TTY: Universal Music - response to denial

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Universal Music -
25 November 2015

Universal Music (London) have denied refusing to re-issue Morrissey's I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris in support of the victims of the recent Paris atrocities.
Morrissey is in possession of a letter from John Reid at Russells (London) in which it is clearly stated that David Joseph of Universal Music (London) has no interest in re-issuing I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris, but has instead planned his own tribute to the Paris victims for December which will only involve current Universal bands.
Universal Music has claimed to be "hurt" by the suggestion that such a letter exists.
The letter can be freely made available to anyone who wishes to read it.

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a) maybe
b) if you believe that last bit you're a bloody fool

b) We don't really know do we?

If the idea is that meat has some magical ingredient that makes people bloodthirsty, that might sound illogical, but if the idea it that needless killing and violence is desensitizing, that seems a little more logical. I might be a fool but I'd really like to see the results if people at least were cognizant of their behavior, its consequences and implications. I am not trying to revive some tired debate but just saying that there are two sides to consider. And I do not support PETA. It's nothing to do with that. I am sure there will always be some people with violent urges, even if they were to never see meat, but we do live in a world where much violence is pointless, and it's worth it to at least try to respect, if not personally consider other people's points of view on a solution.
Knowing Morrissey, he'd probably want the proceeds to go to PETA, as he believes that there will always be war and violence whilst people eat meat.

There will always be war and violence whilst people eat animals. YES, agree. :straightface:
He is a Rock Genius, you will remain as internet troll forever

A rock genius who has lost all perspective of any mode of normal behaviour. This is what happens when you're surrounded by sycophants 24/7.
If this re-release isn't happening l've got a great idea for an alternative tribute.

Morrissey should get himself on Google, find out where each of the victims of the Paris attacks worked and, one by one, email their grieving bosses with a cheery jpeg telling them to go f*** themselves. If he finds any that were self-employed or not working, he could just leave a note on their graves.

Not sure if this would raise much money, but it would definitely get publicity.

Well aren't you just the clever one?
He is a Rock Genius, you will remain as internet troll forever

Keep on searching ;)


Whats sad are these looong(ass)winded posts of his..going on & on,not saying anything new.
Wish he would just come on here (if he must) and just sum up 'all his thoughts' with the simple line
or two that he hates M. It would save him and us a lot of time. But no.:straightface:
moz is not surrounded by sycophants. only two, boz and damon. boz only during tour time so only one damon.
there is little demand to hang with rich huma, overweight, musicians who wont pay for a pint but expect fans and non fan alike to be at his beck and call, often buying him expensive list and then depart.
i think we all agree here that moz buys nothing.
b) We don't really know do we?

If the idea is that meat has some magical ingredient that makes people bloodthirsty, that might sound illogical, but if the idea it that needless killing and violence is desensitizing, that seems a little more logical. I might be a fool but I'd really like to see the results if people at least were cognizant of their behavior, its consequences and implications. I am not trying to revive some tired debate but just saying that there are two sides to consider. And I do not support PETA. It's nothing to do with that. I am sure there will always be some people with violent urges, even if they were to never see meat, but we do live in a world where much violence is pointless, and it's worth it to at least try to respect, if not personally consider other people's points of view on a solution.

stupidest thing ive EVER read. i think reading tty kills the brain cells.
Whats sad are these looong(ass)winded posts of his..going on & on,not saying anything new.
Wish he would just come on here (if he must) and just sum up 'all his thoughts' with the simple line
or two that he hates M. It would save him and us a lot of time. But no.:straightface:

'looong(ass)winded posts' - That's like the pot calling the kettle black on the inside!

Morrissey does not equal THE MOZZIAH!
I have to say that if I were head of Universal Music, I wouldn't re-release the single. For a start, we live in an age where music is easily accessible electronically, and any song on iTunes and its rivals are chart eligible. Plus, physical releases simply don't sell, outside of the usual talent show wank. It's a sad fact but it's true. So it doesn't make business sense. To the best of my knowledge, there are no plans to physically release Eagles of Death Metals' cover of Save a Prayer, and its inevitable ascent to the top of the charts will happen because of a outpouring of support through social networking and word of mouth.

Let us not forget that EoDM were embroiled in this tragedy. They lost one of their touring crew. As horrific as it sounds, they actually have recourse to be part of any semblance of aftermath and subsequent healing process.

Also, none of Morrissey's TTY's postings have mentioned a desire to donate money from sales to charities or organisations helping families of the victims of these atrocities. Of course, he may have planned all along to do this, but if you ask me it's a pretty big omission to make if that was your intention in the first place.

Finally, the only connection the song has to these awful events is its title. If 'only stone and steel accept [your] love' then you're not really singing about an affinity to humanity, or coming across particularly sympathetic towards victims. It says more about your own solipsism.

I think for reasons of dignity Morrissey should just let this lie. What resembles a PR machine for him is rusty and broken. Universal are coming across as the injured party and Morrissey is coming across like a sore loser. I couldn't care less whether a 'smoking gun' style letter is floated on the internet... it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to me. I believe that Morrissey approached them, and that they declined to release the single. But that's not even relevant. For the sake of the victims and their families, it needs to stop here, for the sake of dignity but also because the negative press, the loaded, offensive posts to TTY... it's chipping away frighteningly fast at the prospect of Morrissey ever again releasing music...

Every single word of this is truth.

b) We don't really know do we?

If the idea is that meat has some magical ingredient that makes people bloodthirsty, that might sound illogical, but if the idea it that needless killing and violence is desensitizing, that seems a little more logical. I might be a fool but I'd really like to see the results if people at least were cognizant of their behavior, its consequences and implications. I am not trying to revive some tired debate but just saying that there are two sides to consider. And I do not support PETA. It's nothing to do with that. I am sure there will always be some people with violent urges, even if they were to never see meat, but we do live in a world where much violence is pointless, and it's worth it to at least try to respect, if not personally consider other people's points of view on a solution.

Agree!:thumb: I often say:Violence breeds violence. Though I KNOW that's a generalization(?) and it's MUCH MORE complicated than that.

But as you said: 'the idea that needless killing and violence is desensitizing' The key word here is 'DESENSITIZING'.

And as I've said before. It starts at the dinner plate,In the beginning ,at HOME. And not just one or two of us but the whole human animal species will have to change their diets in order to change their consciousness in order to change not ONLY the world but to ....SAVE IT. Otherwise we are DOOMED.

It's going to take time. We won't see it in our lifetime.

And not only our diets but ALSO our language... we can start here with the word 'meat' What is it really? Where did it come from? What was it before death ? And who REALLY benefits from their deaths? :straightface:

and Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who live in the Colonies.
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Paris Atrocity. People killed, families and friends and society at large in indescribable pain......

Make it about YOU, Morrissey.

Make it ALL about YOU.
I hate to break it to you but no amount of ass kissing will get Morrissey to accept your Facebook friend request.

Ah Vegans. First it is all love and roses, change the world one meal at a time. But soon you'll be praying for people's deaths and comparing terrorist attacks to atrocities at Red Lobster. I took great care to include you in this category just as you took great care in your choice of words when you referred to us as the human animal species.

Hitler, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and Poi Pat also adopted vegetarian diets to change their consciousness and the world!

Why would I be 'praying for peoples deaths' ?

That's a f***ing bizarre thing to say.

I used the words 'human animal species' to remind that we are a part of the animal world,THOUGH we have the human intelligence enough not to be a part of the animal food chain. (Still we insist or the death industry insists we still are, Which IS insane.)

The not very clever round up of evil bores... & I don't feel like doing a google search..But from what I know Adolph Hitler
had a special diet for health concerns not animal welfare concerns(not proven why he was vegetarian).

And anyways, I'm not talking about a few today I'm talking about ALL tomorrow. Though the world must start somewhere and how? I just don't know. As I said it's too complicated to get into here.

Also I apologize, Here I quote from your reply to me ' when you referred to US as the human animal species'. I mean the human race,I didn't mean to include you in that 'us'. Since after reading your reply to my post...

I don't think I could include you in that 'us'. Take that how ever you choose. ;)
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Agree!:thumb: I often say:Violence breeds violence. Though I KNOW that's a generalization(?) and it's MUCH MORE complicated than that.

But as you said: 'the idea that needless killing and violence is desensitizing' The key word here is 'DESENSITIZING'.

And as I've said before. It starts at the dinner plate,In the beginning ,at HOME. And not just one or two of us but the whole human animal species will have to change their diets in order to change their consciousness in order to change not ONLY the world but to ....SAVE IT. Otherwise we are DOOMED.

It's going to take time. We won't see it in our lifetime.

And not only our diets but ALSO our language... we can start here with the word 'meat' What is it really? Where did it come from? What was it before death ? And who REALLY benefits from their deaths? :straightface:

and Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who live in the Colonies.

What a load of cobblers.

Morrissey doesn't eat meat yet he regularly calls the bombing, killing, beheading (eg Elton John) of large sections of the human race.

According to your moronic theory no violent acts are committed by those of the meat-free persuasion.

That's a load of baloney (pardon the pun)
So, Universal contacted his representatives? Not Morrissey himself? Well, therefore Moz is safe, I would say. As we learned from Universal that there had, infact, been no request when it didn't come directly from one party. They know their game and it irks me that such scum as Universal regularly gains sainthood over night when Moz is involved.
Universal Music, the approach made to David Joseph, since denied by David Joseph

25 November 2015

Universal Music, the approach made to David Joseph, since denied by David Joseph

On 18 Nov 2015, at 15:29, Boz Boorer -------------------- wrote:

Dear David,

My name is Boz Boorer and I represent all of the musicians who played

We are shocked that you have made no move this week to promote the
above song (download/special 7-inch/special CD) to support the people
of Paris. Any other artist would be number 1 with this song RIGHT NOW.

Why are you doing nothing? There is no other song in modern music that
aptly supports the people of Paris.

Most sincerely yours




From: John Reid --------------------
Date: November 19, 2015 at 6:39:51 PM GMT-2
To: Boz Boorer --------------------
Subject: Re: Paris

Dear Boz

Thank you for copying your email to me.

I think we all know that this would be an appropriate and compelling gesture.

I spoke with David Joseph today. His position is that owing to Universal having a very close connection to the events, much as they see your point, they are not intending to release any records in response to the tragic events of last Friday. They feel it is too raw for them given the death of one of their staff members and instead they are going to show support and solidarity in other ways, including concerts in Paris later this year by some of their artists.

However, I believe that Universal would licence the song back for eg a release for proceeds to relevant charities (which I assume would be the plan). In short there may be a possibility here but it would have to be a release via a third party. Personally I think there could be a very forceful statement to be made. It will of course require M's input. Have you discussed this with him - I assume so.

If you want me to pursue this, please let me know. Time inevitably is of the essence.

Yours sincerely


John Reid
Russells Solicitors
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