out again.

He doesn't need to do any of this, he's rich and could coast easily on his name and history alone. Instead he makes himself look pathetic.
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Yeah but neither Bob nor Tim have the balls to call out PC culture on its myriad bullshit. Morrissey does. And he's pilloried for it.

For the record I am a huge Cure fan. Just saying.

Or maybe they make music that record companies think will make a profit for them.
Johhny Marr isn't 'diverse' - he's a pasty-skinned middle-aged white man, with a backing band similarly ethnic makeup. And yet he has a record label, and you don't Morrissey. It's almost as though you are talking shite. 🤔
What needs to be considered is the cultural and intellectual context of our times. Greed abounds of course in the entertainment industry, big Hollywood and the music industry, but audiences are dumber, more vapid and like pap that appeals to the loins more than brainfood.

Morrissey is not necessarily up against music industry moguls; he’s up against an overwhelmingly stupid and silly populace. He needs to quit taking his frustrations out on businessmen who are only in the industry to get wealthy and seek out true music, art and culture enthusiasts. He needs to get the hell away from California and find society with people who still care about integrity in art and intellectual culture. I will probably make some mad but oh well, California and anything close to Hollywood has become a shallow grave of entertainment and vanity. . . look at the movie industry. So much looking-backwards and stagnation there in regards to culture. Although I am sure there are lovely aspects of the West Coast, but the greed, vanity, conformity and sentimentality is murderous and rotting to art itself. The era of big entertainment has passed. I agree with the idea he should look for an indie label. . .
True, I meant The Cure.

But also James don’t have a significantly larger discography than Morrissey.

Not sure what your point is but agree they are similar, James have had 18 studio albums and I think Morrissey has had 13, however James have released 3 albums since Morrissey's last one.

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