TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

Universal Music, London -
19 November 2015

David Joseph at Universal Music in London has refused the request made by Morrissey and the band to re-issue 'I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris' as a loving tribute to the lives lost in the Paris atrocities. David Joseph is instead arranging his own tribute to Paris utilizing his current crop of Universal artists.
The photograph below is Morrissey singing 'I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris' to an audience of 12,000 in Chile last week.


photograph taken by Trinity.

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Until recently The Bataclan music venue was owned by a Jewish businessman. Some suspect that one of the reasons the Daesh terrorists targetted it was because it was part of the 'Zionist conspiracy' against Muslims. This is not the same bat-shit crazy conspiracy that Morrissey's PR front TTY felt the need to advertise/validate but another equally bizarro Islamic version of The Illooooominati mind-warp. No doubt folk at Universal are aware of Moz's strange comments about Jews in the Hollywood music business in his Autobiography and perhaps about the 'skullcap' adverts. In which case, they would do well to completely ignore the consipracy loon known as Morrissey as he attempts to leverage this tragedy to claim relevance to current events.

The song isn't deleted. If there was any popular feeling to use it to ventilate grief then it would happen by Social Media. Indeed, as soon as the tragedy began being reported some idiots began trying to trend the song, but experienced an epicFAIL! As Morrissey will now experience another epicFAIL! LOL along at the absurd attempt to claim that the audience at a festival are potential consumers of new product. 12,000 Chileans wandering from one stage to another to check out 'ye olde punke rock legende Morrissey' is hardly an endorsement. Presumably this was just as the show began, a shot 10 minutes later no doubt shows vast gaps in the audience as sensible/sensitive types fled the caterwaul and guitar horror exhibits.

And yes, 'throwing my arms around Paris' exactly describes how the assassins distributed their Kalashnikovs, treating people as nothing more relevant than stone and steel.

Thanks for all your efforts in my absence, Benny. For once, PETA refrained from gratuitous offence and thus reigned Morrissey in. Given that the hard-line Vegan creed they claim states 'animals are not to be used for any human purposes', one might have expeted them to give the nod to Moz to protest Diesel's use as a bomb detector, rather than mourn Diesel as a victim, but mindful of their sponsor/donor base in Consensual Reality, they did the Realpolitik thing of avoiding the Utoya car-crash that turned Morrissey into an eternal freak-show/laughing stock. How anyone imagines the public will accept that a sociopath who describes the entire Chinese nation as a sub-species is capable of a 'loving tribute' to anyone other than himself is hard to understand. Morrissey is finished, but let's enjoy the final skid towards and over the cliff edge. It's only a matter of time.

"the request made by Morrissey and the band to re-issue 'I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris' as a loving tribute to the lives lost in the Paris atrocities."

The Ghost of BrummieBoy

Can you tell me where Morrissey linked to a video or whatever saying the Paris shootings were staged, please? (BrummieBoy or anyone here) Thanks
Can you tell me where Morrissey linked to a video or whatever saying the Paris shootings were staged, please? (BrummieBoy or anyone here) Thanks

Happy to oblige.

Anyone who doubts Morrissey's estrangement from Consensual Reality doesn't need to watch the entire 2hr51mins of this ridiculous 'What The Royal Family Doesn't Want You To See' nonsense. Just check the end credits/sources for confirmation that Morrissey is now publicly advertising himself as a Grade A loon. It's actually part of a 'project' called 'Help Free The Earth' by somebody called Grace Powers who has spent 6 years of her life involved in an investigation which "grew into six years of intensive research into the identity, history, crimes and motives of the illuminati globalists who I call the "ring of power.” She did this because Daddy was a Freemason. Etc.

The website which hosts information about this meretricious nonsense has a latest news article called 'Paris Staged Horror' which shares the following startling gibberish:

"Halloween is over but not in France. On Friday the 13th (no coincidence), the "staged" horror that has hit the streets of Paris is moving us even deeper into the modern "Dark Ages."
Before the multiple terror attacks in Paris which are being blamed on Isis Muslims, fascist French President Francois Hollande compared “conspiracy theories” to Nazism. He called for government regulations to prevent the sharing or publishing of ‘dangerous thought’.Suggesting that the Paris terror attacks were 'staged' fits into the President's "dangerous thought" category."

What depths of stupidity is Morrissey capable of? How does linking to this bizarre site sit alongside his supposed commemoration of French victims? He played his ridiculous 'ITMAAP' before launching into 'The Queen Is Dead' for his dual-salvo encore. Presumably this cryptic link to this stupid site is meant to allow his Cult to join up the dots, ie, that the Paris attacks were carried out by Queen Elizabeth.We now know who was behind The Smiths/Diana conspiracy website....Lol! On one level it's hilarious to watch his descent into the abyss but even I'm surprised that he could follow the car-crash of 'List Of The LOLz' with this. ^THIS!

However, it's also now the case that no rational person can ever listen to 'The Queen Is Dead' without realising that it's no longer an aching protest against Thatcher-era privilege but the birth-pangs of a full-on tin-foil hat conspiracy loon. It's equally sobering to realise that there is nobody around Morrissey, whether family, friend or employee, who can sit him down and explain the depths of his delusionality.

Even after 'List Of The LOLs', I'd argued with friends that his late-career descent into full-on Crank-Fraud ravings didn't necessarily mean that the canon of songs was utterly ruined. It's getting harder and harder to argue that case. He is trashing not only his own legacy but there's a real danger that soon nobody of sound mind will be able to listen to The Smiths without thinking it's a case study in incipient mental illness. He is patently bonkers by linking to this absurd film/site and it's hard to see how the city of Tel Aviv has any choice but to demand he hands back his keys to their beseiged city. Morrissey is now beyond a laughing stock. He has placed himself in the stocks and is demanding he be pelted with rotten fruit and veg. I have no doubt the world media will be obliging if they should even notice this latest raving from the bunker. The film ends [2hr46mins] with a serious claim that "William will be a counterfeit Messiah..Prince William will rule the world with his One World Army from his Eternal One-World Throne in Jerusalem"

The idea of Morrissey sitting in some opulent dungeon hotel suite watching this nonsense is amusing, but linking to a site that explicitly denies that the Paris atrocities were carried out by Muslim fanatics but claims they were orchestrated by the British Royal Family is absolutely certifiably insane. I wonder how his Cult followers will deal with this latest evidence of insanity? Claimiing he'd developed a startling new form of Literature that no critic could fathom was the default way of dealing with the cognitivie dissonance engendered by reading his ridiculous 'novel'. What now? How will the Cult reconcile his approval of this? ^THIS! *Popcorn*


The Ghost of BrummieBoy

"Monarch Is Anarchy"

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Ketamine, Not sure why you have a problem with this? I have every Smiths album and every Morrissey album, saw the Smiths 3 rimes and Morrissey countless times.

When I got into his music it was pre meat is murder and pre him spouting shit at every opportunity. When I play the songs that got me into his music, they sound exactly the same as they did on the day I bought them, he, however sounds a million miles from the guy who entertained me with his wit in years gone by.

Hope that clears up why I like his music but not him anymore.
Has no one spotted who took the photo on there? Not a nice person.
It'd be quite interesting if you could elaborate a little on that.
Two reasons....
One. I'm a nosey get.
Two. Something to divert from the dull as ditchwater ramblings of Ketamine Sun. I'm going to send her tickets to the next EODM tour and hope for the best, the f***ers a nutbag!
Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

Dear JamestheDude,

I'd just like to state that Brummie is spreading false information by stating or even hinting at the notion that Morrissey
is endorsing 'help free the earth' . There was no posted link to direct one to 'help free the earth' below or above the 2 videos posted on 'True To You'.

And we assume these videos were posted with his approval on TTY but this is JUST an assumption. And NO ONE (as of yet)really knows.

There are those on this site that like to take things out of context and twist them for there own personal agenda.

The two videos are very interesting and informative... But it depends on the viewer and how these videos or information of this nature will inform them. I see it as are two videos with a different view of the world and how it's run. Take from them what you will.... PEACE, :)

You are a dumb f***, aren't you? The 2nd video was made by the Grace Powers conspiracy loon at

If you'd actually watched it till the end you'd see a link to that site. There doesn't have to be a link to her loony site as posting the video endorses it's nutso conspiracy loon ideas. As indeed you do! Which makes you....a conspiracy loon like Morrissey. Morrissey has posted a video from a crazy loon, Grace Powers, whose tawdry site 'HelpFreeTheEarth' thinks that both the Charlie Hebdo and Friday 13th Paris Attacks were staged by....wait for it....A Zionist conspiracy led by.....Queen Elizardbeast. Nobody of sound mind would take Morrissey seriously now, especially if he is so lax that he allows his PR portal 'TTY' to post such beserk ravings. By not removing this video, he is indeed endorsing it. And the most rational conclusion is that he sent it to Julia to post it. One has to wonder at her spinelessness in not telling him to f*** off. f*** off Julia. f*** off Morrissey. f*** off Ketamine Sun.

Viva Hate

[TABLE="align: center"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
Paris Attack Predicted In Charlie Cartoon
[TD="width: 5"][/TD]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="class: defaultStyle"]January 14, 2015
Here's the false flag signature typical of all false flags. Predictive programming that they like to call "coincidences" that really aren't coincidences.

This youtube explains it!
Meanwhile the Queen is also piling onto the "Je Suis Charlie" propaganda ride to deflect attention away from her paedophile son Prince Andrew who has been caught red handed boinking underage girls supplied by convicted Jewish billionaire paedophile buddy, Jeffrey Epstein.

Watch Zion King which covers this royal scandal along with the entire royal family's crimes against humanity. A MUST-SEE!

Ring Of Power II: Zion King


Paris Staged Horror

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HAS M changed or have you changed ?

It seems most who come here have a 'love' /HATE relationship with M. But they come
here to show the HATE instead of the love. Or maybe they.... just love to hate?

I feel there is something very unhealthy in this.

Viva Hate

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Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

You are a dumb f***, aren't you? The 2nd video was made by the Grace Powers conspiracy loon at

If you'd actually watched it till the end you'd see a link to that site. There doesn't have to be a link to her loony site as posting the video endorses it's nutso conspiracy loon ideas. As indeed you do! Which makes you....a conspiracy loon like Morrissey. Morrissey has posted a video from a crazy loon, Grace Powers, whose tawdry site 'HelpFreeTheEarth' thinks that both the Charlie Hebdo and Friday 13th Paris Attacks were staged by....wait for it....A Zionist conspiracy led by.....Queen Elizardbeast. Nobody of sound mind would take Morrissey seriously now, especially if he is so lax that he allows his PR portal 'TTY' to post such beserk ravings. By not removing this video, he is indeed endorsing it. And the most rational conclusion is that he sent it to Julia to post it. One has to wonder at her spinelessness in not telling him to f*** off. f*** off Julia. f*** off Morrissey. f*** off Ketamine Sun.

Viva Hate

[TABLE="align: center"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
Paris Attack Predicted In Charlie Cartoon
[TD="width: 5"][/TD]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="class: defaultStyle"]January 14, 2015
Here's the false flag signature typical of all false flags. Predictive programming that they like to call "coincidences" that really aren't coincidences.

This youtube explains it!
Meanwhile the Queen is also piling onto the "Je Suis Charlie" propaganda ride to deflect attention away from her paedophile son Prince Andrew who has been caught red handed boinking underage girls supplied by convicted Jewish billionaire paedophile buddy, Jeffrey Epstein.

Watch Zion King which covers this royal scandal along with the entire royal family's crimes against humanity. A MUST-SEE!

Ring Of Power II: Zion King


Paris Staged Horror

- - - Updated - - -

Viva Hate


+100 brummie
tho i really i am not surprised our 'man action moz' subscribes to these stupid conspiracies. moz is not all that bright.
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Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

I'm sorry to say... That M ...IS NOT ...endorsing that 'organization' UNLESS he or someone at TTY

PUTS a link to direct one to them/it.
So in this case...and MANY others are WRONG.

THOUGH it seems YOU ARE the ONLY one endorsing that 'organization' ... That YOU are the one that's endorsing HATE.

SO TELL US Brummy Boy ... HOW MUCH I$ Grace Powers PAYING YOU ? :crazy::crazy::lbf::straightface:

Your still an emoticomically CAPSLOCK! dumb-f***. Morrissey did indeed PUT a direct link to direct his audience to the 'Zion King' video by Grace Powers by embedding a YouTube pirated version of her ridiculous DVD on his public PR channel known as TTY. He invited his fans to click on it and watch it and provided a commentary headline 'Monarchy Is Anarchy'. Or are you suggesting that Julia came up with that little epithet? I do indeed hate Morrissey, I hate the way he makes me laugh so much I can't eat my dinner. He has turned from a credible C list pop star to a Conspiracy Loon. I choose to see the humour in it all. You need to stick to your usual schtick of trying to impersonate Morrissey impersonating Wilde, both doing so remarkably badly.


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Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

SORRY, but... There is NO link for one to click on in order to direct one directly to said 'organization'.

> I also DON'T feel that whoever is posting these on TTY is putting a gun up to your head and saying.. BELIEVE,BELIEVE,BELIEVE.

> I feel the videos were put up so if one wishes to...they then can let that information inform them as they see fit.

I impersonate no one... I'm intelligent enough UNLIKE YOU to SEE what was posted on TTY. And UNLIKE YOU
intelligent enough to take it for what IT IS rather than WHAT IT IS NOT.

AGAIN whatever fits your 'AGENDA of HATE'... you'll take ANY scrap of information imagined or not...and run with it.:straightface:

There's so much destruction
all over the world
and all you can do is
complain about me


The video is the link, dumbo. Click on it and you'll see. Keep banging your head against Morrissey's butt. It's an amusing diversion.
Viva Hate-f*** Morrissey

Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

REREAD my post. NO ONE is holding a gun up to yours or anyone's head.

BE intelligent enough to take from the videos what one wants or deems useful.

I DON'T believe posting a video is endorsing or could be considered as a 'direct link one clicks on' to bring them to more information on said 'organization'.
Though if anyone's interested enough and they know how to work a mouse they could find more you did, very 'clever'.:straightface:

Your posts made it seem that you were saying that those at TTY endorse all videos/ideologies of this 'organization'
and that there was a separate link to click on to direct one there.

UNTIL other information is posted on TTY to prove me wrong....

KS my :cool:

all the mozbots seem to have endorsed the videos. go back and peruse the posts.
so moz posts a video on tty that he does not endorse? to what length will the bots go in their futile apologetics.
Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

REREAD my post. NO ONE is holding a gun up to yours or anyone's head.

BE intelligent enough to take from the videos what one wants or deems useful.

I DON'T believe posting a video is endorsing or could be considered as a 'direct link one clicks on' to bring them to more information on said 'organization'.
Though if anyone's interested enough and they know how to work a mouse they could find more you did, very 'clever'.:straightface:

Your posts made it seem that you were saying that those at TTY endorse all videos/ideologies of this 'organization'
and that there was a separate link to click on to direct one there.

UNTIL other information is posted on TTY to prove me wrong....

KS my :cool:

You are a typical Morrissey Cult casualty. All one had to do was check the credits at the end of the video to prove Morrissey is a conspiracy loon. I did so. You're pissed. It's up to you to explain why his TTY front would post such a video, not me. Good luck with that one!

Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

Dear Brummie'wontsomebodyloveme?'Boy, ...aka : deputy of THE CULT OF HATE.

Seems to be your hobby to be checking credits at the tail end of all things 'suspicious' to YOU. Because, NO ONE ELSE could give a rat's f*** about it.... ONLY YOU.

So go check and recheck again BULLY BOY... And if you can't 'find' something to twist...
then you can... AS YOU DO .. make something up (imagined 'FACTS') to further your AGENDA OF HATE.

I DON'T NEED to watch the end credits and play 'gumshoe' to see that the video is based on conspiracy theories.

What is 'true' for others does not need to be 'true' for you or for me. So use your 'brain' or what's left of it.

AND , NO... it's not 'up to me' to explain ANYTHING . Or defend OR justify ANYTHING. Nor is it up to M to EXPLAIN,JUSTIFY, OR DEFEND ANYTHING.....



So you can just...

KS my:cool:

U mad bro?

Re: TTY: Universal Music, London - refuses to re-issue "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"

U mad bro?


very strange how the moz cultics think they 'love' moz as if they would jesus, and that moz loves them back.
moz loves only but hot dudes and the good life.
[h=1]Madonna 'Like a Prayer' [Acoustic Performance at Place de la République, Paris][/h]
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