TTY: Universal Music - response to denial

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Universal Music -
25 November 2015

Universal Music (London) have denied refusing to re-issue Morrissey's I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris in support of the victims of the recent Paris atrocities.
Morrissey is in possession of a letter from John Reid at Russells (London) in which it is clearly stated that David Joseph of Universal Music (London) has no interest in re-issuing I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris, but has instead planned his own tribute to the Paris victims for December which will only involve current Universal bands.
Universal Music has claimed to be "hurt" by the suggestion that such a letter exists.
The letter can be freely made available to anyone who wishes to read it.

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It seems to me that Morrissey contacted David Joseph in Universal-London and he decided not to mentioned to Universal-Paris, because he wants to choose his own bands. I guess it will be difficult for Morrissey, as he doesn't have a contract with Universal anymore. However, I think Morrissey should publish the letter where Universal is refusing to re-issue the single for everyone to read. That way those who don't believe him will see who the truly lier is, Universal-David. On the other hand, I also think David Joseph has a strong view about music marketing and he probably thinks he will sell more without Morrissey. A pity, because Morrissey is well loved and admired in France. One of the things Russells offers is "privacy and reputation management."

I wonder who was responsible for handling Morrissey's 'reputation management' around the time of the Oslo Terrorist Attacks? Presumably Morrissey himself. And I would guess that Russells do not handle hopeless cases. Morrissey compared the deaths in the terrorist atrocity in Oslo to KFC, suggesting that the deaths of 77 young Norwegians were somehow morally equivalent to the death of chickens in fast food restaurants. How this clown ever imagines that anybody will ever take him seriously with regard to a 'loving' memorial to the victims of Paris is baffling. Morrissey=Vile Troll. Even The Guardian think so. His reputation is in tatters, irredeemable even before this latest attempt to troll the Paris Attacks. If Morrissey does re-release ITMAAP, one can only hope that Universal are mindful of the 'reputational blowback' to their brand that would come from allowing this troll to use Paris to game his ongoing negotiations for a new contract whilst refusing to apologise for trollling Oslo's terrorist attacks. One can only hope that all the other artists's involved in a Universal Memorial Project make it clear they do not wish to be associated with Morrissey, if they haven't already done so. Morrissey=Vile Troll.


Morrissey: from rock genius to internet troll
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Your 'belief' is only relevant with regard to your need to keep a certain image of Morrissey intact in your mind. If you're here to follow the SA tour, why are you on this thread? Morrissey=Viva Hate. Etc. I am not aware of David Joseph's forum, can you provide a link. Morrissey=Vile Troll


I said "I believe", not "I need to believe". I don't need anything, I can live with or without a good image of Morrissey in my mind. I'm on this thread because it's my desire and I'm not banned.

I can't provide a link to that forum, can you?

Oher artists are kissing record labels asses like whores, i still can't believe Johnny has so many releases. Same theme, different issue. He stands up for himself.

lol you always talk about how solo is such a hateful place, yet you never miss a chance to talk shit about Johnny. It's not his fault moz is a twat :)
It seems to me that Morrissey contacted David Joseph in Universal-London and he decided not to mentioned to Universal-Paris, because he wants to choose his own bands. I guess it will be difficult for Morrissey, as he doesn't have a contract with Universal anymore. However, I think Morrissey should publish the letter where Universal is refusing to re-issue the single for everyone to read. That way those who don't believe him will see who the truly lier is, Universal-David. On the other hand, I also think David Joseph has a strong view about music marketing and he probably thinks he will sell more without Morrissey. A pity, because Morrissey is well loved and admired in France.

I think it extremely unlikely that Morrissey will continue to be 'well loved and admired in France' if the French media decide to highlight his comments about the terrorist massacres in Oslo. Presumably this is also part of Universal's reasoning. Whilst they might never sign Morrissey in the future, they are involved in the same triage 'reputation management' as all the other Right's Holders of Morrissey's back catalogue. Their challenge is simple. How do they continue to mine their back catalogue of Morrissey's solo efforts (and The Smiths) for profit whilst Morrissey does the whole kamikaze/walk the plank Conspiracy Loon stuff? What risks are there to Universal allowing Morrissey to feign 'loving' concern for the Paris Attacks when there is the unexploded bomb of Uttoya/Oslo headlines in Le Monde to cope with? The most extreme example of these issues is Gary Glitter. His back catalogue was once very valuable but due to his criminal convictions it lost a huge percentage of it's NPV (net present value) for future investors. Whilst Morrissey is merely a clown rather than a criminal like Glitter, the same business concerns exist. If Morrissey no longer profits from his back catalogue due to Mike Joyce/piracy/selling his publishing and songwriting, then it's no concern to him if he trashes the future profitability of it on streaming platforms when he's dead from Cancer/Blood Pressure/killed by The Queen.

Universal will no doubt be discussing the situation with Live Nation who presumably still have a file marked 'Smiths Reunion' in their pending tray. How do they stop Morrissey destroying The Smith's Brand before they can read Johnny Marr's autobiography? If Johnny Marr overtly or covertly ridicules Morrissey such as to make a Smith's Reunion impossible, then they can shred that file and bin Morrissey's career for good. The ONLY reason why Morrissey is tolerated now is so that investor's can hedge bets on whether or not he can fund his retirement from past earnings or is so lavish in his lifestyle requirements that he has no choice but to agree to a reuinon of The Smiths on terms acceptable to Johnny Marr. No doubt Johnny Marr and The Lawnmover Parts are watching developments closely. Mike Joyce is playing the Long Game and is sensible enough to realise that his delayed Autobiography will be very valuable if he isn't invited to take part in the Smith's Reunion. Ditto The Bass Player. It's all good fun. "Hell Freezes Over" Etc.

I said "I believe", not "I need to believe". I don't need anything, I can live with or without a good image of Morrissey in my mind. I'm on this thread because it's my desire and I'm not banned.

I can't provide a link to that forum, can you?


Is this a game of hide and seek? Why would I care? If you wish to note it as relevant, provide a link. Or not. Who cares? Morrissey=VileTroll. Viva Hate.

Well it's not getting him what he wants, is it?

I think it is. He wants a deal but no t at the cost so he chooses and that's that. Its many of us who want him to do anything so that we can have a new album
He should set the letter to music and sing what was written. Sing your life.
I've always loved Mozzy's piss n' vinegar, but does
he have a personality disorder?
I wonder who was responsible for handling Morrissey's 'reputation management' around the time of the Oslo Terrorist Attacks? Presumably Morrissey himself. And I would guess that Russells do not handle hopeless cases. Morrissey compared the deaths in the terrorist atrocity in Oslo to KFC, suggesting that the deaths of 77 young Norwegians were somehow morally equivalent to the death of chickens in fast food restaurants. How this clown ever imagines that anybody will ever take him seriously with regard to a 'loving' memorial to the victims of Paris is baffling. Morrissey=Vile Troll. Even The Guardian think so. His reputation is in tatters, irredeemable even before this latest attempt to troll the Paris Attacks. If Morrissey does re-release ITMAAP, one can only hope that Universal are mindful of the 'reputational blowback' to their brand that would come from allowing this troll to use Paris to game his ongoing negotiations for a new contract whilst refusing to apologise for trollling Oslo's terrorist attacks. One can only hope that all the other artists's involved in a Universal Memorial Project make it clear they do not wish to be associated with Morrissey, if they haven't already done so. Morrissey=Vile Troll.


Morrissey: from rock genius to internet troll

He is a Rock Genius, you will remain as internet troll forever

Is this a game of hide and seek? Why would I care? If you wish to note it as relevant, provide a link. Or not. Who cares? Morrissey=VileTroll. Viva Hate.


Keep on searching ;)

Russian Fighter Pilot: Have you read this shit about Morrissey and Universal?
Turkish Air Traffic Controller: I know! How can two people disagree about what should be a simple fact. It's craziness!
He is a Rock Genius, you will remain as internet troll forever

Keep on searching ;)


Wrong tense. He WAS a 'rock genius', or at least people thought he was. Now he's exposed as a vile troll. You can carry on in your Cult delusion that the world still regards Morrissey as anything other than a laughing stock but the evidence of The Guardian headline suggests that Consensual Reality now sees him as a batty loon.

'List of The Lulz', Conspiracy Loon videos endorsed, now a 'conspiracy' to stop him sharing his 'loving' respects to the dead in Paris. It's both hilarious and vile.

One has to wonder why he didn't need to show such respect to those who died in Norway before the Paris Attacks and why he doesn't also extend his mourning to those who died in Beirut and Mali.

Morrissey=Vile Troll

I have to say that if I were head of Universal Music, I wouldn't re-release the single. For a start, we live in an age where music is easily accessible electronically, and any song on iTunes and its rivals are chart eligible. Plus, physical releases simply don't sell, outside of the usual talent show wank. It's a sad fact but it's true. So it doesn't make business sense. To the best of my knowledge, there are no plans to physically release Eagles of Death Metals' cover of Save a Prayer, and its inevitable ascent to the top of the charts will happen because of a outpouring of support through social networking and word of mouth.

Let us not forget that EoDM were embroiled in this tragedy. They lost one of their touring crew. As horrific as it sounds, they actually have recourse to be part of any semblance of aftermath and subsequent healing process.

Also, none of Morrissey's TTY's postings have mentioned a desire to donate money from sales to charities or organisations helping families of the victims of these atrocities. Of course, he may have planned all along to do this, but if you ask me it's a pretty big omission to make if that was your intention in the first place.

Finally, the only connection the song has to these awful events is its title. If 'only stone and steel accept [your] love' then you're not really singing about an affinity to humanity, or coming across particularly sympathetic towards victims. It says more about your own solipsism.

I think for reasons of dignity Morrissey should just let this lie. What resembles a PR machine for him is rusty and broken. Universal are coming across as the injured party and Morrissey is coming across like a sore loser. I couldn't care less whether a 'smoking gun' style letter is floated on the internet... it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to me. I believe that Morrissey approached them, and that they declined to release the single. But that's not even relevant. For the sake of the victims and their families, it needs to stop here, for the sake of dignity but also because the negative press, the loaded, offensive posts to TTY... it's chipping away frighteningly fast at the prospect of Morrissey ever again releasing music...
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Does he even need Universal to re-issue that song? 'Years of Refusal' (like 'World Peace') is copyrighted to Morrissey himself, and was only licensed to the record company. As he owns the copyright, can't Morrissey put his hand in his pocked and pay to press up a few thousand charity singles himself if he wants to?
Only Morrissey could drum up negative publicity on the back of such a tragic event. Ditto Norway.

Is he trying to release Scandinavia as a tribute?
I don't need to see that letter. I believe Morrissey. That's why I'm here, following his SA Tour, expecting his arrival to BA.

I can't understand why so many people need to spread hate through this forum, when they could be showing love and support through David Joseph's forums, since they say he is such a good and selfless man, apparently loved by crowds.

Hooray! I just received a copy of the letter. But it's in this strange childlike scrawl...
I have to say that if I were head of Universal Music, I wouldn't re-release the single. For a start, we live in an age where music is easily accessible electronically, and any song on iTunes and its rivals are chart eligible. Plus, physical releases simply don't sell, outside of the usual talent show wank. It's a sad fact but it's true. So it doesn't make business sense. To the best of my knowledge, there are no plans to physically release Eagles of Death Metals' cover of Save a Prayer, and its inevitable ascent to the top of the charts will happen because of a outpouring of support through social networking and word of mouth.

Let us not forget that EoDM were embroiled in this tragedy. They lost one of their touring crew. As horrific as it sounds, they actually have recourse to be part of any semblance of aftermath and subsequent healing process.

Also, none of Morrissey's TTY's postings have mentioned a desire to donate money from sales to charities or organisations helping families of the victims of these atrocities. Of course, he may have planned all along to do this, but if you ask me it's a pretty big omission to make if that was your intention in the first place.

Finally, the only connection the song has to these awful events is its title. If 'only stone and steel accept [your] love' then you're not really singing about an affinity to humanity, or coming across particularly sympathetic towards victims. It says more about your own solipsism.

I think for reasons of dignity Morrissey should just let this lie. What resembles a PR machine for him is rusty and broken. Universal are coming across as the injured party and Morrissey is coming across like a sore loser. I couldn't care less whether a 'smoking gun' style letter is floated on the internet... it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to me. I believe that Morrissey approached them, and that they declined to release the single. But that's not even relevant. For the sake of the victims and their families, it needs to stop here, for the sake of dignity but also because the negative press, the loaded, offensive posts to TTY... it's chipping away frighteningly fast at the prospect of Morrissey ever again releasing music...
Universal asked Morrissey what charity he wanted to donate to and they are still waiting for a response.
"We have not received – let alone refused – any request from Morrissey himself related to ‘I’m Throwing My Arms Around Paris’. While we have not been contacted directly by Morrissey, after seeing the comments on his website last week, we asked his representative to confirm his intentions and which charity he had in mind to support via the song’s proceeds. We are yet to receive a reply."
Also, none of Morrissey's TTY's postings have mentioned a desire to donate money from sales to charities or organisations helping families of the victims of these atrocities. Of course, he may have planned all along to do this, but if you ask me it's a pretty big omission to make if that was your intention in the first place.

Knowing Morrissey, he'd probably want the proceeds to go to PETA, as he believes that there will always be war and violence whilst people eat meat.
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