TTY: Universal Music - response to denial

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Universal Music -
25 November 2015

Universal Music (London) have denied refusing to re-issue Morrissey's I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris in support of the victims of the recent Paris atrocities.
Morrissey is in possession of a letter from John Reid at Russells (London) in which it is clearly stated that David Joseph of Universal Music (London) has no interest in re-issuing I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris, but has instead planned his own tribute to the Paris victims for December which will only involve current Universal bands.
Universal Music has claimed to be "hurt" by the suggestion that such a letter exists.
The letter can be freely made available to anyone who wishes to read it.

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If this re-release isn't happening l've got a great idea for an alternative tribute.

Morrissey should get himself on Google, find out where each of the victims of the Paris attacks worked and, one by one, email their grieving bosses with a cheery jpeg telling them to go f*** themselves. If he finds any that were self-employed or not working, he could just leave a note on their graves.

Not sure if this would raise much money, but it would definitely get publicity.
A few questions popped up:
1. Why would Morrissey offer to present the letter if no such letter exists?
2. Why is it more likely (to some people) that Morrissey is lying about this?
3. Why are those who believe in Morrissey being attacked and ridiculed? Eg: post no. 11.
I just found this site via a news article on the Paris business (which I'm deeply saddened and still shocked by). I'd like to read this letter too, but I don't think it really exists does it? I've not met Morrissey, but having done some background on him, he doesn't come across as the most honourable man in the world. However I have met David Joseph and many others at Universal Music, and I can tell you, they are OK and a fair bunch of people trying to do there job in trying times.
Publish or be damned Mr Morrissey, simple. Labels do it everyday.

:D Welcome (back?) to the site, you'll fit right in.
Dear Lord. Morrissey, darling: you used to be brilliant and I still love you to bits. But for the love of God - please stop this embarrassing self-sabotage already? Deal? OK, good. Thank you.
A few questions popped up:
1. Why would Morrissey offer to present the letter if no such letter exists?
2. Why is it more likely (to some people) that Morrissey is lying about this?
3. Why are those who believe in Morrissey being attacked and ridiculed? Eg: post no. 11.

1. I don't know that no letter exists, but you wrote "if" so... If no letter exists he can either tell a second lie or admit he was lying to begin with. Of course a reasonable person would figure out a way to make it seem like there was a mix up, but then a reasonable person wouldn't have posted that photo he got off of twitter.
2. Some people feel that a record executive, despite the reputation the music business has/had is still a person who is a little more grounded and responsible than an artist. I think if it was members of Oasis, or whoever you would like to name, there is still a societal bias where we see businessmen as practical and stable, and artists as strange and "other." And this is sad and unfair. But most of us have never heard of this record executive, whereas most of us have heard at least a few stories involving Morrissey where there was some doubt whether he was being completely honest. If asked to name a list of his top qualities, even those who idolize him would probably not immediately think of honest or trustworthy as his top traits. And for some of us that adds to his appeal.
3. This is "so-low," "a hateful online creche."
now its john reid from russel's london in a letter. LOL
first it was the record company now its john reid from russel's in a letter.
more mozllocks.
he will claim he does not have permission to release from john reid etc etc etc.
a convenient buffer for his bullshot, this john reid, who now will take the fall for. meanwhile, as expected, no letter and more mozllocks.
Oher artists are kissing record labels asses like whores, i still can't believe Johnny has so many releases. Same theme, different issue. He stands up for himself.
The letter can be freely made available to anyone who wishes to read it.

If this letter really existed Moz should've posted it in this bullshit post on TTY. Give it up old man, you're finished. There will NEVER be another record, not on a major label anyways, and since Moz is too glamorous to record on an indie label that's it. If you look up "has been" in Websters Dictionary you'll see Mozzer's deflated quiff. Or should I say queef......
Only Morrissey could drum up negative publicity on the back of such a tragic event. Ditto Norway.
Are you stupid or what? These are letters from a solicitor. You can't just publish them for the whole world to see but certain crappy news websites could look at them for evidence before they produce their news.

Perhaps Morrissey can explain why his 'request' to David Joseph to re-release his record was answered via their legal agents? What on earth was in Morrissey's 'request' that David Joseph felt it was a suitable precaution to answer it via his solicitors rather than a simple email reply? Morrissey can't publish the response from Russels for 'legal reasons' but if it ever does emerge covertly, the question will remain as to what was the content of Morrissey's 'request' to Universal that was so full of 'loving' respect towards the victims of the Paris Attacks that it generated a Solicitor's letter. Will Morrissey also make available his original 'request'? The one that triggered a legal response?

As Morrissey is no longer under contract with Universal, does he own the publishing/recording rights to this track? Or did he flog them to Universal? In which case the 'sacrifice' of a charity record is nothing to him and all costs would be borne by Universal. Also, why didn't Universal invite him onto their group rosta response record? Did other artists on Universal make it very clear to David Joseph that Morrissey was an unacceptable participant due to his inflammatory opportunism with regard to the Utoya Slaughter in Oslo? That seems highly likely to me. I can't imagine those acts aren't aware of his shameless trolling of the Oslo terrorist atrocities.

Once again, Morrissey is trolling the Paris Attacks to try and oxygenate his butt-hurt whinge/conspiracy theory about his failure to be offered a recording contract and lavish publicity budget by one of the Big 4 labels. If he still owns the copyright/publishing to this tiresome song, he can simply re-record it and re-release it via iTunes and carry the costs/donate any profits to charity. A maudlin unplugged acoustic version would seem suitably mawkish to generate the crocodile tears. If he doesn't own the copyright/publishing rights to this song, then he needs to explain why he is, once again, trying to generate media interest in his C list career by trying to hitch his PR wagon to the Paris Attacks. And trying to game Universal Records deep catalogue.

Or I guess Morrissey could give DavidT sight of this letter over coffee at some swish hotel in LA. Then DavidT could report back to us all that Morrissey is indeed sweetness and light and was genuninely moved to tears by the Paris Attacks despite being 'Meh!' about Utoya. Then this 'crappy news website' can confirm he is innocent of any charges of being devious, truculent and unreliable. Over to you Morrissey. LOL!

best wishes
The Ghost of BrummieBoy
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he could re record it and then release the new recording. there is only one problem, though. he would have to pay for the studio and for boz and the boys. that puts kaput on the possibility.

another coincidence. there is a letter but due to the fact that its by his solicitor then it cant be published. what a convenient excuse. after the fact its the solicitor who said.
The letter can be freely made available to anyone who wishes to read it.

If this letter really existed Moz should've posted it in this bullshit post on TTY. Give it up old man, you're finished. There will NEVER be another record, not on a major label anyways, and since Moz is too glamorous to record on an indie label that's it. If you look up "has been" in Websters Dictionary you'll see Mozzer's deflated quiff. Or should I say queef......

I suspect there's some truth to this. Morrissey has pride issues such that he simply can't accept that the Big 4 music companies cannot see a market for his 'iterative Dad-rock with World Music flourishes'. He thinks that the Big 4 are 'glamour' but, in fact, the most glamorous and successful artist in the world, Adele, is on an independent and via that XL Records base, negotiates distribution deals with Sony, etc, for world markets. But Adele probably has a serious business brain as well as The Voice Of Several Generations. In Morrissey's twisted fantasies I'm sure he imagines he is a match to Adele and he simply cannot understand why he only ever became a C List celeb whilst this plus size woman from Tottenham became everything he imagines was his right. He is indeed a has-been, but a particularly undignified one. Rather than accept with grace that he is now a Legacy artist and make the best of it he would rather disguise his career failure beneath an absurd stink bomb of Conspiracy Theories. His sales have been unremarkable all along. He wasn't anyway near MJ, Madonna, George Michael or Prince in his heyday and it is absolute lunacy to see him whinge about genuine singing stars like Ed Sheeran. Thank goodness Adele appeared and proved absolutely everything Morrissey opines as absolute tosh.


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Only Morrissey could drum up negative publicity on the back of such a tragic event. Ditto Norway.

It's almost as if he intends to......*rollseyes*

Perhaps Morrissey can explain why his 'request' to David Joseph to re-release his record was answered via their legal agents? What on earth was in Morrissey's 'request' that David Joseph felt it was a suitable precaution to answer it via his solicitors rather than a simple email reply? Morrissey can't publish the response from Russels for 'legal reasons' but if it ever does emerge covertly, the question will remain as to what was the content of Morrissey's 'request' to Universal that was so full of 'loving' respect towards the victims of the Paris Attacks that it generated a Solicitor's letter. Will Morrissey also make available his original 'request'? The one that triggered a legal response?

As Morrissey is no longer under contract with Universal, does he own the publishing/recording rights to this track? Or did he flog them to Universal? In which case the 'sacrifice' of a charity record is nothing to him and all costs would be borne by Universal. Also, why didn't Universal invite him onto their group rosta response record? Did other artists on Universal make it very clear to David Joseph that Morrissey was an unacceptable participant due to his inflammatory opportunism with regard to the Utoya Slaughter in Oslo? That seems highly likely to me. I can't imagine those acts aren't aware of his shameless trolling of the Oslo terrorist atrocities.

Once again, Morrissey is trolling the Paris Attacks to try and oxygenate his butt-hurt whinge/conspiracy theory about his failure to be offered a recording contract and lavish publicity budget by one of the Big 4 labels. If he still owns the copyright/publishing to this tiresome song, he can simply re-record it and re-release it via iTunes and carry the costs/donate any profits to charity. A maudlin unplugged acoustic version would seem suitably mawkish to generate the crocodile tears. If he doesn't own the copyright/publishing rights to this song, then he needs to explain why he is, once again, trying to generate media interest in his C list career by trying to hitch his PR wagon to the Paris Attacks.

Or I guess Morrissey could give his DavidT sight of this letter over coffee at some swish hotel in LA. Then DavidT could report back to us all that Morrissey is indeed sweetness and light and was genuninely moved to tears by the Paris Attacks despite being 'Meh!' about Utoya. Then this 'crappy news website' can confirm he is innocent of any charges of being devious, truculent and unreliable. Over to you Morrissey. LOL!

best wishes
The Ghost of BrummieBoy

Some of this is very speculative. But if you believe this then you do believe Morrissey was rejected in some sort of offer.
I think it's more likely, if there was any contact, that he wanted a physical re-release of his old record and all the publicity that might go with that, costs paid by Universal. He posts bus ads on his website, so it's pretty obvious he would like to have an ad campaign for an old record that he wouldn't have to do anything for. This of course would sell some of his other records, too. He probably didn't want to be part of any group effort, and they probably don't want to promote him when they have this other project in mind already.
And he probably does not own the rights to re-record the song even if he wanted to, as you said, though he probably does own the publishing on the original, but who knows. It could easily have been part of some deal when he left that they took that in lieu of payback on advances.

I don't think any artists would care that Morrissey is on their charity record. I think anyone that does it is doing it for selfish reasons to some degree. Do these things really offer any help or solution? When there is a definite goal I'm sure they do, but a record to fight terrorism? What really is the goal and where would the money go anyway?

But that's just my opinion and I do enjoy your posts and always consider your opinions. I just think that some of this is a stretch.
he could re record it and then release the new recording. there is only one problem, though. he would have to pay for the studio and for boz and the boys. that puts kaput on the possibility.

another coincidence. there is a letter but due to the fact that its by his solicitor then it cant be published. what a convenient excuse. after the fact its the solicitor who said.

IF he still owns the copyright/publishing rights to this song, then he can do so. But, as you say, he'd have to fund it himself and that's unlikely. This is all rather predictable. He wants free publicity on the back of the Paris Attacks. He wants to feign 'loving respect' whilst also gaming a former record company for free publicity to get a new offer from them or another Big 4 company. If it's a success he wins, if it fails, well it's just more evidence of a Conspiracy and his 'charity' record wasn't promoted as much as the rest were. Etc.

If Morrissey was anything other than a vile troll, he would have used this tragedy to reflect on his offensive trolling of the Oslo massacre, issued a heartfelt apology to those victims and then he could be taken seriously about claiming to care about Paris.

Of course, if he was genuinely moved, one might imagine his Muse would contact him to write a new song about Paris, rather than re-hash this old dirge. He is a Vile Troll. One you accept that simple proposition, his every move makes perfect sense.

I don't need to see that letter. I believe Morrissey. That's why I'm here, following his SA Tour, expecting his arrival to BA.

I can't understand why so many people need to spread hate through this forum, when they could be showing love and support through David Joseph's forums, since they say he is such a good and selfless man, apparently loved by crowds.
I don't need to see that letter. I believe Morrissey. That's why I'm here, following his SA Tour, expecting his arrival to BA.

I can't understand why so many people need to spread hate through this forum, when they could be showing love and support through David Joseph's forums, since they say he is such a good and selfless man, apparently loved by crowds.

Your 'belief' is only relevant with regard to your need to keep a certain image of Morrissey intact in your mind. If you're here to follow the SA tour, why are you on this thread? Morrissey=Viva Hate. Etc. I am not aware of David Joseph's forum, can you provide a link. Morrissey=Vile Troll

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